Australian prime minister expands war commitments during Washington trip
26 February 2018
Turnbull was clearly under pressure to step-up Canberra’s participation in US military operations.
Australia: Locked-out Glencore coal mine workers face new provocations
26 February 2018
As the union isolates the Oaky North workers, the Fair Work Ombudsman is investigating a protest picket near the Queensland mine.
The class issues behind the racist “African gang” campaign
26 February 2018
The government has promoted a lurid media campaign, seeking to elevate a few instances of petty crime into a virtual national security threat.
Trump uses Australian PM’s visit to threaten North Korea
24 February 2018
Trump warned that if sanctions on North Korea did not work he would move to “phase two,” which could be “a very rough thing.”

Australian deputy prime minister ousted via untested sexual harassment allegation
24 February 2018
The removal of Barnaby Joyce throws into further doubt the future of the already fragile Turnbull Coalition government.
Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
24 February 2018
The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.
Australia: Widespread discontent overshadows Tasmanian state election
23 February 2018
Under Liberal and Labor-Greens governments, the situation confronting the working class has continued to worsen.
Australian government to deport Tamil refugee despite torture warnings
22 February 2018
Thangalingam is a victim of anti-refugee and geo-strategic policies pursued by successive Australian governments.