Watch F8 with the global developer community on May 1 & 2 for the latest in technology and innovation from Facebook. Register for the livestream at

Facebook's annual developer conference showcases our latest technology and gives you a glimpse into what's next for Facebook. F8 will be held at the McEnery Convention Center in San Jose, CA on May 1 and 2, 2018.

We’re inspired by the many ways people build community on Facebook. See what we announced at the Facebook Communities Summit to give leaders the support they need to serve their communities

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Jay Mendoza’s top trick for creating on Facebook: “Do what’s funny to you, stay genuine to who you are, and just keep creating.” How do you like to express your personality?

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Manko Fit's advice for creating on Facebook: “Find what it is that you’re passionate about. If you have something new and fresh to bring to the table to separate yourself from the rest, you’re going to be successful.” What’s your passion?

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