Topic | Travel | The Age


Pregnancy not covered by one in four travel insurance policies

Pregnancy not covered by one in four travel insurance policies

Planning a babymoon? Make sure to check the travel insurance fine print.

  • by Maani Truu


I take my kids out of school for holidays. This is why

I take my kids out of school for holidays. This is why

Australia’s favourite holiday destinations cost 54 per cent more at Christmas.

  • by Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon
Air travel is about to get even less glamorous

Air travel is about to get even less glamorous

Savour the boutique shopping and caviar bar at your next visit to an airport. Outside the walled gardens of business-class lounges, the future of aviation is likely to be a whole lot more functional.

  • by David Fickling
The joys of staying idle in one place

The joys of staying idle in one place

Meshel Laurie discovers there are places you never want to leave.

  • by Meshel Laurie
How a mystery cruise companion changed the course of my work

How a mystery cruise companion changed the course of my work

A mystery woman becomes Tricia Stringer’s muse after a chance encounter at sea.

  • by Tricia Stringer
Sunday postcard: Welcome to Supai, the most remote community in the US

Sunday postcard: Welcome to Supai, the most remote community in the US

The most remote town in the contiguous United States offers a snapshot of American Indian struggles.

  • by Rachel Olding
Driving into a Google-dependent future

Driving into a Google-dependent future

Google's first concern is itself and its clients. But its services are so useful I don't really mind when it screws me.

  • by Crispin Hull
Dry skin on holidays in Bali? Consider a 'beer spa' (or not)

Dry skin on holidays in Bali? Consider a 'beer spa' (or not)

What it is like to bathe in Bintang.

  • by Sangeeta Kocharekar
Archives boss says $280k travel bill is 'money well spent'

Archives boss says $280k travel bill is 'money well spent'

International travel is required for the National Archives to keep up with best practice, the director-general said.

  • by Sally Whyte
Pooh's corner the focus of a uni study, and you can get involved

Pooh's corner the focus of a uni study, and you can get involved

The hazardous hairpin corner and its proliferation of soft toys is being studied by a group of researchers at the ANU.

  • by Tim The Yowie Man
The Canberra tree that ‘ate’ a garden rake. Really!

The Canberra tree that ‘ate’ a garden rake. Really!

And it turns out, your Akubra-clad columnist discovered, there are a surprising number of trees worldwide that have partially devoured objects.

  • by Tim the Yowie Man