Alexander Becker - One of Patriot Prayer's Steadfast Nazis

Alexander Wolfgang Becker is a Nazi that was in attendance at almost every Patriot Prayer event in 2017. For a long time, we’ve been referring to him by an alias “Mike Gainer.” Now, Rose City Antifa is ready to reveal this fascist’s name, address, and a full account of his organizing activities in the area, as well as his membership in the group of local white supremacists, known as the PDX Stormers.

Solidarity with Anarchist and Antifascist Prisoners in Russia

Rose City Antifa is participating in the international days of solidarity action over the week of February 5th through the 12th in support of anarchists and antifascists arrested in Penza and St. Petersburg. Over this week all proceeds from our online store will go to Anarchist Black Cross St. Petersburg for legal aid to the victims of these police raids and arrests. You can also donate to our PayPal (please note “St.

Noah Gunn and the Problem of Neo-Nazi Indoctrination of Youth at Patriot Prayer Events

Noah Gunn holds up a neo-nazi “It’s Okay To Be White” poster at Patriot Prayer’s anti-immigrant Hate Rally on December 9th. As previously reported, a large number of the people in attendance at Joey Gibson’s anti-immigrant hate rally on December 9th, 2017 were fascists. One such fascist was seventeen-year-old Noah Gunn, who has attended several Patriot Prayer events in the past year where he has had the opportunity to encounter and become indoctrinated by any number of the white nationalists, neo-nazis, “identitarians,” and others who regularly attend and recruit at Gibson’s events.

Two Young Fascists - Ian Lawton and Austin Wilkison

Anti-fascist activists from Rose City Antifa, Pacific Northwest Anti-Fascist Workers Collective, and Eugene Antifa have been able to get access to the logs of a Discord server used by a variety of Pacific Northwest fascists and white supremacists, given the tongue-in-cheek name, the Cascadian Coffee Company (CCC). Discord is a chat app, originally developed for online gaming, but often used by the far-right and white supremacists groups to organize their groups and events.

Patriot Prayer's Anti-Immigrant Hate Rally Brings out the Fascists in Droves

On Saturday December 9th, Joey Gibson’s far right Patriot Prayer organization held a racist anti-immigrant rally in Terry Schrunk Plaza in the heart of Downtown Portland. Gibson and his followers wanted to cynically exploit the tragic and accidental shooting death of Kate Steinle to promote their bigoted and violent anti-immigrant rhetoric and agenda. By acting as if they were speaking out for a woman who was tragically killed in what was ruled an accidental death by a jury, far-right groups have been encouraging and supporting violence against immigrants.

Nazi Tactics in Central Oregon

Anti-fascist activists from Rose City Antifa, Pacific Northwest Anti-Fascist Workers Collective, and Eugene Antifa have been able to get access to the logs of a Discord server used by a variety of Pacific Northwest fascists and white supremacists, given the tongue-in-cheek name, the Cascadian Coffee Company (CCC). Discord is a chat app, originally developed for online gaming, but often used by the far-right and white supremacists groups to organize their groups and events.

David Woods - The Rapper Who Became a Nazi

David Woods: failed rapper and violent Nazi Anti-fascist activists from Rose City Antifa, Pacific Northwest Anti-Fascist Workers Collective, and Eugene Antifa have been able to get access to the logs of a Discord server used by a variety of Pacific Northwest fascists and white supremacists, given the tongue-in-cheek name, the Cascadian Coffee Company (CCC). Discord is a chat app, originally developed for online gaming, but often used by the far-right and white supremacists groups to organize their groups and events.

Revealed - Northwest Neo-Nazi Groups' Private Chat Server Leaked to Antifa

Anti-fascist activists from Rose City Antifa, Pacific Northwest Anti-Fascist Workers Collective, and Eugene Antifa have been able to get access to the logs of a Discord server used by a variety of Pacific Northwest fascists and white supremacists, given the tongue-in-cheek name, the Cascadian Coffee Company (CCC). Discord is a chat app, originally developed for online gaming, but often used by the far-right and white supremacists groups to organize their groups and events.

Call to Action - Defend The Memory Of Mulugeta Seraw from Racial Intimidation

Join us on November 13th at 12pm on the E 39th Street overpass in Vancouver, WA, to put a stop to a campaign of white supremacist intimidation on the anniversary of one of Portland’s most notorious racist murders. In the early morning hours of November 13th, 1988, PSU student and beloved member of Portland’s Ethiopian diaspora community Mulugeta Seraw succumbed to injuries inflicted upon him in a vicious attack by members of Portland’s neo-nazi “East Side White Pride” gang.

Far-Right Film Clips - Aiding Fascists for Ad Revenue

Since the advent of cheap digital cameras, recording protests has become ubiquitous. After a scant few of these camerapeople were able to convert their willingness to stick a camera into other people’s faces into actual paying jobs, they have been followed by an endless parade of wannabes. The era of protests kicking off in 2016 has created a new tide of these amateur annoyances. Especially on the conservative end of the spectrum, the tide of fake news has carried with it the bloated carcasses of video: the far-right film clip.
