Call for Proposals

Call for Proposals for Research Grants

This call is currently closed.

Call for Proposals

2016 Call for Proposals for Research Grants
Deadline: February 29, 2016


This is the third Call for Proposals (CFP) for the Canadian Network for Research on Terrorism, Security, and Society (TSAS). In this round we will make available up to $120,000 to TSAS Senior Affiliates for research projects. As implied in the title of TSAS, projects will only be considered if they target the areas of (a) radicalization and terrorism, (b) security responses, or (c) the societal context in which issues of radicalism and securitization operate (including the impact of securitization on communities). Priority will be given to proposals that address the stated research needs of TSAS’s partner organizations. Applicants are invited to review the following documents to become better informed of these needs:

Canada’s Counter Terrorism Strategy

2014 Public Report On The Terrorist Threat To Canada

Federal Government Partner Priorities for 2016

Applicants who wish to demonstrate the utility of their projects for policy are invited to submit, along with their application, a letter of support from a relevant government department.

The principal investigator (and any co-investigators) identified in the application must hold a faculty position (inside or outside Canada) and must be affiliated with TSAS. Research Assistants may include graduate students, while Partners are generally governmental or non-governmental institutions.

To become an affiliate, TSAS requires an email to the Project Manager, Elizabeth FOrd, with the application form, a recent CV, and a brief (1/2 page) statement of how one’s research agenda has connected with, or will connect with, TSAS. To be eligible for applying to this Call, the deadline for submitting a request for affiliation is February 22, 2016.

Funding Details

The period of funding for this CFP will be April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017. We will only consider proposals than can be realistically completed within this time frame.

Our “standard” grant amount is $15,000, though we will accept proposals for less than this amount.

Adjudication system and expectations

Our adjudication committee will be comprised of two ‘teams’ that operate independently in the first instance, one which evaluates scholarly merit (comprised of academics) and one which evaluates importance for policy and practice (comprised of non-academics). TSAS will only provide funds for projects that are judged positively by both teams on the adjudication committee. Scholarly merit will then be the main factor in funding decisions for those proposals that have been judged positively by teams in the first instance. Those proposals judged positively by both teams. Academic researchers who have not had experience working with policy analysts in government are encouraged to review the priorities of our partner organizations and, if possible, to contact a policy official from one of these organizations and discuss their proposal.

To be considered for funding, applications must be made on our form and must include one signed electronic copy. These must be received at the office of the Project Manager by 4 p.m. on Monday, February 29, 2016. In addition, all principal and co-investigators must submit an electronic copy of a 2-page abbreviated CV as an attachment to their application. CV’s longer than 2 pages will not be considered. It is TSAS’s practice to consider only one application from any of our research affiliates, as Principal Investigator, during any given grant competition. Proposals must be written in plain language and must clearly speak to both the scholarly merit and to the usefulness to policy and/or practice of the research proposed. Applicants are not permitted to apply on behalf of other researchers (with one exception: Principal Investigators may submit a proposal that will provide research funding for a graduate student under their supervision). Applicants must be candid about the division of labour in a project. We expect that a minimum of 50 percent of funds in a research project will be dedicated to support for graduate students through research assistantships. Although this is not a requirement, proposals that fund students will be given priority over those that fund non-student research assistants or non-academic researchers.

 Additional information

Transfer of funds and TSAS spending rules are explained in our grant guidelines.

All funded researchers working with NGO’s must comply with the principles set forth in our Charter of Community Research Principles.

 Other obligations of funded researchers:

Each project must generate at least one TSAS Working Paper, which must be submitted to the Managing Editor of our series in a timely fashion (i.e. deadline is June 30, 2017 for this Call).

Each working paper must include an associated Policy Briefing Note. Policy Briefing Notes are 1 page documents written in plain language in standard formats with 4 boxed topics: Research Question, Importance, Research Findings, and Implications for Policy and Practice. To see an example, please visit the Working Paper section of the TSAS website.

Each funded project should have at least one associated non-university dissemination activity. These may include: participation in TSAS-sponsored policy workshops and roundtables, participation in a public forum, or a presentation for a stakeholder group such as a governmental or non-governmental organization. Researchers are encouraged to use their imagination to improve our reach outside the university setting.

All TSAS affiliated researchers are required to submit an annual report of activities to remain in good standing. Only affiliates in good standing will be eligible to apply for funding.

It is vital for TSAS to demonstrate that our resources are used to build capacity for graduate training. Therefore we require Principal and Co-Investigators of TSAS grants to provide us with the names of students conducting TSAS-related research under their supervision, and the titles of their research projects. Titles of all theses produced by students emanating from TSAS-funded research should be forwarded to TSAS.


Download the application form here.

Where to send your proposal

All submissions should be sent by February 29, 2016 to:

Elizabeth Ford,
Project Manager, TSAS

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