
January 2018
Volume 31
Number 1



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Z Magazine is an independent monthly magazine founded in 1988. Our mission is to publish in depth articles that critique society's political, economic, social life and institutions. We see the race, class, and gender dimensions of personal life as equally important in understanding current circumstances and as necessary for developing visions and strategies for progressive change.






We survive through income from paid subscriptions, sales of videos and books, online Sustainers, individual donations. and periodic fundraising. We are non-profit, tax exempt under the Institute for Social and Cultural Communications. We are currently in dire need of funds. To donate by mail, send checks payable to Z Magazine, 215 Atlantic Ave, Hull, MA 02045 (508- 548-9063). To donate online go to: and become a Sustainer.


February 2018





The U.S. naval blockade of Yemen has been unrelenting since March 2015.

For the second time in the past year, Washington activists blocked a train carrying oil fracking supplies from leaving the Port of Olympia on the Salish Sea The blockade camp prevented a possible shipment of ceramic proppants from being shipped to the Bakken oil shale basin in North Dakota, and possibly other fracking operations.

U.S. law enforcement does an especially good job of quelling the dissidence of oppressed peoples, no matter how peaceful the leader.

Can anyone still doubt that access to a relatively free and open internet is rapidly coming to an end in the west?

The assault on women began almost instantly after the primal female scream that was the women’s march in January. That month, Trump signed his first executive order (surrounded by men), literally a “gag rule,” meant to prevent health clinics around the world from even talking about abortion.

On the morning of President Trump’s Inauguration, police trapped and arrested over 230 people. Some were anti-Trump demonstrators; some were not. The next day, federal prosecutors charged them all with “felony rioting,” a nonexistent crime in DC

Neither party has acknowledged that Jerusalem is the commercial, cultural, educational, and religious center for Palestinian life.


It is truly extraordinary that the still-new Trump administration keeps appointing people whose common priority is the destruction of the agency they head.

An important semantic development of the past decade that is closely related to the doublespeak of moderateness and extremism is the new usage of the concept of “special interests.”

In instances where school vouchers have been partially adopted, the pedagogical results have been insignificant, if not shoddy

If the president ordered a nuclear strike, General Hyten said he would offer legal and strategic advice, but he would not violate the laws of war simply on the president’s say-so.

Of course, we don’t yet know the details of the coming Trumpian NPR. It will, however, certainly throw the Obama approach to the sharks and promote a far more robust role for nuclear weapons,

Your stewardship of the U.S. economy has allowed us to keep 5 percent of all the national income created since the last recession in 2009; while you wealthiest 1 percent got to keep the other 95 percent created since the last recession in 2009; while you wealthiest 1 percent got to keep the other 95 percent

With encouragement from Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and other Republicans, Trump has been trying to help topple the elected government of Venezuela

It was a nice warm evening where children, brothers, sisters, moms, dads, and friends gathered to listen to country music in Las Vegas, Nevada.


  Events NUCLEAR – The conference: Dismantling the Nuclear Beast: Connecting Local Work to the National Movement, December 1-3, is...
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Events and other items of interest to progressives

FILM FESTIVAL - The Seattle Social Justice Film Festival will be held November 16-21 in venues around Seattle.

Events SOCIALISM – The Socialism Conference is scheduled for July 6-9 in Chicago, featuring talks and panel discussions. Contact:;...
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Witness to the Revolution repeatedly underscores how much vitriol some had to endure as elites attacked both the messengers and the message in the student, vet, Black Power and anti-war movements.

EVENT LISTING: ACTIVIST CAMP - Youth Empowered Action (YEA) Camp will have sessions in July and August in CA, OR, and NY. YEA Camp is designed for activists 12-17 years old who want to make a difference in the world.

Events MAY DAY – May 1. Workers of the world will celebrate the anniversary of International Worker’ Day. Born out...
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IRAQ/FICTION - Iraq + 100 poses a question to contemporary Iraqi writers: what might your home city look like in the year 2103, exactly 100 years after the disastrous American and British-led invasion of Iraq?

Events MEDIA – The Transformative Media conference will be held March 1-4 in Washington, DC. Contact: LABOR – The...
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Events MUSIC – The Annual International Folk Alliance Conference & Winter Music Camp will be held February 15-19, in Kansas...
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NUCLEAR - The conference: Dismantling the Nuclear Beast: Connecting Local Work to the National Movement, December 1-3, is a symposium organized by the Nuclear Issues Study Group at the University of New Mexico’s Hibben Center in Albuquerque, NM.


Contact: 879-8547;;


JUSTICE - The 7th Annual Conference of The Historical Dialogues, Justice & Memory Network will present: Present Past: Time, Memory, & the Negotiation of Historical Justice, December 7-9, at Columbia University in New York City.




SEX WORKERS - December 17 is the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers, events are planned in many cities worldwide.




ECONOMICS - The Union For Radical Political Economics at the Eastern Economic Association will hold its annual conference January 5-7 in Philadelphia, PA.




TORTURE/GUANTANAMO - Witness Against Torture will return to Washington, DC, January 7–14 for the 2018 Fast for Justice, to offer public witness to close Guantanamo, end indefinite detention, and hold torturers accountable.


Contact: New York Catholic Worker, Attn: Witness Against Torture, 55 East Third Street

New York, NY 10003;;


MILITARY BASES - The Conference on U.S. Foreign Military Bases will be held January 12-14, Baltimore, Maryland. Organized by thirteen peace and justice organizations including CODEPINK, Black Alliance for Peace, and Veterans For Peace.




PROGRESSIVES - The annual Pennsylvania Keystone Progressive Summit will be held February 2-3, in Harrisburg. Hundreds of social justice advocates, labor organizers, legislators, bloggers and grassroots activists will come together to advance progressive policy and build the progressive movement.


Contact: 201 Washington St., #534, Reading PA 19601 ;;


BLACK SOLIDARITY - The 23rd Annual Black Solidarity Conference at Yale University will be held February 8-11.


Contact: PO Box 206471, New Haven, CT 06520;


MUSIC - The Annual International Folk Alliance Conference & Winter Music Camp will be held February 14-18, in Kansas City, MO.


Contact: 509 Delaware St. #101, Kansas City, MO 64105; 816-221-3655;;


WOMEN - Events are planned worldwide on February 14 for 1 Billion Rising under the theme “Solidarity.”




REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH - The Take Root Conference will be held February 23-24, in Norman, OK. The conference aim is to root the fight for reproductive health, rights, and dignity in the struggle for social, racial, political, and economic justice.




VIETNAM/VETERANS - Veterans For Peace Annual Tour To Viet Nam will be March 4-21, a 50th Anniversary Commemoration Peace Tour. The tour is a look back at 1968.


Contact: 216 South Meramec Ave., St. Louis, MO, 63105; 314-725-6005;;


YOUTH POETRY - Louder Than A Bomb National Symposium, the largest youth poetry festival in the world, through March 9, in Chicago, hosted by Youth Chicago Authors.




YOUNG FEMINIST - The 12th Annual National Young Feminist Leadership Conference will be held March 17-19, in Washington, DC, sponsored by the Feminist Majority Foundation.


Contact: 1600 Wilson Blvd, Suite 801, Arlington, VA 22209; 866-444-3652;;


LGBTQ - Rainbow Health Ontario hosts Canada’s largest LGBTQ health conference, March 21-24, in Sudbury, Ontario.


Contact: Rainbow Health Ontario, Sherbourne Health Centre, 333 Sherbourne Street, Toronto ON M5A 2S5; 416.324.4100;


SOFTWARE - The LibrePlanet conference will be held March 24-25, in Cambridge, MA. LibrePlanet is an annual conference hosted by the Free Software Foundation.




LABOR - The Labor Notes Conference will be held April 6-8, in Chicago.


Contact: Labor Notes, 7435 Michigan Ave., Detroit, MI, 48210; 313-842-6262;;





CHILDRENS - Malala’s Magic Pencil is the first picture book by Malala Yousafzai, illustrated by Kerascoet Kerascoet. It tells Malala’s story for a younger audience and shows them the worldview that allowed Malala to hold on to hope even in the most difficult of times. Malala hopes the book inspires children to believe in themselves and follow their dreams.




BLACK/WHITE/LAW- Chokehold by Paul Butler demonstrates why current efforts to reform law enforcement will not create lasting change.


Contact: The New Press, 38 Greene Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10013; 212-629-8802;


ANTIFA - In Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook, historian and organizer Mark Bray provides a detailed survey of the full history of anti-fascism from its origins to the present day — the first transnational history of postwar anti-fascism in English.


Contact: 46 John St.; Brooklyn, NY 11201; 718.722.9204;;


CLIMATE - Drawdown is based on meticulous research that maps, measures, models, and describes the most substantive solutions to global warming that already exist; collected and published by Project Drawdown.


Contact: 27 Gate 5 Road; Sausalito, CA 94965;;


GITMO - Witnesses of the Unseen: Seven Years in Guantanamo by Lakhdar Boumediene and Mustafa Ait Idir, shares the trauma and triumphs of the authors’ time inside America's most notorious prison.


Contact: Stanford University Press, 500 Broadway St., Redwood City, CA 94063-3199; 650-723-9434;


PALESTINE - In Condition Critical Alice Rothchild writes about the injustices, absurdities, and cruel historical ironies that define Palestinian life on both sides of the Green Line.




CODE/WOMEN - Code Girls by Liza Mundy tells the captivating story of America's female World War II codebreakers





Music / Media


DOMINICAN/WORLD - Irka Mateo’s new album, Vamo a Goza, is a fusion of folk melodies and rhythms from the Dominican countryside - itself a fusion of Afro, Indigenous, and European influences.




WORLD - Antibalas’ new album Where the Gods Are in Peace and the band is touring through July.




FOLK/ROCK - Dan Bern’s new album Adderal Holiday has been released and Bern is on tour into 2018.



































NUCLEAR - The conference: Dismantling the Nuclear Beast: Connecting Local Work to the National Movement, December 1-3, is a symposium organized by the Nuclear Issues Study Group at the University of New Mexico’s Hibben Center in Albuquerque, NM.


Contact: 879-8547;;


JUSTICE - The 7th Annual Conference of The Historical Dialogues, Justice & Memory Network will present: Present Past: Time, Memory, & the Negotiation of Historical Justice, December 7-9, at Columbia University in New York City.




SEX WORKERS - December 17 is the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers, events are planned in many cities worldwide.




ECONOMICS - The Union For Radical Political Economics at the Eastern Economic Association will hold its annual conference January 5-7 in Philadelphia, PA.




TORTURE/GUANTANAMO - Witness Against Torture will return to Washington, DC, January 7–14 for the 2018 Fast for Justice, to offer public witness to close Guantanamo, end indefinite detention, and hold torturers accountable.


Contact: New York Catholic Worker, Attn: Witness Against Torture, 55 East Third Street

New York, NY 10003;;


MILITARY BASES - The Conference on U.S. Foreign Military Bases will be held January 12-14, Baltimore, Maryland. Organized by thirteen peace and justice organizations including CODEPINK, Black Alliance for Peace, and Veterans For Peace.




PROGRESSIVES - The annual Pennsylvania Keystone Progressive Summit will be held February 2-3, in Harrisburg. Hundreds of social justice advocates, labor organizers, legislators, bloggers and grassroots activists will come together to advance progressive policy and build the progressive movement.


Contact: 201 Washington St., #534, Reading PA 19601 ;;


BLACK SOLIDARITY - The 23rd Annual Black Solidarity Conference at Yale University will be held February 8-11.


Contact: PO Box 206471, New Haven, CT 06520;


MUSIC - The Annual International Folk Alliance Conference & Winter Music Camp will be held February 14-18, in Kansas City, MO.


Contact: 509 Delaware St. #101, Kansas City, MO 64105; 816-221-3655;;


WOMEN - Events are planned worldwide on February 14 for 1 Billion Rising under the theme “Solidarity.”




REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH - The Take Root Conference will be held February 23-24, in Norman, OK. The conference aim is to root the fight for reproductive health, rights, and dignity in the struggle for social, racial, political, and economic justice.




VIETNAM/VETERANS - Veterans For Peace Annual Tour To Viet Nam will be March 4-21, a 50th Anniversary Commemoration Peace Tour. The tour is a look back at 1968.


Contact: 216 South Meramec Ave., St. Louis, MO, 63105; 314-725-6005;;


YOUTH POETRY - Louder Than A Bomb National Symposium, the largest youth poetry festival in the world, through March 9, in Chicago, hosted by Youth Chicago Authors.




YOUNG FEMINIST - The 12th Annual National Young Feminist Leadership Conference will be held March 17-19, in Washington, DC, sponsored by the Feminist Majority Foundation.


Contact: 1600 Wilson Blvd, Suite 801, Arlington, VA 22209; 866-444-3652;;


LGBTQ - Rainbow Health Ontario hosts Canada’s largest LGBTQ health conference, March 21-24, in Sudbury, Ontario.


Contact: Rainbow Health Ontario, Sherbourne Health Centre, 333 Sherbourne Street, Toronto ON M5A 2S5; 416.324.4100;


SOFTWARE - The LibrePlanet conference will be held March 24-25, in Cambridge, MA. LibrePlanet is an annual conference hosted by the Free Software Foundation.




LABOR - The Labor Notes Conference will be held April 6-8, in Chicago.


Contact: Labor Notes, 7435 Michigan Ave., Detroit, MI, 48210; 313-842-6262;;





CHILDRENS - Malala’s Magic Pencil is the first picture book by Malala Yousafzai, illustrated by Kerascoet Kerascoet. It tells Malala’s story for a younger audience and shows them the worldview that allowed Malala to hold on to hope even in the most difficult of times. Malala hopes the book inspires children to believe in themselves and follow their dreams.




BLACK/WHITE/LAW- Chokehold by Paul Butler demonstrates why current efforts to reform law enforcement will not create lasting change.


Contact: The New Press, 38 Greene Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10013; 212-629-8802;


ANTIFA - In Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook, historian and organizer Mark Bray provides a detailed survey of the full history of anti-fascism from its origins to the present day — the first transnational history of postwar anti-fascism in English.


Contact: 46 John St.; Brooklyn, NY 11201; 718.722.9204;;


CLIMATE - Drawdown is based on meticulous research that maps, measures, models, and describes the most substantive solutions to global warming that already exist; collected and published by Project Drawdown.


Contact: 27 Gate 5 Road; Sausalito, CA 94965;;


GITMO - Witnesses of the Unseen: Seven Years in Guantanamo by Lakhdar Boumediene and Mustafa Ait Idir, shares the trauma and triumphs of the authors’ time inside America's most notorious prison.


Contact: Stanford University Press, 500 Broadway St., Redwood City, CA 94063-3199; 650-723-9434;


PALESTINE - In Condition Critical Alice Rothchild writes about the injustices, absurdities, and cruel historical ironies that define Palestinian life on both sides of the Green Line.




CODE/WOMEN - Code Girls by Liza Mundy tells the captivating story of America's female World War II codebreakers





Music / Media


DOMINICAN/WORLD - Irka Mateo’s new album, Vamo a Goza, is a fusion of folk melodies and rhythms from the Dominican countryside - itself a fusion of Afro, Indigenous, and European influences.




WORLD - Antibalas’ new album Where the Gods Are in Peace and the band is touring through July.




FOLK/ROCK - Dan Bern’s new album Adderal Holiday has been released and Bern is on tour into 2018.

































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