24 February 2018

Trump uses Australian PM’s visit to threaten North Korea

By Peter Symonds, 24 February 2018

Trump warned that if sanctions on North Korea did not work he would move to “phase two,” which could be “a very rough thing.”

Top US intelligence official declares “decision time” on North Korea coming closer

Australian deputy prime minister ousted via untested sexual harassment allegation

By Mike Head, 24 February 2018

The removal of Barnaby Joyce throws into further doubt the future of the already fragile Turnbull Coalition government.

Plea deal by former Trump aide brings Russia probe closer to White House

By Barry Grey, 24 February 2018

Gates’ plea deal comes in the midst of an increasingly hysterical campaign in the media against Russia.

Walkout by West Virginia teachers to continue through Monday

By Shannon Jones, 24 February 2018

The unions announced the extension of the two-day strike on Friday evening, fearful that the anger of teachers could erupt outside of their control.

West Virginia teachers carry out state-wide strike

The political issues facing West Virginia teachers

“We need an uprising of the people to put a stop to this”
West Virginia teachers call for expansion of their struggle

By our reporter, 24 February 2018

A World Socialist Web Site reporting team spoke with teachers protesting outside the state capitol in Charleston on Friday.

More on US teachers »

UK lecturers stage second day of national strikes

By Robert Stevens, 24 February 2018

In contrast to the stand by lecturers and students, the University and College Union has insisted that the strikes give way as soon as possible to resumed negotiations.

Lecturers and students stage united protests in Sheffield and Southampton

By our reporters, 24 February 2018

World Socialist Web Site reporters spoke to lecturers and students at universities around the UK.

“This is a political attack”
Striking UK lecturers speak on struggle against assault on pensions

Tuition fees review will escalate marketisation of higher education in UK

By Thomas Scripps, 24 February 2018

At the center of discussions is the introduction of market-based pricing for degree courses, based on likely graduate earnings.

Informal EU summit steps up Middle East war threats, attacks on migrants

By Alex Lantier, 24 February 2018

The summit featured threats against Syria and plans to intensify the neocolonial war led by France in Mali.

German Chancellor promotes rearmament and war in speech to parliament

By Johannes Stern, 24 February 2018

Merkel made clear that the incoming grand coalition will implement a massive military build-up, a new round of social austerity and adopt the far-right’s policies on refugees.

Report by German armed forces commissioner prompts calls for rearmament

More on militarism in Germany »

After Parkland shooting, Trump calls for teachers to be armed

By Niles Niemuth, 24 February 2018

The president has argued that allowing teachers and school staff, particularly military veterans, to carry concealed weapons would deter potential school shooters and protect students.

The Parkland shooting: Why are mass killings so common in the United States?

New York Times exploits Parkland tragedy to escalate anti-Russian campaign

US Federal Communications Commission sets end date for net neutrality

By Will Morrow, 24 February 2018

Beginning on April 23, multibillion-dollar corporations such as Comcast and AT&T; will be able to restrict access to or completely censor web sites.

Net neutrality and the drive to censor the internet

Florida inmate denounces governor, screams “Murderers!” before lethal injection

By Kate Randall, 24 February 2018

Despite briefs filed by a group of former judges, Florida Supreme Court justices and other professionals, the US Supreme Court denied a stay of execution.

Notes from Puerto Rico
Wave of home foreclosures expected to hit Puerto Rico

By Antonio Castro, 24 February 2018

This is the third in a series of on-the-ground updates from a Puerto Rican worker on the unfolding crisis on the island in the wake of Hurricane María.

Puerto Rican Investment Summit discusses how to profit from human tragedy

Notes from Puerto Rico
Thousands of workers in Puerto Rico continue to live without running water

More on Puerto Rico »

Boston: MBTA infrastructure and working conditions worsen

By John Marion, 24 February 2018

The record snowfall of February 2015 shut down the entire Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority system multiple times.

Spain: Podemos support plummets after rightward lurch

By Paul Mitchell, 24 February 2018

A major factor in the decline of Podemos has been the experience of workers and middle-class people with the party in numerous town halls and city halls.

New in German

Das Massaker von Parkland: Warum kommt es in den USA so häufig zu Amokläufen?

24. Februar 2018

Nach dem jüngsten Amoklauf haben sich tausende von Schülern an Demonstrationen beteiligt. Doch um solche Gewalttaten künftig zu verhindern, müssen sie die tieferen sozialen und politischen Wurzeln dieser Tragödien verstehen.

SPD-Führung erhöht Druck auf Mitgliedschaft

Peter Schwarz, 24. Februar 2018

Die SPD-Führung setzt alle Hebel in Bewegung, damit die SPD-Mitglieder einer Neuauflage der Großen Koalition zustimmen.

Essener Tafel: Nahrungsmittel nur noch für Deutsche

Marianne Arens und Christoph Vandreier, 24. Februar 2018

Die Essener Tafel akzeptiert bei der Ausgabe von Lebensmitteln keine Ausländer mehr. Der Vorfall wird für eine rechte Kampagne genutzt.

Lehrer in ganz West Virginia im Streik

Jerry White, 24. Februar 2018

Beim ersten Streik seit fast 30 Jahren haben in West Virginia etwa 15.000 Lehrer, Schulbusfahrer und weitere Angestellte am Donnerstag und Freitag die Arbeit niedergelegt.

Vor 75 Jahren: Nazi-Regime ermordet Mitglieder der Weißen Rose

24. Februar 2018

Am 22. Februar 1943 wurden Sophie Scholl, Hans Scholl und Christoph Probst, alle drei Mitglieder der Weißen Rose, vom NS- Regime zum Tod verurteilt und sofort hingerichtet.

New in Norwegian

Årets sikkerhetskonferanse i München og den gryende konflikten mellom USA og Europa

Alex Lantier, 22 February 2018

Denne helgens konferanse ble dominert av en voksende, potensielt voldelig stormaktskonflikt, faktisk mellom USA og Europa.

De grønne i Tyskland kritiserer manglende militær «beredskap»

Johannes Stern, 22 February 2018

De tidligere pasifistene har flyttet så langt inn i militarismens leir at de angriper de konservatives kristelig-demokrat-styrte forsvarsdepartement fra høyre.

New York Times og det besynderlige tilfellet Quinn Norton

Will Morrow, 22 February 2018

Ansettelsen og sparkingen av den lite-kjente bloggeren avslører visse realiteter om Times-redaksjonen.

München-sikkerhetskonferansen og Tysklands tilbakevending til verdensmakt-politikk

Peter Schwarz, 21 February 2018

Intervensjonene fra det tyske forsvaret og utenriksministrene på konferansen viser at det sentrale målet for den nye store koalitionsregeringen vil være å akselerere Tysklands retur til militarisme og stor maktpolitikk.

New in French

Les enseignants font grève dans tout l’Etat de Virginie-Occidentale

Jerry White, 24 février 2018

C’est la première grève d’enseignants depuis presque trois décennies, environ 15 000 enseignants, chauffeurs de bus scolaires et d’autres employés de Virginie-Occidentale ont débrayé jeudi.

La fusillade de Parkland : Pourquoi les massacres sont-ils si fréquents aux États-Unis ?

Eric London, 24 février 2018

Des milliers d’étudiants ont participé à des manifestations à la suite de la dernière éruption de violence meurtrière. Mais pour arrêter les massacres, ils doivent comprendre les racines sociales et politiques plus profondes de ces tragédies.

Allemagne : la direction du SPD cherche à tromper les membres du parti qui votent sur la grande coalition

Christoph Vandreier, 24 février 2018

Le SPD a envoyé des bulletins de vote à ses membres pour leur demander de voter sur une nouvelle édition de la grande coalition avec la CDU-CSU.

New in Spanish

El tiroteo en Parkland: ¿Por qué son tan comunes los asesinatos masivos en Estados Unidos?

Por Eric London, 24 febrero 2018

Miles de estudiantes están participando en manifestaciones después del último estallido de violencia homicida. Sin embargo, para detener los asesinatos, necesitan entender las raíces sociales y políticas más profundas de estas tragedias.

Maestros de West Virginia hacen huelga a nivel estatal

Por Jerry White, 24 febrero 2018

En la primera huelga de maestros en casi tres décadas, alrededor de 15.000 maestros de West Virginia, conductores de autobuses escolares y otros empleados escolares salieron de las aulas el jueves.

La temporada electoral comienza en México
Segunda parte: la bancarrota política del tercer intento de Andrés Manuel López Obrador

Por Don Knowland, 24 febrero 2018

En 2018, López Obrador dirige la más derechista, nacionalista y explícitamente antisocialista de cualquiera de sus tres campañas para la Presidencia mexicana.

Se preparan elecciones en Egipto bajo una represión masiva

Por Jean Shaoul, 24 febrero 2018

Se espera que los comicios se lleven a cabo en medio de un gran disentimiento social y económico de la empobrecida clase obrera.

La Edad Dorada de PBS: borrando a la clase trabajadora de la historia

Por Tom Mackaman, 24 febrero 2018

PBS difundió el documental como parte de su serie “La Experiencia Estadounidense” el 6 de febrero.

New in Russian

Эта неделя в истории
100 лет назад: Германия нарушает условия перемирия и вторгается на территорию Советской России

22 февраля 2018 г.

Пятьдесят три дивизии войск Германской и Австро-Венгерской империи вторгаются на этой неделе 1918 года на территорию России, — в нарушение военного перемирия, установленного после продолжительных, но незавершенных, переговоров в Брест-Литовске.

New in Turkish

Münih Güvenlik Konferansı ve Almanya’nın dünya gücü politikasına dönüşü

Peter Schwarz, 22 Şubat 2018

Almanya, geçtiğimiz yüzyılda iki dünya savaşına ve insanlık tarihindeki en korkunç suçlara yol açan militarizme ve büyük güç politikasına dönüyor.

Marx’ın sermayenin yasalarına ilişkin çözümlemesi ve hisse senedi piyasası krizi

Nick Beams, 22 Şubat 2018

Marx’ın sermayenin devinim yasalarına ilişkin çözümlemesi, yanlışlanmış ya da zamanını doldurmuş olmak bir yana, canlı olaylar eliyle doğrulanmıştır.

Tillerson ABD-Türkiye ilişkilerinin “krizde” olduğunu ilan etti

Jordan Shilton ve Halil Celik, 22 Şubat 2018

Bir ABD-Türkiye uzlaşması olasılığı, özellikle Trump yönetimi İran ile cepheleşmeyi sadece Suriye’de değil ama Ortadoğu genelinde hızla derinleştirme yönünde ilerlediği için, dışlanmamalı.

Film yönetmeni Michael Haneke Berlin film festivali öncesinde #MeToo hareketini eleştirdi

Katerina Selin, 22 Şubat 2018

Avusturyalı yönetmen, verdiği röportajda, filmleri ve sanat eserlerini sansürleme yönündeki son girişimlere yönelik öfkesini de dile getirdi.

Other Languages


West Virginia teachers take a stand

24 February 2018

The two-day strike by teachers in West Virginia is part of a growing wave of working-class opposition throughout the US and internationally.

Earlier Perspectives »

Twenty years of the WSWS

Twenty years of the World Socialist Web Site: 1998–2018

By David North and Joseph Kishore, 14 February 2018

As the WSWS marks its 20th anniversary of daily posting, it is taking the lead in exposing the conspiracy by governments and corporations to censor the Internet as the ruling class prepares for war and domestic repression.

Opposition grows among students and youth to Internet censorship

By our reporters, 24 February 2018

Student who spoke with the IYSSE talked about the power of the Internet to organize opposition and disseminate information outside the control of the corporate and state media.

WSWS/SEP/IYSSE public meetings
Organizing Resistance to Internet Censorship

For an international coalition to fight Internet censorship
An open letter from the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site to socialist, anti-war, left-wing and progressive websites, organizations and activists

23 January 2018

The Russian meddling fraud: Weapons of mass destruction revisited

WSWS Chairperson David North interviewed on Chris Hedges’ “On Contact”

More on Internet censorship » »


The growing threat of global trade war

By Nick Beams, 24 February 2018

Two major initiatives by the Trump administration over the past month have ratcheted up global tensions, bringing the threat of retaliatory actions from the European Union and China.

A law unto themselves: US Border Patrol expands use of warrantless searches

By Meenakshi Jagadeesan, 23 February 2018

More on the attacks on immigrants »

The New York Times and the strange case of Quinn Norton

BBC gender pay row: Selective outrage of wealthy women

Tory-media witch-hunt claims Labour’s Corbyn was a spy

Arts Review

Raoul Peck’s The Young Karl Marx

By Peter Schwarz, 15 March 2017

The Young Karl Marx, Raoul Peck's biographical portrait of Marx and Engels between 1843 and 1847, opened in movie theaters in New York City and Los Angeles Friday to be followed by a wider US release. We are re-posting the review which originally appeared on the WSWS last March.

Bill Frisell: A Portrait—an intimate documentary about a unique guitarist

By Richard Phillips, 23 February 2018

A conversation with Emma Franz, director of Bill Frisell: A Portrait

Ryan Coogler’s Black Panther: A hollow “defining moment” cloaked in identity politics

By Nick Barrickman, 22 February 2018

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

24 February 2018

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Nova Scotia teachers vote massively in favour of “illegal” strike

By Roger Jordan, 23 February 2018

Air France workers strike to demand pay increase

By Anthony Torres, 23 February 2018


IYSSE meeting draws together Flint, Puerto Rico, Kentucky workers to discuss water crisis

By our reporter, 23 February 2018

The meeting provided a forum for workers and youth to discuss the root causes of the mounting water crisis in the US and internationally and a socialist perspective to fight back.

Students and workers call for the unity of the working class following meeting on Flint water crisis

By our reporters, 23 February 2018

The coal slurry disaster of 2000
The story behind the water crisis in Martin County, Kentucky

Autoworkers Struggles

Four months since the death of a young Ford worker
Still no serious investigation into death of Jacoby Hennings

By Jerry White, 22 February 2018

Indian authorities intensify vendetta against framed-up Maruti-Suzuki workers

By Keith Jones, 22 February 2018

The Grenfell Tower fire

Grenfell Fire Forum: Failed by the State co-director discusses smear campaign against his documentary

By our reporter, 19 February 2018

Failed by the State co-writer and presenter Ish: “I wasn’t trying to push agendas, I was just trying to tell the truth about Grenfell.”

By Robert Stevens, 16 February 2018

More on the Grenfell Tower fire »

25 years ago: Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney resigns

After eight and one-half years in office, Canada’s Tory Prime Minister Brian Mulroney announced he would resign as soon his successor was chosen.

More »

50 years ago: US docks boycott threatened in support of striking copper miners

On February 22, 1968, Thomas Gleason, head of the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA), announced that 100,000 dockworkers on the East and Gulf coasts would no longer unload copper imports.

More »

75 years ago: Members of White Rose resistance group executed by Nazi regime

On February 22, 1943, Sophie Scholl, Hans Scholl and Christoph Probst, leading members of White Rose, an underground resistance organisation opposed to the Nazi regime, were summarily tried and executed.

More »


100 years ago: Germany breaks truce, invades Soviet Russia

Fifty-three divisions of the German and Austro-Hungarian empires marched deeply into Russian territory this week in 1918, violating the armed truce established in lengthy, but inconclusive, negotiations at Brest-Litovsk.

More »

Featured Interview

An interview with David North
Socialism or Barbarism: Reflections on Global Disorder

6 February 2018

In October 2017, David North delivered a lecture on the centenary of the October Revolution at St. Andrews College in Scotland. Prior to the lecture, he was interviewed by Adam Stromme, the editor in chief of the St Andrews Economist, the official publication of the St Andrews Economics Society.

Mehring Books

The Heritage We Defend and other important books by David North and the ICFI published in Turkish

By Halil Celik, 20 January 2018

In a country where the working class and socialist movement in general has been dominated by Stalinism, Maoism and petty-bourgeois nationalist tendencies for decades, these books are of prime importance in developing socialist consciousness among workers and youth.

New publication by Mehring Books (UK)
The falsification of David King’s work

12 January 2018

Mehring Books has produced a new pamphlet to memorialise David King, who devoted his extraordinary artistic gifts to salvaging the historical truth of the Russian Revolution of 1917 and its aftermath.

New in Arabic

WSWS publishes Arabic translation of “100 years since the Balfour Declaration.”

We are publishing here, in one part, the Arabic translation of the two-part article series, “100 years since the Balfour Declaration.” This was first published on the World Socialist Web Site on November 7/8, 2017.