Barnaby Raine

David Widgery book review

It Moves!

Barnaby Raine finds much to admire in Against Miserabilism, a new edition of writings by the late socialist author David Widgery

If not Corbyn, then what?

Barnaby Raine offers a viewpoint on left-wing Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn.

#GE2015: Was Labour too left-wing?

Barnaby Raine takes on the battle for interpretation over Labour's failure. David Cameron possesses a deeply irritating ability to win. He performs as an archetype...

How to learn from Lenin

Barnaby Raine examines the relevance of one of Lenin's key works 'The State and Revolution'. Originally published in the Autumn 2014 issue of the...

BDS is about justice, not antisemitism

Barnaby Raine looks at the myths Israel creates in order to perpetuate the occupation - and asks how the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS)...

Latest articles

Protests in November last year (Lebanese independence day)

‘It is time for rage’

The disastrous explosion in Beirut on 4 August has opened a new phase in Lebanon's revolutionary upheaval
Nurses protest over pay in London

Thousands march in first move of NHS pay battle

A wave of actions by NHS workers opens the door for a major struggle against austerity and poverty pay

From Stonewall to Black Lives Matter

Thinking about rebellion: Keegan O’Brien reflects on the threads that connect the Stonewall Riots to the contemporary Black Lives Matter movement.

Artivists at Work 2

More from Artivists at Work: resisting NHS cuts, unsafe school reopenings and the gendered impacts of Covid-19.

‘White Terror’ in Hong Kong

The postponement of elections in Hong Kong has more to do with Beijing’s fear of the democracy movement than public health concerns.

Hiroshima, Nagasaki and the future of Trident

On the 75th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, Eileen Cook highlights the danger of Trident remaining in Scotland.
Nurses marching in London to demand a pay rise

Nurses strike back against attack on pay

Nurses and health workers are fighting back on pay – and kicking off a battle to defend our health and care services

Hearts and stomachs

Last week's vote on the Trade Bill showed how the callous disregard for human life and food safety that Upton Sinclair exposed in his classic novel The Jungle is as relevant as ever.
Protesters hold two banners reading 'Disband the Met, Shut detention centres, Black lives matter' and 'No justice, no peace, abolish the police'

Report: How to defund the police – strategies for abolition

Jiaqi Kang reports on East London rs21's meeting on police abolition.
Westferry printworks

Johnson’s bonanza for private capital

The Tories are increasing spending, but the money is going to the rich. Adam Blanden argues that this represents the acceleration of Britain’s transformation into a ‘speculator state’.


Westferry printworks

Johnson’s bonanza for private capital

The Tories are increasing spending, but the money is going to the rich. Adam Blanden argues that this represents the acceleration of Britain’s transformation into a ‘speculator state’.

Defund the police. Disarm the state.

The demand to defund the police should extend beyond reallocating existing government spending. We also need to address the racist ways that the state polices all aspects of working-class life.

Not one more of us will be sacrificed

rs21 members argue that deaths and job losses are not inevitable and that as we can’t rely on government or employers, we will have to rely on each other to fight for our lives and our livelihoods.

Video: Capitalism is the virus

Video: Brendan Montague looks at how capitalism, colonialism, ecological devastation co-evolved and at what we can do to cure our societies and our planet.

The Black Lives Matter movement in 2020: results and prospects

Jaswinder Blackwell-Pal considers the situation of the BLM movement in Britain and argues for centring the politics of abolition and anti-imperialist solidarity.