
School boom: hundreds of students left without classrooms

Hundreds of students arriving for their first day of the year at NSW public schools last week found out there were no classrooms for them, as the Department of Education scrambles to get 46 demountables into overcrowded schools.

At Bondi Beach Public School, two classes are being held in the school's library and learning centre after students returned on January 30 to find the demountable classrooms needed to house its growing population would not arrive for at least several more weeks.

A year 1 class and a year 5 class at Bondi Beach Public School are currently being held in the library and learning centre as students wait for much-needed demountable classrooms to arrive.

A year 1 class and a year 5 class at Bondi Beach Public School are currently being held in the library and learning centre as students wait for much-needed demountable classrooms to arrive.

Photo: Janie Barrett

Six classes at Carlingford West Public School are being held in the school hall and library or students are sharing classrooms, as the school waits for demountables that were only delivered on the first day of school to be fully installed.

"We're still waiting for the stairs to be put in so the demountables can't be used yet," Carlingford West Public's P&C vice-president Bettina Corbo said.

"A lot of the kids haven't been able to start their educational programs because they're crammed into one area or they've been sitting in the library for the past week."


Bondi Beach Public's P&C president Rob Keldoulis said the overflow of students means the rest of the school can't access computers or the full catalogue of books.

"The overcrowding problem has been brewing for a long time and now use of the library has been drastically reduced and we've lost the computer room as a resource just as the government's banging on about STEM and literacy," Mr Keldoulis said.

A spokesman for the Education Department said that it has submitted a development application for Bondi Beach Public's demountables to Waverley Council, and that demountables at that school and Carlingford West Public will be installed "as soon as possible".

The department received 336 orders for demountables before the start of the school year, and 290 of these were in schools by February 5, the spokesman said.

The installation of hundreds more demountables across the state comes as the Labor opposition said there were already a record 4665 demountables in NSW public schools, housing more than 100,000 students.

Carlingford West Public has more demountables than any other school in the state, with 35 now on site.

Parents say the school's ageing facilities are no longer able to cope with the growing number of students.

"There have only been two toilet blocks since the school was built 50 years ago," Ms Corbo said.

"We now have 1300 students. They line up to take turns to use the toilets and teachers have to let them go during class."

The student populations at Carlingford West Public and Bondi Beach Public increased by about 12.5 per cent and 11 per cent respectively this year, in line with similar or greater influxes across Sydney schools, many of which have now exceeded their capacity.

About 5800 new demountables will be needed by 2030 to meet the state's growing student population, with the government's existing stock of 6100 demountables expected to be fully deployed between this year and 2020, according to forecasts obtained under freedom-of-information laws by the state opposition last year.

"The overcrowding is just going to get worse," Labor's education spokesman Jihad Dib said.

"If the government can't build schools, they should at least get demountables into schools in time."

The Education Department's spokesman said that many of the delays were due to applications being made after last year's November deadline.

"Following the department's mid-November deadline, 127 further orders for additional demountable classrooms or specialist spaces [had] been received," the spokesman said.

However, Bondi Beach Public School put its order in last September but the department's development application to the council wasn't finalised until January. This was confirmed by the mayor of Waverley, John Wakefield.

"Cr Wakefield said Waverley Council had only received the formal development application from the Department of Education last week, on 31 January 2018," according to a statement issued by Waverley Council.

"Cr Wakefield said he had been in touch with the Principal of Bondi Beach Primary School to reassure her that now the application had been received it would be processed as efficiently as possible."

Pallavi Singhal

Education reporter at The Sydney Morning Herald

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