Oxfam scandal no surprise

‘The idea of altruistic morality puts aid workers in a double bind, eroding true responsibility’

Edinburgh university fossil fuel divestment

Edinburgh student Ruby Kelman on why the university’s divestment victory matters.

Costa Ricans have declared far-right candidate Fabricio Alvarado winner of the first round, Gustavo Fuchs reports.

Smart fridge

A dystopian short story by Pat Cadigan on the future internet of things.

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China homosexuality
‘Zuma must fall’ protesters with a banner depicting Atul Gupta, implicated in recent scandals. Pic: Discott, CC-BY-SA4.0
Mari Marcel Thekaekara
Independence: a 2010 protest outside Gaudi’s La Pedrera in Barcelona after the Spanish Constitutional court struck down Catalonia’s autonomy statute.
Prof Kwame Anthony Appiah interview: Prof Appiah speaking in Sao Paulo in 2000. Fronteiras de Pensamento
A sketch of the proposed plan for the Camley Street sustainable development. Photo by Karukasevic and Carson architects

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