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Keep PUSHing: Building on the #OperationPUSH Demands

The following is an update on #OperationPUSH that includes an audio report from a prisoner, collected report backs from the inside, and a PDF...

Mexico: Idealized Nature: On Absolutism and Misanthropy

The following is a translation of a text from Mexico originally posted on Propagación Anárquica and written by Anonymous Texts. There is an ever-spreading idealistic,...

How the Midwest Was Won: The Bloody Rise of Anti-Racist Action

The following is a recording of a presentation which features two founding members of the group, Anti-Racist Action (ARA), both of whom came up...

Final Straw: A Conversation with Bruno Renero-Hannan about Political Imprisonment and...

Listen and Download Here This week William got the chance to speak to Bruno Renero-Hannan, who is an anarchist historical anthropologist from Mexico City, about...

Call for Support and Report on Unhygienic Living Conditions at Ramsey...

Jason Renard Walker is Deputy Minister of Labor for the New Afrikan Black Panther Party (Prison Chapter) and one of the contributors to the...

Detroit Eviction Defense Tabloid #3

Tabloid publication for a group with the same name in Detroit, Michigan which is fighting eviction and foreclosure. Download and Print Here Table of Contents: -Time...

Pittsburgh, PA: Justice for Mark Daniels

This report on a recent police shooting comes from the Filler Collective, and includes information about a support event happening this Saturday. Early Sunday...

From Democracy to Freedom Tour: Iceland to the Midwest

CrimethInc. is launching a tour to promote their new book, From Democracy to Freedom. To download a copy, go here. As promised, we are doing...

Anarchist Union Reverses Firings at Port of Barcelona Through Militant Strike

by IWW International Solidarity Commission Dockworkers and members of the CNT, a revolutionary anarchist union in Spain, have won a complete victory after just 1...

Rustbelt Abolition Radio: Dispatches from Zapatista Territory

Rustbelt Abolition Radio is an amazing abolitionist radio show from the rust belt. In this episode we speak with two of our fellow co-producers about their...

Los Angeles, CA: Shutting Down ICE, Building Popular Power

The following report about community resistance to ICE comes from the Black Rose Anarchist Federation. To hear our in-depth interview with two members of...

Protesters Surround Maryland Governor’s Mansion over Potomac Pipeline

The following report from DC Direct Action News details a home demonstration against TransCanada's pipeline at the home of Maryland's Governor. On the 15th of...

Think Before You Ink: Revealing Tacoma’s Nazi Skinhead Tattoo Shop

The following details how an active group of neo-Nazis associated with the violent street crew, the Hammerskin Nation, have been running a tattoo parlor...

Mass Mailing Campaign in Rural Tennessee Exposes Neo-Nazi Land Project

The following press release was anonymous sent to It's Going Down and details a community campaign to educate local residents about a group of...

Portland, OR: Burgerville Singles Out One Worker for Retaliation Following Strike

The following report from the Burgerville Workers Union states that management has come down against one pro-union worker of color since the end of...

Report Back on Patriot Prayer Counter-Demonstration

The following is a report back from the antifascist mobilization in Seattle on February 10th from a Wobbly in the Seattle IWW. In what has...

A Sobering Look at the Antifascist Response at Red Square

The following is a report back and analysis of recent antifascist and anarchist struggles in the Pacific Northwest. On Saturday, February 10th, multiple groups of...

South East Trans and/or Women’s Action Camp

Donate Here Local community organizers from so-called Western North Carolina will be hosting a rural and urban direct action camp in the Smoky Mountain region...

Blood, Red, MAGA: What We Know About the Parkland Shooting

"Elliot rodger will not be forgotten." - Nikolas Cruz Photo collage from The Daily Beast On Valentine's Day, 19 year old Nikolas Cruz, shot and killed...

The Guillotine Podcast #4 and #5

The Guillotine is a new podcast that features revolutionary discussion and analysis of global news and events. Follow us on Twitter @GuillotinePod Intro Music: "Battle of...

The Stimulator Returns With a Brand New Show!

The Stimulator, the much-loved foul-mouthed, riot porn addicted, and taco fueled anarchist TV host returns with a brand new show! After a long hiatus, subMedia's...
It’s necessary above all to maintain the reign of the economy beyond the extinction of the wage system. This has to do with the fact that if there is less and less work, everything is all the more mediated by money, be it in very small amounts. Given the...
STOP THE BOMBING OF AFRIN STOP THE ATTACKS ON THE KURDISH PEOPLE In Afrin, in northern Syria, more than 70 Turkish army aircraft are bombing villages and people. Afrin is not a place most people are familiar with. But perhaps many have heard that a war is being fought in Syria....
The following is an update on #OperationPUSH that includes an audio report from a prisoner, collected report backs from the inside, and a PDF flyer. For more background on #OperationPUSH, check out our podcast interview here. Mere days before FDC’s repression effort began scattering active prisoners into new facilities, and...
This report on a recent police shooting comes from the Filler Collective, and includes information about a support event happening this Saturday. Early Sunday morning, February 11th, Mark Daniels, a black man of the Homewood neighborhood of Pittsburgh, was killed by police. This is the same city that had...
The following is a translation of a text from Mexico originally posted on Propagación Anárquica and written by Anonymous Texts. There is an ever-spreading idealistic, romantic, and superfluous tendency regarding the existence of a pristine, virgin, and idyllic nature that has never been touched by human beings and that must...
The following is a report back and analysis of recent antifascist and anarchist struggles in the Pacific Northwest. On Saturday, February 10th, multiple groups of fascists and far-right conservatives converged in Seattle, WA (occupied Duwamish territory) at Red Square in the center of UW’s campus. A call for anarchists and anti-fasciststo...