TSAS Highlights

A Century of Conflict: The Middle East and International Security, 1917-2017

A Century of Conflict: The Middle East and International Security, 1917-2017 Feb. 1-2, 2017 Wu Conference Centre University of New Brunswick Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada  Call for Papers The theme for our 2017 conference focuses on today’s conflicts in the Middle East, their global impact, and their long and violent origins.  The conference will include panels […]

Policy Brief: On the Creation of the Office of the Community Outreach and Counter-Radicalization Coordinator

“I think the point there is that in the effort of community outreach, in order to identify, understand, and effectively intervene in issues related to radicalization, in order to head off violence, and direct people in a more constructive direction, that needs a lot of national coordination and support…..[the office] will be created as a […]

TSAS in the news

Here is a sample of recent media articles by TSAS affiliates: Why compassion for incoming refugees is now so crucial OpenCanada.org by Nicole Tishler Understanding the 1989 Montreal Massacre as ‘lone wolf’ terrorism Ottawa Citizen by Jesse MacLean Three Kinds of People Return Home After Joining the Islamic State — And They Must All Be […]

Virtual Library – Call for Articles

The TSAS virtual library includes over 300 resources to assist scholars, policy-makers and the general public in understanding issues of terrorism, security, and society. If there is an article you feel should included, we welcome you send the details to the TSAS administrative office.  

2016 TSAS Call for Proposals

TSAS will launch its third Call for Proposals early in 2016. A total of $120,000 will be made available to fund small grants in the order of $15,000 each for research focussed on the areas of (a) radicalization and terrorism, (b) security responses, or (c) the societal context in which issues of radicalism and securitization […]

Article in Police Chief Magazine

TSAS affiliates Rick Parent and James O Ellis III have published an article”Countering Radicalization and Extremism: A Strategic Approach to Community Policing” in the Fall 2015 Edition of Police Chief Magazine. See the full article here.  

2015 TSAS Summer Academy

The 2015 edition of the TSAS Summer Academy wrapped up at the end of July at the Liu Institute for Global Issues, at the UBC Vancouver campus. With 29 students from academia, government, and beyond, there was a wide diversity of disciplines represented in the room. We would like to sincerely thank all of our […]

TSAS Studentship Results

TSAS has completed adjudicating the second round of studentship awards, and would like to congratulate the following students on their successful proposals: Suzzette Lopez Abbasciano, Center for Terrorism Studies, University of Massachusetts, Lowell This project will analyze social media campaigns that emerge after terrorist attacks to examine the role such campaigns play in countering violent […]

SSHRC Partnership Grant success for TSAS

We are pleased to report that SSHRC has awarded a $2.15 million Partnership Grant for The Canadian Network for the Study of Terrorism, Security, and Society (TSAS). TSAS was established in 2012 and is intended to foster multidisciplinary research on terrorist radicalization, the coordinated interaction of academic researchers with government officials, and the cultivation of […]