17 February 2018
Indictment of Russian nationals used to campaign for censorship and war
By Andre Damon, 17 February 2018
The indictments are primarily aimed at providing US media outlets with fodder for their claim that social opposition within the United States is the work of foreign agitators.
Neo-McCarthyite hysteria at US Senate Intelligence Committee hearing
Tillerson declares US-Turkey relations in “crisis”
By Jordan Shilton and Halil Celik, 17 February 2018
The announcement of a joint initiative to manage conflicting interests in Syria could not conceal the deep rift between the two NATO allies.
Funerals begin in Florida as details emerge of prior warnings about school shooter
By Patrick Martin, 17 February 2018
The FBI admitted that it had received two separate warnings about the Nikolas Cruz, the second, only six weeks ago, suggesting he was likely to target a school.
County-wide walkouts spread, as West Virginia teachers demand statewide strike
By Nancy Hanover, 17 February 2018
Teachers confront not just the intransigence of the Republican governor and lawmakers, but also the determination of the unions to channel anger behind the Democratic Party.
Report details psychological and health impact of deportation on children
By Meenakshi Jagadeesan, 17 February 2018
According to the medical journal Frontiers in Pediatrics, fear of deportation causes large scale socio-psychological trauma among immigrant children.
“This is a national health emergency”
WSWS interviews Fulbright scholar Chris Fradkin on impact of mass deportations
By our reporters, 17 February 2018
Fradkin authored an article in the journal Frontiers in Pediatrics titled “Fear of massive deportations in the United States: Social implications on deprived pediatric communities.”
Danger of mass deportations grows as US Senate refuses to protect immigrant youth
Deportation of New York City immigrant rights activist delayed as ICE crackdown continues
Trump budget proposes massive cuts in food stamps and other social programs
By Shelley Connor, 17 February 2018
The proposed cuts would mean starvation for large numbers of poor Americans.
US judges issue temporary stays of deportations for Christian Indonesians
By Tim Avery, 17 February 2018
Federal courts temporarily stayed deportations for ethnic Chinese Christians who face discrimination and persecution in Indonesia.
New York City cop acquitted of the murder of Deborah Danner
By Katy Kinner and Mark Ferretti, 17 February 2018
The acquittal of a NYPD sergeant of the killing is the latest state sanctioning of police murder in the Bronx, New York City’s poorest borough.
Two Baltimore police officers convicted of racketeering, robbery and fraud
UK “gig economy” worker’s death tied to no sick pay, no sick leave
By Margot Miller, 17 February 2018
According to the McKinsey Global Institute, five million people are employed, either full or part-time, for courier firms, minicab apps such as Uber or takeaways such as Deliveroo.
Carillion Canada bankruptcy threatens 6,000 jobs
By Janet Browning and Roger Jordan, 17 February 2018
Carillion was one of the main beneficiaries of hundreds of P3 contracts implemented by all three major parties across Canada, including the trade union-backed NDP.
US and India intervene to avert Sri Lankan government collapse
By Pani Wijesiriwardena, 17 February 2018
The US and Indian ambassadors met the president and prime minister to reverse a publicly-announced termination of the coalition agreement that underpins the Unity government.
“The union is certainly not on our side”
Indian autoworker speaks about life in the “Detroit of South Asia”
By Ram Ramiah and Parwini Zora, 17 February 2018
An auto parts worker in South India describes the slave-like conditions he confronts daily enforced by management with the support of the union.
Ecuador referendum signals government’s further turn to right
By Cesar Uco, 17 February 2018
The US State Department hailed the referendum’s results, vowing to work with Moreno “to advance common interests across a broad range of issues.”
New in Italian
Aperta ufficialmente la campagna elettorale
Peter Schwarz, 16 febbraio 2018
Il Presidente Sergio Mattarella ha sciolto le Camere a fine dicembre, lanciando la campagna elettorale per le politiche del 4 marzo.
New in Russian
Президентские выборы в России: Что стоит за кандидатурой Ксении Собчак?
Клара Вайс, 17 февраля 2018 г.
Кандидатура Собчак выражает собой попытки определенных слоев кремлевской элиты найти каналы для примирения с американским империализмом, а также для преодоления разногласий внутри правящего класса.
Серия нападений в российских школах
Клара Вайс, 17 февраля 2018 г.
В течение одной недели три школы пережили вспышки насилия, а еще одна школа — поножовщину. Ранения получили десятки детей и несколько учителей.
New in Turkish
Dünya Sosyalist Web Sitesi’nin 20. yılı: 1998-2018
David North ve Joseph Kishore, 17 Şubat 2018
WSWS'nin 20. yıldönümü, uluslararası sosyalist ve işçi hareketinin tarihinde önemli bir kilometre taşını temsil etmektedir.
2018 Kış Olimpiyatları savaşın gölgesinde düzenleniyor
Will Morrow, 17 Şubat 2018
Oyunlar, Hitler Almanyası’ndaki 1936 Olimpiyatları’ndan beri, bu kadar yakın bir savaş tehdidi altında düzenlenmemiştir.
Çok sayıda haber ABD’nin Suriye’de Rusları öldürdüğünü doğruluyor
Bill Van Auken, 17 Şubat 2018
Suriye’deki savaşın altında yatan nesnel jeostratejik çatışmalar dünyayı iki büyük nükleer güç arasında bir savaşın eşiğine itiyor.
New in French
La menace d’une guerre plane sur la Conférence de sécurité de Munich
Peter Schwarz, 17 février 2018
La question centrale débattue par les participants de haut rang à la conférence est de savoir comment les grandes puissances présentes, et les Européens en particulier, peuvent se réarmer en préparation à la guerre.
Le massacre de Parkland et le dysfonctionnement de la société américaine
Patrick Martin, 17 février 2018
La fréquence effroyable des massacres aux États-Unis témoigne de l’état avancé de l’effondrement de la société.
Ramaphosa devient président de l’Afrique du Sud
Nick Beams, 17 février 2018
Le marché boursier de Johannesburg a accueilli le nouveau régime avec une hausse de plus de 3 %, le rand atteignant son niveau le plus élevé depuis 3 ans par rapport au dollar américain.
Des manifestations éclatent à travers le Canada après l'acquittement d'un fermier de la Saskatchewan qui a abattu un jeune autochtone
Roger Jordan, 17 février 2018
Malgré le fait qu'il a tiré une balle dans la tête de Colten Boushie à bout portant, le fermier Gerald Stanley a été acquitté de meurtre et d'homicide involontaire, provoquant la colère à travers le Canada.
Contre l’alliance des universités avec les Forces armées canadiennes
Pour un mouvement international des jeunes et des travailleurs contre la guerre!
Déclaration de l’IYSSE (Canada)
17 février 2018
Les universités sont de plus en plus impliquées dans la politique militariste de la classe dirigeante canadienne.
New in Spanish
La masacre en Parkland y el disfuncionamiento de la sociedad estadounidense
Por Patrick Martin, 17 febrero 2018
La horrenda frecuencia en la que suceden asesinatos en masa en EUA evidencia el avanzado estado de descomposición social.
La histeria neomccarthista de la audiencia en la comisión de inteligencia del Senado de EUA
Por Andre Damon, 17 febrero 2018
La audiencia del martes fue un ejercicio de histeria derechista en aras de promover el argumento de que toda la oposición social en EUA es producto de la subversión extranjera.
El peligro de deportaciones masivas crece a medida que el Senado de EUA se niega a proteger a los inmigrantes jóvenes
Por Eric London, 17 febrero 2018
Todo el marco del debate sobre inmigración tiene un carácter derechista y antidemocrático.
Una respuesta a un defensor del “socialismo islámico iraní”
La lucha contra el imperialismo y por el poder de los trabajadores en Irán—Parte 2
Por Keith Jones, 17 febrero 2018
Mazaheri compara a la República Islámica con el estallido “democrático popular” de 1978 y 1979. En realidad, este recrudecimiento involucró fuerzas de clase antagónicas con objetivos y aspiraciones muy diferentes.
Venezuela advierte de una intervención militar estadounidense mientras se intensifica la crisis interna
Por Bill Van Auken, 17 febrero 2018
Colombia y Brasil han aumentado sus despliegues militares en sus respectivas fronteras con Venezuela, al mismo tiempo que los oficiales continúan enviando la señal que apoyaran un golpe de Estado contra el Gobierno de Maduro.
La gran coalición alemana está preparando un gran fortalecimiento militar
Por Peter Schwarz, 17 febrero 2018
Un artículo en la revista IP, publicada por el Consejo Alemán para Relaciones Exteriores, deja entrever los debates sobre política exterior que tienen lugar tras bastidores.
Honduras recurre a la censura en línea y programas espías para frenar protestas
Por Andrea Lobo, 17 febrero 2018
Al no poder disuadir las protestas, el régimen ha decidido lanzar una ofensiva contra la libertad de expresión en línea.
New in German
Zwanzig Jahre World Socialist Web Site: 1998–2018
Joe Kishore und David North, 17. Februar 2018
Der 20. Jahrestag der World Socialist Web Site ist ein wichtiger Meilenstein in der Geschichte der internationalen sozialistischen Arbeiterbewegung.
Von der Leyens Kriegsrede in München
Johannes Stern, 17. Februar 2018
Die Eröffnungsrede der deutschen Verteidigungsministerin Ursula von der Leyen (CDU) auf der 54. Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz machte deutlich, wie schnell sich Deutschland und Europa wieder auf Krieg vorbereiten.
Macron fordert Einführung der Wehrpflicht und droht Syrien mit Luftschlägen
Alex Lantier, 17. Februar 2018
Macrons Bündnis mit Berlin soll Europa in einen aggressiven militaristischen Block verwandeln.
Das Massaker von Parkland und das Versagen der amerikanischen Gesellschaft
Patrick Martin, 17. Februar 2018
Die erschreckende Häufigkeit von Amokläufen zeigt, wie weit der Zerfall der amerikanischen Gesellschaft bereits fortgeschritten ist.
Südafrika: Ramaphosa wird neuer Präsident
Nick Beams, 17. Februar 2018
[description]Die Börse von Johannesburg begrüßte die neue Regierung mit einem Plus von 3 Prozent, zugleich stieg die Landeswährung Rand im Vergleich zum US-Dollar auf ein Dreijahreshoch.
Neue Sammelabschiebung noch im Februar
Carola Kleinert, 17. Februar 2018
Obwohl die Bundesregierung nur kommissarisch regiert, setzt sie die menschenverachtende Praxis der Sammelabschiebungen in Bürgerkriegsländer fort.
„Eine Welt ohne Nationen“ – ein Nachruf auf den deutschen Jazz-Gitarristen Coco Schumann
Bernd Reinhardt, 17. Februar 2018
Am 29. Januar verstarb 93-jährig der deutsche Gitarrist Coco, eigentlich Heinz Jakob Schumann. Er überlebte unter den Nazis das KZ und war bis zuletzt musikalisch aktiv.
Other Languages
- Politische Fragen im Tarifkampf der Metall- und Elektroindustrie (11.01.2018)
- Warnstreiks in der Metallindustrie – Stimmen von Arbeitern
„Eigentlich bräuchten wir einen Generalstreik“ (11.01.2018) - Massenproteste gegen Kürzungen und Arbeitslosigkeit in Tunesien (11.01.2018)
- Paracelsus-Kliniken melden Insolvenz an (11.01.2018)
- PSA-Konzern zerstört Arbeitsplätze mit Hilfe der Gewerkschaften (11.01.2018)
- Ein Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit
USA wollen 262.000 Einwanderer aus El Salvador abschieben (10.01.2018) - Was vertritt der russische „Oppositionsführer“ Alexei Nawalny? (10.01.2018)
- CSU-Politiker verkündet „finale Lösung der Flüchtlingsfrage“ (10.01.2018)
- Ärzteverbände warnen vor Altersfeststellung bei jungen Geflüchteten (10.01.2018)
- Stoppt die rechte Verschwörung! Für Neuwahlen! (09.01.2018)
- Français
- Une centaine d'artistes françaises réfutent la chasse aux sorcières #MeToo (11.01.2018)
- Les quinze ans du World Socialist Web Site : 1998-2013 (..NaN)
- Et le prix Golden Globe va à... la chasse aux sorcières! (11.01.2018)
- Alors que les travailleurs demandent des hausses de salaire
Un milliardaire avertit que le conflit entre classes s’intensifie aux États-Unis (10.01.2018) - Un crime contre l’humanité
Les États-Unis vont expulser 262 000 immigrés salvadoriens (10.01.2018) - Volkswagen prévoit de licencier tous les travailleurs intérimaires dans ses usines allemandes (10.01.2018)
- Les syndicats laissent les travailleurs de l’industrie chimique payés en-dessous du SMIC (09.01.2018)
- Macron dirige les ordonnances contre les travailleurs de l'automobile (29.12.2017)
- Iran : les manifestations antigouvernementales diminuent face à la répression de masse (09.01.2018)
- L’agitation ouvrière en Iran : le WSWS répond à un partisan du régime iranien (08.01.2018)
- Español
- El Presidente del Gobierno Rajoy intenta impedir que los nacionalistas catalanes formen gobierno (11.01.2018)
- Los demócratas se acobardan cuando Trump promete ataques antiinmigrantes en una reunión en la Casa Blanca (11.01.2018)
- ¡Los trabajadores tienen que demandar nuevas elecciones en Alemania! (11.01.2018)
- Un crimen contra la humanidad
EUA planea deportar a 262.000 inmigrantes salvadoreños (10.01.2018) - A medida que los trabajadores demandan mayores salarios
Un multimillonario advierte sobre el realce del conflicto entre clases en Estados Unidos (10.01.2018) - Cuestiones de clase:
Puerto Rico más de cien días después del huracán María (10.01.2018) - Mientras los docentes se enfrentan a nuevas batallas contra Trump
Lecciones de la lucha contra la “reforma escolar” de Obama —Primera parte (10.01.2018) - Los Sulzberger pasan el bastón dorado en el New York Times (10.01.2018)
- Los sindicatos de la industria química francesa aprueban contrato que infringe el salario mínimo (09.01.2018)
- El descontento de la clase trabajadora en Irán: el WSWS responde a un defensor del régimen iraní (08.01.2018)
- Русский
- Правительство США и выборы в России (06.01.2018)
- Пожар на обувной фабрике в Сибири уносит жизни 10 рабочих (06.01.2018)
- Эта неделя в русской революции
18–24 декабря: В Брест-Литовске начались мирные переговоры (29.12.2017) - Профессор Шон МакМикин и конструирование исторической лжи (Часть II) (23.12.2017)
- Эта неделя в русской революции
11–17 декабря: Вооруженные силы белых захватывают Ростов (23.12.2017) - По случаю 30-летней годовщины смерти товарища Кирти Баласурия (20.12.2017)
- Российские следователи рассматривают антисемитскую теорию заговора в деле об убийстве царской семьи (15.12.2017)
- Патрисия Жуковски (1947-2017) (15.12.2017)
- Телевизионный сериал Троцкий: Чудовищное нагромождение исторических фальсификаций и антисемитизма (13.12.2017)
- 100 лет Октябрьской революции (04.12.2017)
- Português
- O Zimbábue pós-Mugabe e suas perspectivas (19.12.2017)
- Os processos globais por trás da crise parlamentar na Austrália (19.12.2017)
- Crise na Arábia Saudita ameaça uma guerra ainda mais ampla no Oriente Médio (19.12.2017)
- Três bilionários são mais ricos do que metade da população dos EUA (19.12.2017)
- No Centenário da Revolução de Outubro (16.12.2017)
- O custo colossal das guerras intermináveis de Washington (16.12.2017)
- Trump na Ásia: o mundo à véspera de uma guerra (16.12.2017)
- UAW - Escândalo de corrupção corporativa se espalha para a Ford e a GM (16.12.2017)
- A Caça às Bruxas Macartista dos Democratas (11.12.2017)
- General deixa escapar escalada militar dos EUA na Síria (11.12.2017)
- 中文
- >>
The inauguration of Ramaphosa and the degeneration of the ANC
17 February 2018
Two things recommend Ramaphosa to the world’s bourgeoisie—his fabulous wealth and the fact that he earned it through a readiness to deal ruthlessly with the working class.
Twenty years of the WSWS
Twenty years of the World Socialist Web Site: 1998–2018
By David North and Joseph Kishore, 14 February 2018
The 20th anniversary of the WSWS represents a significant milestone in the history of the international socialist and workers’ movement.
Marx’s analysis of the laws of capital and the share market crisis
By Nick Beams, 17 February 2018
The largest fall in markets since the crisis of 2008 has provided a damning exposure of the entire framework of bourgeois economics and a living confirmation of the analysis of Karl Marx.
Ten years on: The fraud of Australian parliament’s “stolen generations” apology
By Mike Head, 17 February 2018
The appalling social situation confronting Australia’s indigenous people is one of the sharpest features of a broader impoverishment of the working class.
Public brawl erupts between Australian prime minister and his deputy
Ex-general delivers first speech in parliament: Australia must “consider the next war”
The Parkland massacre and the dysfunction of American society
By Patrick Martin, 16 February 2018
A reply to a proponent of “Iranian Islamic socialism”
The struggle against imperialism and for workers’ power in Iran—Part 1
By Keith Jones, 14 February 2018
The history of Iran and the global struggle against imperialism demonstrates that a viable anti-imperialist strategy can only be founded on the independent political mobilization of the working-class in opposition to all factions of the bourgeoisie.
War clouds gather over Munich Security Conference
By Peter Schwarz, 16 February 2018
#MeToo campaign turns on French Environment Minister Nicolas Hulot
By Francis Dubois, 15 February 2018
Minnesota school district removes To Kill a Mockingbird and Huckleberry Finn from the curriculum
Censorship, witch hunts and dirty money at the New York Times
Scientists produce new treatment to block the development of breast cancer
By Benjamin Mateus, 17 February 2018
A team of researchers successfully used an inhibitor called HET0016 to block a chemical known as 20-HETE, which can promote the growth of breast cancer cells.
Autoworkers Struggles
“There could be so many more Jacoby Hennings out there”
Autoworkers want truth about young Ford worker’s death
By a WSWS reporting team, 16 February 2018
The demand by the parents of Jacoby Hennings for the truth about the death of the young Ford worker at a Detroit area factory has resonated deeply among autoworkers.
The unquiet death of a young Ford worker
The parents of Jacoby Hennings demand to know why their son died
By Jerry White, 12 February 2018
Workers Struggles
General strike in French Polynesia against undermining of pensions
By Tom Peters, 17 February 2018
Thousands of people took part in the strike and rallied in Tahiti against the government’s attack on pensions.
Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
17 February 2018
The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.
The political issues facing West Virginia teachers
By the WSWS Teacher Newsletter, 16 February 2018
Thousands of West Virginia teachers, school employees, state workers and supporters are protesting today to demand the right to a decent standard of living and high-quality public education.
“We want to be able to afford to live”
West Virginia teachers press for statewide strike
West Virginia teachers authorize statewide strike
West Virginia teacher speaks on social conditions, issues in strike vote
As AFSCME drags out contract negotiations
Brutal police assault on UC Berkeley worker evokes anger
By Meenakshi Jagadeesan and Evelyn Rios, 16 February 2018
AFSCME has portrayed the attack on 51-year-old housing and dining services employee David Cole during a campus protest over stalled contract talks in exclusively racial terms.
The Grenfell Tower fire
Failed by the State co-writer and presenter Ish: “I wasn’t trying to push agendas, I was just trying to tell the truth about Grenfell.”
By Robert Stevens, 16 February 2018
The World Socialist Web Site interviewed Ish about the making of Failed by the State, a documentary on the Grenfell fire, and the attack launched against it by the Daily Beast and right-wing newspapers in Britain.
More on the Grenfell Tower fire »
Organizing Resistance to Internet Censorship
SEP/IYSSE public meetings
Organizing Resistance to Internet Censorship
14 February 2018
The SEP and IYSSE are organizing public meetings throughout the US to alert workers and youth to the far-advanced efforts to control and censor the Internet.
For an international coalition to fight Internet censorship
An open letter from the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site to socialist, anti-war, left-wing and progressive websites, organizations and activists
23 January 2018
Honduras turns to online censorship and spyware to clamp down on protests
By Andrea Lobo, 16 February 2018
Corporate giant Unilever demands crackdown on oppositional Internet content
More on Internet censorship » »
PBS’s The Gilded Age: Removing the working class from the stage of history
By Tom Mackaman, 15 February 2018
Featured Interview
An interview with David North
Socialism or Barbarism: Reflections on Global Disorder
6 February 2018
In October 2017, David North delivered a lecture on the centenary of the October Revolution at St. Andrews College in Scotland. Prior to the lecture, he was interviewed by Adam Stromme, the editor in chief of the St Andrews Economist, the official publication of the St Andrews Economics Society.
Arts Review
John William Waterhouse’s Hylas and the Nymphs (1896) taken down for a week
Public outcry forces Manchester Art Gallery to restore censored painting
By Dennis Moore, 13 February 2018
Louis C.K.’s I Love You, Daddy: The tragic fate of a significant American film
By Zac Corrigan, 12 February 2018
The suicide of Jill Messick: #MeToo campaign claims a victim
A conversation with film historian Max Alvarez: How the #MeToo campaign echoes the McCarthyite witch hunt of the 1940s and 1950s
“The climate is chillingly similar in terms of the massive capitulation and conformity”
Puerto Rico
On-the-spot interviews: How many Puerto Ricans will die due to criminal government indifference?
Four months after Maria, millions are without power, water, health care, and the basic necessities of life in this US colony.
Donate today to support on-the-spot coverage and interviews with the international working class.
Notes from Puerto Rico
Thousands of workers in Puerto Rico continue to live without running water
Why are a million Puerto Ricans still in the dark?
Mehring Books
The Heritage We Defend and other important books by David North and the ICFI published in Turkish
By Halil Celik, 20 January 2018
In a country where the working class and socialist movement in general has been dominated by Stalinism, Maoism and petty-bourgeois nationalist tendencies for decades, these books are of prime importance in developing socialist consciousness among workers and youth.
New publication by Mehring Books (UK)
The falsification of David King’s work
12 January 2018
Mehring Books has produced a new pamphlet to memorialise David King, who devoted his extraordinary artistic gifts to salvaging the historical truth of the Russian Revolution of 1917 and its aftermath.
New in Arabic
WSWS publishes Arabic translation of “100 years since the Balfour Declaration.”
We are publishing here, in one part, the Arabic translation of the two-part article series, “100 years since the Balfour Declaration.” This was first published on the World Socialist Web Site on November 7/8, 2017.
International Amazon Workers Voice
Amazon begins operations in Australia
By Patrick Kelly, 28 December 2017
Watch: How can Amazon workers fight back?
Share this video widely! Like and Follow the International Amazon Workers Voice on Facebook
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