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Paul Jay: Help Me, I'm Bewildered
Human society is facing an existential threat. Why isn't it at the top of the political agenda?
DATE: 2017-12-20 | LENGTH: 03:00

Trump Suppressing Biggest National Security Threat
While the Trump Administration censors the term 'climate change' for government institutions, the Pentagon highlights the urgency of the crisis
DATE: 2017-12-25 | LENGTH: 07:32

Can This Generation End World Hunger?
Famine has historically claimed more lives than war, but author and scholar Alex de Waal says the size and frequency of famines has been decreasing in recent years, and that overcoming world hunger may be within our reach
DATE: 2017-12-25 | LENGTH: 18:59

The Cost of Exclusion: Gender Job Segregation Hurts the Working Class
Although women's share of employment in most countries has increased, women's share of the "good" jobs in the industrial sector has declined substantially over the past few decades, and that inequality is creating a weaker working class as a whole, says Stephanie Seguino of the University of Vermont
DATE: 2017-12-25 | LENGTH: 11:21

TRNN SPECIAL: Trump, The Koch Brothers and Their War on Climate Science
A documentary special reveals how climate change science has been under systematic attack; the multi-million dollar campaign allowed a climate change denier to be elected president (a new version with updated content and music)
DATE: 2017-09-14 | LENGTH: 32:05

The Miners' Strike Taught Me to Think Critically - Gabriel Byrne on RAI (2/4)
On Reality Asserts Itself, actor Gabriel Byrne says that in the 70's, being Irish in London was like being a Muslim now; PM Thatcher's campaign to crush the miners union in 1984 helped him understand how the media were anti-working class and anti-union - with host Paul Jay
DATE: 2017-12-24 | LENGTH: 22:10

Will New ANC President Ramaphosa Bring Real Change to South Africa?
Cyril Ramaphosa, who was recently elected to head South Africa's ANC, is closely associated with major economic interests in South Africa, such as the Lonmin Mining Company, and is thus unlikely to bring about real change says Patrick Bond
DATE: 2017-12-24 | LENGTH: 10:50

The Navajo Nation's Water Crisis
Nearly 40 percent of residents on the Navajo Reservation still do not have running water in their homes
DATE: 2017-12-24

How Tax Breaks for Wealthy Developers Fueled an Affordable Housing Crisis in Baltimore
A rising inventory of luxury apartments points to the city's ineffectual inclusionary housing laws which advocates say can only be addressed with dedicated funding for development of projects with reasonable rents outside the Inner Harbor
DATE: 2017-12-24 | LENGTH: 39:30



From Priesthood to Actor to Activist: Gabriel Byrne on RAI (1/4)
On Reality Asserts Itself, actor and climate activist Gabriel Byrne speaks of growing up in a working class family that was religious, Irish nationalist and where joining a seminary made parents proud. He came to understand the injustice of the life working men like his father faced; with host Paul Jay
DATE: 2017-12-22 | LENGTH: 25:22

California Wild Fire Becomes Largest Ever Recorded
As 2017 marks a new benchmark for climate-change related U.S. disasters, FEMA director tells Americans they "will have to take care of themselves" when disasters strike.
DATE: 2017-12-23 | LENGTH: 07:11

Baltimore City Council to Propose Income-Based Water Billing
A new report shows that half of Baltimore households will be unable to afford water by 2019, but new legislation could change that
DATE: 2017-12-23 | LENGTH: 04:50

Where's the 'Collusion'?
Amid news the Mueller probe could extend through 2018, Guardian reporter Luke Harding and TRNN's Aaron Mate discuss Russiagate and Harding's new book "Collusion: Secret Meetings, Dirty Money, and How Russia Helped Donald Trump Win"
DATE: 2017-12-23 | LENGTH: 28:52

Five Corporations Hire Two Intelligence Firms to Spy on Activists
The Guardian exposes corporate espionage against human rights groups
DATE: 2017-12-23 | LENGTH: 04:36

US Works to Uphold Flawed Honduras Vote
The Trump administration is trying to legitimize the conservative incumbent's position in office by convincing friendly governments to recognize the deeply flawed vote in Honduras, despite growing calls for a new vote, explains Mark Weisbrot
DATE: 2017-12-23 | LENGTH: 12:51

The Hidden Agenda Behind Right-Wing Sinclair's School Reporting
The Real News hosts an extended discussion on Sinclair Broadcasting's "Project Baltimore," an investigative project that looks for flaws in the public school system--without addressing the root causes--and pushes for privatization
DATE: | LENGTH: 37:22

Do Democrats Have the DREAMers' Courage to Save DACA?
Democrats are backing off their pledge to risk a government shutdown unless Congress approves a new DREAM Act that protects undocumented youths. "We want Democrats to be as courageous as the DREAMers," says Our Revolution's Erika Andiola, who was just jailed for six days for a Capitol Hill protest
DATE: 2017-12-22 | LENGTH: 10:21

Catalan Separatists Defy Obstacles to Win Parliament Majority
Catalan independence parties won the regional parliamentary vote, defeating the central government's effort to weaken the movement, but the parties will have a difficult time forming a government, explains Prof. Sebastiaan Faber of Oberlin College
DATE: 2017-12-22 | LENGTH: 15:24

UN Defies Trump Threats on Jerusalem Vote
Despite a threat from US Ambassador Nikki Haley to pull United Nations funding, the UN General Assembly has overwhelmingly approved a measure rejecting President Trump's decision on Jerusalem
DATE: 2017-12-22 | LENGTH: 10:17

Vijay Prashad: Why we need The Real News
Vijay Prashad talks about why we need The Real News and about two important initiatives he is working on Leftword Books and the Tri-Continental Institute
DATE: 2017-12-21 | LENGTH: 04:09

Despite Not Guilty Verdict in First Inauguration Riot Case, US Attorney Won't Drop Charges Against Others
The case was a test of First Amendment rights of free speech and association under Trump, and the verdict is a blow to federal prosecutors and the D.C. police--yet the U.S. Attorney has decided not to drop charges against the remaining 180-plus defendants. But one of those defendants, Elizabeth Lagesse, says she's cautiously optimistic
DATE: 2017-12-22 | LENGTH: 17:13

Will Honduras Get New Presidential Elections?
Electoral observers from the OAS are calling for new elections, but they still won't use the word "fraud." Gerardo Torres, international coordinator of the Opposition Alliance Against the Dictatorship, and Luther Castillo, former Vice Minister in the Department of Health, discuss next steps
DATE: 2017-12-21 | LENGTH: 27:22

UN Security Council Isolates the US on Jerusalem
The US had to veto the UN Security Council vote to rebuke the US for moving its embassy to Jerusalem, which would have passed 14-1. All except the US agreed that the embassy's move will make a peace agreement between Israel and Palestine more difficult. Vijay Prashad analyzes the vote
DATE: 2017-12-21 | LENGTH: 09:54

Baltimore Councilman's Radical Idea: Tax Breaks for Poor Neighborhoods
A councilman and a group of activists are pushing several proposals to address Baltimore's burgeoning affordable housing crisis by targeting subsidies at neighborhoods the city has long neglected
DATE: 2017-12-22 | LENGTH: 03:38

US Pressure Led to Massacre of Colombian Farmers
Empire Files' Abby Martin says the massacre of unarmed coca farmers in Tumaco, Colombia was in response to pressure from the Trump administration to undermine the government's crop substitution agreement and use force in the "war on drugs"
DATE: 2017-12-21 | LENGTH: 16:30



















TRNN SPECIAL: Trump, The Koch Brothers and Their War on Climate Science
A documentary special reveals how climate change science has been under systematic attack; the multi-million dollar campaign allowed a climate change denier to be elected president (a new version with updated content and music)
Documentary Special: Return to Kandahar - A film by Paul Jay and Nelofer Pazira
Nelofer Pazira returns to Afghanistan in 2002 seeking her childhood friend Dyana who she thought had died living under Taliban rule. Through her search Nelofer unravels her past and the history of her country; Ottawa Citizen said the film was "as suspenseful as any drama. But it is also a shocking portrait of a nation still reeling from years of war, resistance and oppression."
The Bizarre Billionaire that Backed Bannon and Made Trump President
TRNN Documentary: Steve Bannon was fired from the White House on Friday, August 18th, 2017, but most of the media is missing the story of Robert Mercer, the billionaire that brought Bannon to the White House, who has now reappointed him as chairman of Breitbart News

How Tax Breaks for Wealthy Developers Fueled an Affordable Housing Crisis in Baltimore
A rising inventory of luxury apartments points to the city's ineffectual inclusionary housing laws which advocates say can only be addressed with dedicated funding for development of projects with reasonable rents outside the Inner Harbor
DATE: 2017-12-24

Baltimore City Council to Propose Income-Based Water Billing
A new report shows that half of Baltimore households will be unable to afford water by 2019, but new legislation could change that
DATE: 2017-12-23

The Hidden Agenda Behind Right-Wing Sinclair's School Reporting
The Real News hosts an extended discussion on Sinclair Broadcasting's "Project Baltimore," an investigative project that looks for flaws in the public school system--without addressing the root causes--and pushes for privatization

Baltimore Councilman's Radical Idea: Tax Breaks for Poor Neighborhoods
A councilman and a group of activists are pushing several proposals to address Baltimore's burgeoning affordable housing crisis by targeting subsidies at neighborhoods the city has long neglected
DATE: 2017-12-22

Police Reform: How to Make 150K and Rob the People who Pay You
In another installment of TRNN's in-depth reporting on the complexity of reforming urban policing, we examine how monetizing failure creates opportunities for law enforcement to extract wealth from communities that can least afford it
DATE: 2017-12-18

Baltimore Students Offer Solutions to Stop Police Brutality
A 5th grade class in Baltimore has completed an comprehensive research project on the unconstitutional and racist tactics used by Baltimore's police department and have turned their work into solutions they hope will improve how law enforcement interacts with the community
DATE: 2017-12-17



Pruitt's Secret Phone Booth - Tom Chalkley


The Grope Among Us - Tom Chalkley


Breathtaking Entertainment - Tom Chalkley


Strange Creatures of Denial - Tom Chalkley


Zombie Agencies - Tom Chalkley


More Amazing Facts and Dire Predictions - Tom Chalkley


The G.O.P Budget: One more Shoddy Trump Product - Tom Chalkley


Call of the Weird - Tom Chalkley


The Book of Michael - Tom Chalkley



Zelaya: Open Letter to the American People
By José Manuel Zelaya Rosales / Socialist Project. People of the United States: For the past century, the owners of the fruit companies called our country “Banana Republic” and characterized our politicians as “cheaper than a mule” (as in ...

José Manuel Zelaya Rosales

Challenging the Saudi Crown Prince: Alwaleed bin Talal toughs it out
By James M. Dorsey / Mid-East Soccer. Incarcerated for almost two months in a gilded cage in Riyadh’s luxurious Ritz Carlton Hotel, Saudi billionaire businessman Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal appears to be putting up a fight that could challenge Crown ...

James M. Dorsey

What We Don’t Talk about When We Talk about Russian Hacking
Jackson Lears / London Review of Books. American politics have rarely presented a more disheartening spectacle. The repellent and dangerous antics of Donald Trump are troubling enough, but so is the Democratic Party leadership’s failure to take in ...

Jackson Lears

Jeremy Corbyn’s Geneva Speech
Jeremy Corbyn / Socialist Project. British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn speaking in Geneva in honor of International Human Rights Day cited the need to: “Build a new social and economic system with human rights and justice at ...

Jeremy Corbyn

The Real Story Behind Katharine Graham and “The Post”
By Norman Solomon Movie critics are already hailing “The Post,” directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Meryl Streep as Washington Post publisher Katharine Graham. Millions of people will see the film in early winter. But the real-life political story ...

Norman Solomon

Communists Sweep the Nepali Elections
By Vijay Prashad / Socialist Project. You might as well imagine a large red flag fluttering from the summit of Mount Everest. That’s what the outcome of the parliamentary and provincial elections in Nepal suggests. The Communists have won ...

Vijay Prashad

Rotten Eggs: USDA Reverses Organic Animal Welfare Policy
By Jerri-Lynn Scofield / Naked Capitalism.
By Jerri-Lynn Scofield, who has worked as a securities lawyer and a derivatives trader. She now spends much of her time in Asia and is currently working on a book ...

Jerri-Lynn Scofield

Copping Out at COP23, Avoidance and Possibility in a Burning World
By Dave Bleakney / Socialist Project. During the recent COP23 summit in Bonn, a taxi driver provided a clear summary. Asked what he thought of COP 23, he replied “the climate is in crisis, but here, this is ...

Dave Bleakney


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Reality Asserts Itself - Gabriel Byrne

On Reality Asserts Itself, actor and climate activist Gabriel Byrne speaks of growing up in a working class family that was religious, Irish nationalist and where joining a seminary made parents proud. He came to understand the injustice of the life working men like his father faced; with host Paul Jay

Reality Asserts Itself - Thomas Frank

On Reality Asserts Itself, Thomas Frank author of "What's the Matter with Kansas" and "Listen Liberal", tells host Paul Jay that the Democratic Party serves the professional class and the top 10% and no longer cares about the poor or working class

Reality Asserts Itself: Trita Parsi

From Afghanistan to Iraq, the Trump administration, leading Democrats and much of the foreign policy and military establishment believe the U.S. should be more aggressive towards Iran. That's a very dangerous situation that can lead to war, noted Iran expert Trita Parsi tells Paul Jay on Reality Asserts Itself









Quick Hit Video: Trump, The Koch Brothers and Their War on Climate Science
Watch full documentary
Quick Hit Video: Larry Wilkerson: North Korea is Not an Existential Threat - But Many People Benefit by Saying It Is
Col. Wilkerson and TRNN's Paul Jay discuss the underlying forces driving the U.S./North Korea confrontation Watch full story
Quick Hit Video: The New York Times Gives Ex-Blackwater CEO Erik Prince Free Advertising
It's 'incredible' that the New York Times gave former Blackwater CEO Erik Prince editorial space to suggest letting private mercenaries lead the war in Afghanistan, says Col. Lawrence Wilkerson Watch full story
Quick Hit Video: The Real Story of how Bannon and Trump Got to the White House
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