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Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 08, 2017

In Trump’s America, there’s an upside down of the way it was.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 08, 2017

Portland, Oregon police strive to contain the rising threat of Brood, a white street gang with a hunger for violence, racist elements, and no regard for the law

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 08, 2017

How states are, and are not, fighting back.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 08, 2017

Though presidential candidate Donald Trump made a few statements on the campaign trail indicating he might be in support of LGBT equality, other statements and actions have belied that. His pick for vice president is a longtime opponent of LGBT equality who has opposed putting same-sex relationships on equal legal footing as heterosexual marriages. 

Intelligence Report
August 08, 2017

During a single month last year, America witnessed two of the most horrific shooting attacks against law enforcement in recent memory. 

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 08, 2017

Touted by its co-founders as the new nucleus the organized hate movement would gather around, the Nationalist Front (NF) is floundering. Broke, bleeding member organizations and bereft of leaders with the vision to match their voices, the fledgling organization is hardly the blitzkrieg its founders imagined when NF was formed last fall.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 08, 2017

A new fight-club “fraternity” of young white, pro-Trump men is being formed, its organizers claim, to defend free-speech rights by “Alt-Right” leaders and engage in street fighting.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
August 08, 2017

Utah’s polygamous Kingston clan mixes incest and white supremacy with old-fashioned capitalism


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