- published: 27 Feb 2015
- views: 2797768
The AK-47 (also known as the Kalashnikov, AK, or in Russian slang, Kalash) is a selective-fire (semi-automatic and automatic), gas-operated 7.62×39mm assault rifle, developed in the Soviet Union by Mikhail Kalashnikov. It is officially known in the Soviet documentation as Avtomat Kalashnikova (Russian: Автомат Калашникова).
Design work on the AK-47 began in the last year of World War II (1945). In 1946, the AK-47 was presented for official military trials, and in 1948, the fixed-stock version was introduced into active service with selected units of the Soviet Army. An early development of the design was the AKS (S—Skladnoy or "folding"), which was equipped with an underfolding metal shoulder stock. In 1949, the AK-47 was officially accepted by the Soviet Armed Forces and used by the majority of the member states of the Warsaw Pact.
Even after almost seven decades the model and its variants remain the most popular and widely used assault rifles in the world because of their substantial reliability under harsh conditions, low production costs compared to contemporary Western weapons, availability in virtually every geographic region and ease of use. The AK-47 has been manufactured in many countries and has seen service with armed forces as well as irregular forces worldwide, and was the basis for developing many other types of individual and crew-served firearms. As of 2004..."Of the estimated 500 million firearms worldwide, approximately 100 million belong to the Kalashnikov family, three-quarters of which are AK-47s".
5 Things You Don't Know About: AK47s
Full Auto AK47 - 100 Round Drum Mag Dump (Ep34)
AK Comparison and Buyer's Guide
AK-47 Collection Overview: IntoWeapons 2014
Ultimate AK Meltdown: Reloaded!
AK47 SBR with Dual Mag
Dual wielding AK-47s
AK47 (AKM): Mud Test
Airsoft gun review : CYMA CM042S (AK47S)
How Does The AK-47 Work - 3D Animation Model
The BEST AK-47 ever produced!
A look at AK-47 Variants
Child fighter with AK 47 on Syria border
東京マルイスタンダード AK47S
Pumpkin Carving With an AK 47
Inside the AK-47
What do you know about the most widely used gun in the world? Check out more videos on http://www.military.com/video/
Please consider supporting me at... https://www.patreon.com/machinegunmike if you are interested in donating to my channel. Money will go to ammo, cameras, mics, random equipment, acquiring guns, and traveling to guns to continue making videos on a continual basis. I enjoy it, but it takes a lot of time, and a lot of money, so anything helps, and thank you! I want my videos to get better and better for you guys and for me! Also, checkout my facebook page if you like at... https://www.facebook.com/machinegunmikeyoutube It's actually more an AKM, then an AK47, but for the average person, they get "AK47" more. Enjoy the short but fun video!
What is your money getting you when you buy an AK that is $500? What about over $1000? Hopefully this guide helps! M+M INC: http://www.cogunsales.com/ Century Arms: http://www.centuryarms.com/ Midwest Industries: http://www.midwestindustriesinc.com/
Review of AK Variant Rifles and Pistols in my yearly Gun Collection overview for 2014. I include a few non-AK pattern rifles, such as the SKS and VZ2008 as well. **AK-47 Rifle Hard Gun Case with Pre-Cut Foam Inserts: https://goo.gl/bKSFJd I use the term “AK-47” generically as a reference to this platform, but technically most are designated AK, AKM, AKMS-U, AKS, AK-101, AK-103, Saiga-12, and SVD copy. True AK-47 Rifles come in three variations (Type 1, Type 2, and the most common Type 3). This original design was later upgraded to what we now see on the market, designated the AKM, or AK Modernized. From there the AK's designation then refer's to the various configurations available, such as, short barrel, side-folding or under-folding stocks, and caliber). The number of customi...
LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? CONSIDER PURCHASING A MAN CAN: https://goo.gl/TCXIU7 SIGN UP FOR OUR EMAIL LIST: http://goo.gl/6FAKIe SUPPORT IV8888 ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/iv8888 OPTICS PLANET: http://bit.ly/1QqzdUh Use code "BESTCIVC" for 5% off your entire OpticsPlanet.com order In this video we meltdown a *REAL* AK-47, a Russian VEPR. The results are simply astonishing. Special thanks to Chase at Definitive Arms and Tim over at Copper Custom for making this video possible! CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE! http://www.iraqveteran8888.com Shirts & other Apparel: http://www.1776united.com Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/iraqveteran8888official Follow us on Instagram: http://instagram.com/mrsiraqveteran8888/ http://instagram.com/chad_iv8888/ Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter...
Last episode: Desert Eagle. http://youtu.be/8T_OW9NHJ84 Next up: Arctic Warfare. http://youtu.be/4hk_km45lXY A history of the AK-47 and a cultural context within games. Email: stu@rtbrown.org Twitter: http://twitter.com/xboxahoy Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/xboxahoy Facebook: http://facebook.com/AhoyYT
Two fully auto ak-47s, 30 round magazines.
Please consider supporting us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/InRangeTV We have subsequently also mud tested a Vietnam era Colt SP1 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyXndCxn9K4 One of the first InRange videos included a mud test on an M1A (M14) in a modified Troy stock. Recently we did a similar, yet more controlled, test on an M1 Garand. With not only our videos, we see people stating that the AK47 would have breezed through, along with many requests to perform the same test on the AK. Well, here it is. The AK47 mud test, InRange style. Next week: The AR15. For more AK related content on InRange, please see our playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLj9u4Ts2NpEuP2xqXfyCEFm5mDnJhFptf InRange T-shirts are now available! https://shop.bbtv.com/collections/forg...
Airsoft gun review : CYMA CM042S (AK47S) :: Video obsahuje aj Slovenské titulky :: And where did I get the gun ? , sice I dont have any sponsor yet , use google to find shops where they sell it :P The price was around 170 Euro
*CLICK ON THE LINK TO SEE HOW M1911 PISTOL WORKS ------- https://youtu.be/1JlFmQRoJ38 *CLICK ON THE LINK TO SEE HOW M16 ASSAULT RIFLE WORKS --- https://youtu.be/y6hNqR4K7tw --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a free game on Steam which has the most realistic disassembly and assembly for weapons. http://store.steampowered.com/app/262410/ Support this channel on Patreon: user?u=5147164
We shoot a few different AK variants. This is one of my favorite defensive platforms.
CNN's Arwa Damon talks to a little boy who was pictured with an AK 47 and hears his family's story on the Syrian border. For more CNN videos, check out our YouTube channel at http://www.youtube.com/cnn Or visit our site at http://www.cnn.com/video/
Yep, it's pumpkin carving time again, and certainly by now you all know how we do it at the Hickok45 Compound. This year's pumpkin carver is an Arsenal SGL 21 (7.62X39). Pumpkin CARVING through the years: Pumpkin Carving with Henry Rifle (2015) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5n9Ebx-bXLI Pumpkin Carving with .44 Magnum (2014) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5m7VBtkdpW4 Pumpkin Carving with Desert Eagle (2013) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNiwpUewbCY Pumpkin Carving with Colt 1911 (2012) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mThUfYcea3I Pumpkin Carving with AK 47 (2011) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2uVS0XXAyE Pumpkin Carving with Glock 23 (2010) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGH8Af9Hdb0 Pumpkin Caving with Glock 21 (2009) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpJpBWFiqPcPum...
The follow-up to our first inside look at the AK-74, this is an inside look at the AK-47. To see the first video on the AK-74 check it out: https://youtu.be/xCgmfbAbP-Q Click here to subscribe: http://bit.ly/1Dt3vp9 Click here to keep up with me: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LarryVickers Instagram: http://instagram.com/vickers_tactical Website: http://www.vickerstactical.com/ Book: https://www.vickersguide.com/ Other videos you should see: Full Auto vs. Semi-Auto with an AK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cosc-RO_oMg The Myth of Over Lubrication https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9bOT_d60LM Minigun Torture Test https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoEOoUeDFAE Insane Russian Shooting Drill https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rI01qKAqYts Badass Slow Motion Heavy Weapons Sequence https://...
Review of AK Variant Rifles and Pistols in my yearly Gun Collection overview for 2014. I include a few non-AK pattern rifles, such as the SKS and VZ2008 as well. **AK-47 Rifle Hard Gun Case with Pre-Cut Foam Inserts: https://goo.gl/bKSFJd I use the term “AK-47” generically as a reference to this platform, but technically most are designated AK, AKM, AKMS-U, AKS, AK-101, AK-103, Saiga-12, and SVD copy. True AK-47 Rifles come in three variations (Type 1, Type 2, and the most common Type 3). This original design was later upgraded to what we now see on the market, designated the AKM, or AK Modernized. From there the AK's designation then refer's to the various configurations available, such as, short barrel, side-folding or under-folding stocks, and caliber). The number of customi...
LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? CONSIDER PURCHASING A MAN CAN: https://goo.gl/TCXIU7 SIGN UP FOR OUR EMAIL LIST: http://goo.gl/6FAKIe SUPPORT IV8888 ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/iv8888 OPTICS PLANET: http://bit.ly/1QqzdUh Use code "BESTCIVC" for 5% off your entire OpticsPlanet.com order In this video we meltdown a *REAL* AK-47, a Russian VEPR. The results are simply astonishing. Special thanks to Chase at Definitive Arms and Tim over at Copper Custom for making this video possible! CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE! http://www.iraqveteran8888.com Shirts & other Apparel: http://www.1776united.com Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/iraqveteran8888official Follow us on Instagram: http://instagram.com/mrsiraqveteran8888/ http://instagram.com/chad_iv8888/ Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter...
The AK-47 is a selective-fire, gas-operated 7.62×39mm assault rifle, first developed in the Soviet Union by Mikhail Kalashnikov. Design work on the AK-47 began in the last year of World War II (1945). After the war in 1946, the AK-47 was presented for official military trials. In 1948, the fixed-stock version was introduced into active service with selected units of the Soviet Army. An early development of the design was the AKS (S—Skladnoy or "folding"), which was equipped with an underfolding metal shoulder stock. In 1949, the AK-47 was officially accepted by the Soviet Armed Forces and used by the majority of the member states of the Warsaw Pact. Even after six decades the model and its variants remain the most popular and widely used assault rifles in the world because of their substa...
Nerf AK-47 Mod, brought to you by PDK Films! In this Nerf Mod video, I show you a look into my new Nerf gun arsenal. I unbox a lot of classic Nerf guns like the Nerf Maverick, Nerf Rayven, and Nerf Raider, and I show you my new custom 3d printed Nerf attachments for my new Nerf AK 47 mod. Subscribe for more Nerf War videos! 3d printed Nerf attachments: https://www.etsy.com/shop/3DPrintedSolid Awesome Merchandise ► http://bit.ly/2o85VYd My gaming channel ► http://youtube.com/kingkousky Cheap Nerf darts ► http://amzn.to/2l3qTCb Best Nerf guns ► http://amzn.to/2kzmycH FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA Instagram ► http://instagram.com/paulkousky Twitter ► http://twitter.com/paulkousky Facebook ► http://facebook.com/paulkousky ---------------------------------------------------------------- ~ About...
LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? CONSIDER PURCHASING A MAN CAN: https://goo.gl/TCXIU7 SIGN UP FOR OUR EMAIL LIST: http://goo.gl/6FAKIe SUPPORT IV8888 ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/iv8888 OPTICS PLANET: http://bit.ly/1QqzdUh Use code "BESTCIVC" for 5% off your entire OpticsPlanet.com order Vortex at OpticsPlanet: http://bit.ly/1SSNrTO OpticsPlanet: http://bit.ly/1QqzdUh Use code "BESTCIVC" for 5% off your entire OpticsPlanet.com order COLE-TAC SUPPRESSOR COVERS: http://goo.gl/HySxdB Use code "COLETAC10" to save 10% on your order. In this video we take a first look at the M10X Elite Hybrid AK47 rifle from M+M Industries. The M10X is a marriage of several different rifle platforms into one to create what could be the ultimate AK style rifle. Ease of use, ambidextrous controls, adjustable gas se...
LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? CONSIDER PURCHASING A MAN CAN: https://goo.gl/TCXIU7 SIGN UP FOR OUR EMAIL LIST: http://goo.gl/6FAKIe SUPPORT IV8888 ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/iv8888 OPTICS PLANET: http://bit.ly/1QqzdUh Use code "BESTCIVC" for 5% off your entire OpticsPlanet.com order Vortex at OpticsPlanet: http://bit.ly/1SSNrTO OpticsPlanet: http://bit.ly/1QqzdUh Use code "BESTCIVC" for 5% off your entire OpticsPlanet.com order In this video we shoot and discuss a very high quality AK-47 variant from DDI out of Knoxville, TN. This particular rifle is built using a Hungarian AKM parts kit with US produced 4140 barrel, DDI produced stamped receiver, and Hogue furniture. DDI uses a Fenocite process to treat the barrel, bolt and several other key components to increase durability, accuracy...
In our first AK overview video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBg2Jl9uUJ8 we looked at the original Russian type variants. Now in this two part sequel, we examine some of the different models made by other nations. This part contains firearms from: PRC China - Type 56 (Factory 386 AKS). DDR East Germany - MPI-KM (Custom build). Romania - PA-86 (Cugir SAR-2), PM-65 (Cugir WASR10/63UF), & PM-90SR (Cugir WASR10/63KR). Yugoslavia - M70 (Custom reweld), M70B1 (Zastava O-PAP M70), M72 (Custom build), & M92 (Zastava PAP M92PV) Visit http://ozarkbeararms.blogspot.com to read range reports and more articles on other firearms and accessories. Click here for the Ozark Bear Arms gunbroker auction page: http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/BrowseItems.aspx?IncludeSellers=1384626
This is a general overview of the major Kalashnikov rifle variants to come out of Russia during the 20th Century. I am often asked what is the difference between the AK47 and AK74, or what a "Krink" is, or how the RPK differs from the standard AK. I hope this video helps a bit and serves as an introduction to the series. Later, we'll look at variants from other nations, but here its just those from Russia or nations such as Bulgaria that made exact copies. Featured rifles: Russian AK47 Type III, Russian Tula AKM, Polish Radom AKMS, Romanian Cugir RPK, Bulgarian Arsenal AK74, Bulgarian Arsenal AKS74, Bulgarian Arsenal AKS74U, Russian Izhmash AK74M, and Russian Molot RPK74M. Visit http://ozarkbeararms.blogspot.com to read range reports and more articles on other firearms and accessories. C...
Review and Comparison of the AK Rifle and Pistol variants in the Gun Collection. I use the term “AK-47” generically as a reference to this platform, but technically most are designated AK, AKM, AKMS-U, AKS, AK-101, AK-103, Saiga-12, and SVD copy. **PARTS & Accessories for AK-47 platform: https://goo.gl/U3f4Cd True AK-47 Rifles come in three variations (Type 1, Type 2, and the most common Type 3). This original design was later upgraded to what we now see on the market, designated the AKM, or AK Modernized. From there the AK's designation then refer's to the various configurations available, such as, short barrel, side-folding or under-folding stocks, and caliber). HELPFUL LINKS: **AK-47 Rifle & Pistol PARTS & Accessories: https://goo.gl/U3f4Cd --PLAYLIST on all AK-47 Review...
In part one in our AK History Series, we talk about the early Kalashnikov prototypes, military trials, and the first AKs to go into production. Included are the AS-44, AK-46, and AK-47. As well as the first AK Type I with a stamped receiver, The Type II with its milled receiver, and the final production version of the original design; the AK Type III. Photos courtesy of Max Popenker at http://www.modernfirearms.net/ Visit http://ozarkbeararms.blogspot.com to read range reports and more articles on other firearms and accessories. Click here for the Ozark Bear Arms gunbroker auction page: http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/BrowseItems.aspx?IncludeSellers=1384626
The C39 V2 U.S. Made AK-47 from Century Arms. Made in the USA with a Lifetime warranty. Please Support Sootch00 on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Sootch00 Join the NRA Today! Click Here: https://membership.nrahq.org/forms/signup.asp?campaignid=XR031487 Century Arms C39 V2 Webpage: http://www.centuryarms.com/c39v2-wood.html Wheaton Arms: http://www.wheatonarms.com/ Steel Targets: http://www.shootsteel.com/ Foam Rifle Rest: https://www.foamactionsports.com/ Wheaton Arms YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/user/wheatonarms Skinny Medic YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/user/SkinnyMedic Hit the Like Button & Subscribe for more Fun Gun Reviews. Thanks for watching~ Sootch00 Instagram: Sootch_00 FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/Sootch00FunGunReviews Music is from Jingle ...
Finally, I get my Arsenal SAM 7 SF AK out for a video! ------------------- ------------------------ Please visit the Hickok45.com website and check out what the great folks who support us have to offer: BUD’s GUN SHOP, THE NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION, FEDERAL PREMIUM, SONORAN DESERT INSTITUTE, SHOOT SOME STEEL, and VAULTEK Handgun Safes: http://www.hickok45.com/supporters/ JOIN THE NRA at the Hickok45 page and get a nice discount: https://membership.nra.org/Hickok45/Join Hickok45 Store: http://shop.missingink.com/hickok45store Federal Premium: http://www.federalpremium.com/ https://www.facebook.com/federalpremiumammo SDI (Sonoran Desert Institute): http://www.sdi.edu/ Steel Targets: https://shootsomesteel.com/ Vaultek Pistol Safes: https://vaulteksafe.com/ UPCOMING “MEET & GREETS” ...
Shooting and showing the Century Arms C39 AK in 7.62X39. ------------------- ------------------------ Please visit the Hickok45.com website and check out what the great folks who support us have to offer: BUD’s GUN SHOP, THE NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION, FEDERAL PREMIUM, SONORAN DESERT INSTITUTE, SHOOT SOME STEEL, and VAULTEK Handgun Safes: http://www.hickok45.com/supporters/ JOIN THE NRA at the Hickok45 page and get a nice discount: https://membership.nra.org/Hickok45/Join Hickok45 Store: http://shop.missingink.com/hickok45store Federal Premium: http://www.federalpremium.com/ https://www.facebook.com/federalpremiumammo SDI (Sonoran Desert Institute): http://www.sdi.edu/ Steel Targets: https://shootsomesteel.com/ Vaultek Pistol Safes: https://vaulteksafe.com/ UPCOMING “MEET & GREET...
1,000,000 Likes for This AK video. It has been in almost every call of duty game, its changed a LOT in some cod games, here is a video to appreciate the AK-47, perhaps the most common gun in cod history. ▶Previous evolution videos: *Evolution of the MP5: https://youtu.be/JTnfUa5lqxc *Evolution of the P90: https://youtu.be/NQIBdTZG1wU *Black Ops Sniping: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zf0CO0Z7fcw *Modern Warfare Sniping: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBnicKtM-JI&t;=67s ▶Infinite Warfare: HOW TO AIM BETTER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlYGNBPNbns ▶Infinite Warfare How To LEVEL UP FAST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLhZ1U8ij7M ▶SELLING Infinite Warfare at GAMESTOP (Day Of RELEASE) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRG0OywM_XY FOLLOW ME HERE: ▶ Twitter: https://twitter.com/HollowPoi...
Tottenham AK47s live. First of 2 gigs at the New Pegasus, London N16.
Yes, the AK WILL keep running without much maintenance; however, I disassemble and clean ALL my firearms almost every time I shoot them. ------------------- ------------------------ Please visit the Hickok45.com website and check out what the great folks who support us have to offer: BUD’s GUN SHOP, THE NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION, FEDERAL PREMIUM, SONORAN DESERT INSTITUTE, SHOOT SOME STEEL, and VAULTEK Handgun Safes: http://www.hickok45.com/supporters/ JOIN THE NRA at the Hickok45 page and get a nice discount: https://membership.nra.org/Hickok45/Join Hickok45 Store: http://shop.missingink.com/hickok45store Federal Premium: http://www.federalpremium.com/ https://www.facebook.com/federalpremiumammo SDI (Sonoran Desert Institute): http://www.sdi.edu/ Steel Targets: https://shootsome...
AK-47s have a mystic all their own. But they also have a lot of hyperbole. So... In this episode, we sit down with AK-47 legend Jim Fuller of Rifle Dynamics. He's going to set us straight on the truth, myths, and proper perspective in understanding these com-block badasses. ~ AK-47 topics covered in this interview: * What's Jim Fuller's story? * How did Rifle Dynamics come to be? * What makes the AK-47 so special? * Is the AK-47 durability fact or urban legend? * Is the AK-47 accuracy deficit fact or urban legend? * What's the real perspective to take when it comes to the purpose of an AK-47? * What myths, or overblow facts, exist around the AK? * What advantages does the AK have over the AR-15? * What is it about AKs that make them stand up to steel case ammo so well? * What'...
Tottenham AK47s live at the New Pegasus, Green Lanes, London N16. This was one of two benefit gigs in a week for London Greenpeace, supporting Thatcher on Acid and TV Personalities, with Wat Tyler and Women Determined also playing. I'm also loading up the AK47s' other set, taken from a copy of the venue's original videotape....and the only other known footage of the band!
The Kalashnikov rifle needs no introduction. In this documentary we'll show you its origins, how it's made and tested, who uses it and much more. You'll be taken to the Izhmash manufacturing plant where the rifles are assembled, see elite soldiers from Russia's Interior Ministry train with the world-renowned weapon, and hear American war veterans recall their experiences with the gun. The inventor of the iconic AK-47 assault rifle, Mikhail Kalashnikov, has died at the age of 94. Watch more on RT's documentary channel http://rtd.rt.com RT LIVE http://rt.com/on-air Subscribe to RT! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=RussiaToday Like us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/RTnews Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/RT_com Follow us on Instagram http://instagram.com/rt...