- published: 31 Jul 2016
- views: 38261
ATF may refer to:
Hydraulic fluid(s), also called hydraulic liquid(s), are the medium by which power is transferred in hydraulic machinery. Common hydraulic fluids are based on waste, mineral oil or water. Examples of equipment that might use hydraulic fluids include excavators and backhoes, hydraulic brakes, power steering systems, transmissions, garbage trucks, aircraft flight control systems, lifts, and industrial machinery.
Hydraulic systems like the ones mentioned above will work most efficiently if the hydraulic fluid used has zero compressibility.
The primary function of a hydraulic fluid is to convey power. In use, however, there are other important functions of hydraulic fluid such as protection of the hydraulic machine components. The table below lists the major functions of a hydraulic fluid and the properties of a fluid that affect its ability to perform that function:
The original hydraulics fluid, dating back to the time of ancient Egypt, was water. Beginning in the 1920s, mineral oil began to be used more than water as a base stock due to its inherent lubrication properties and ability to be used at temperatures above the boiling point of water. Today most hydraulic fluids are based on mineral oil base stocks.
Special Weapons and Tactics teams are police units in the United States that use specialized or military equipment and tactics. First created in the 1960s for riot control or violent confrontations with gunmen, the number and usage of SWAT teams increased in the 1980s and 1990s during the War on Drugs, and in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks. In the United States today, SWAT teams are deployed 50,000-80,000 times every year, 80% of the time in order to serve search warrants, most often for narcotics. SWAT teams are increasingly equipped with military-type hardware and are trained to deploy against threats of terrorism, for crowd control, and in situations beyond the capabilities of ordinary police, sometimes deemed "high-risk." Other countries have developed their own paramilitary police units (PPUs) that are also described as or compared to SWAT police forces.
SWAT units are often equipped with specialized firearms including submachine guns, assault rifles, breaching shotguns, sniper rifles, riot control agents, and stun grenades. They have specialized equipment including heavy body armor, ballistic shields, entry tools, armored vehicles, advanced night vision optics, and motion detectors for covertly determining the positions of hostages or hostage takers, inside enclosed structures.
The ATF in the line of fire
I-Team: Exclusive ATF Special Response Team helps arrest violent criminals in Tampa Bay
ATF - 音悦台 2017 V CHART 最受欢迎组合获奖感言
How to Change Automatic Transmission Fluid and Filter (COMPLETE Guide)
ATF - 幽灵手记 - 舞蹈练习室
ATF × Ladybeard - 幽灵手记(官方MV)
dmx - ATF - It's Dark And Hell Is Hot
ATF - 绝杀 Win or Nothing (Official MV)
Biggest ATF Operation in History: "Cold Day" Raid in South San Francisco, California; MS-13 Gang?
Who is ATF? วงไรว่ะ?? #antiatf
Atf ร้องไห้ดีใจขนาดนั้นเรยหรอ😡😡#หน้าดีโอบอกกูดีใจกับมึงด้วย😕😑😡😡
ATF Special Response Team Basic School
040827 ATF Performance in VChart Awards
Ali G In The ATF
Atf ยินดีด้วยค่ะคุณตอแห*ดีคุณได้ไปต่อ😡😡😡😡 Exo exo exo exo 😍
Bill To Report Multiple Rifle Purchases To ATF
Moron ATF Agent Seizes 30 Toy Guns! Says They can be Converted!
ATF × Ladybeard - 幽灵手记 - Live in Shanghai 2016
ATF Agent Accuses Jason Chaffetz Of Wanting Youtube Fame, Instantly Regrets It
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is the federal law enforcement agency charged with investigating the illegal use or trafficking of firearms. It's an agency that is itself in the sights of gun rights proponents, who would like to eliminate the ATF altogether. Richard Schlesinger talks with ATF head Thomas Brandon about the obstacles facing the agency.
Dozens of guns and lots of drugs are now off the streets of Hillsborough County. The sheriff's office and ATF teamed up in a four month crackdown, which netted dozens of arrests. ◂ The ABC Action News app brings you the latest trusted news and information. ABC Action News is Taking Action For You with leading local news coverage, "Certified Most Accurate" weather forecasts, and award-winning I-Team investigations. ABC Action News, WFTS, covers local news in Tampa Bay and Florida. iPhone: http://bit.ly/http://bit.ly/iOS-wfts Android: http://bit.ly/abcaction-android
Automatic Transmission Fluid Change. This is the complete guide on how to change the transmission fluid in your car or truck! I give you valuable tips like tightening the bolts on the transmission valve body gasket so you get crisper shifts or using silicone on the rubber gasket to hold it in place. Transmission Filter: http://amzn.to/1ZuJQvT Transmission Fluid: http://amzn.to/1VH4mtd Funnel: http://amzn.to/1VH3Ziz Silicon Paste: http://amzn.to/1LImgts Abrasive Pad: http://amzn.to/1pJc0HN Low-torque Toque wrench: http://amzn.to/22AI3Lj Ramps I use: http://amzn.to/1UhWkrr Cris-cross Tightening Sequence: http://goo.gl/G9Wrk9 How to Change Your Engine Oil: https://youtu.be/O1hF25Cowv8?list=PLvKbarVtwhUvKCEzK79P2ex9rWVRxVcTl Can Changing your Transmission Fluid Damage your Transmission?: ht...
幽灵手记MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjwMR3js25Q 幽灵手记Live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDIieCSx3SI
词:曲世聪 曲:曲世聪 导演:朱心磊 摄影师:詹宏邦
I was going to park at the Orange Street library parking lot at 6am, but the parking lot was full of cops in military gear. I felt a little embarrassed driving around them. I came back with the intention to record them on bicycle, but the footage was bad. Sorry. So, the best video I could get was their battle formation leaving the library. I wondered if it was training or the real thing. 20 minutes later as I set out for a nice bicycle ride I see police lights and a street blocked off (Commercial Street). So I decide to record. Then I looped around the back to see 7 cops and some cars behind. I get onto Commercial Street from the other side and peddle the distance back to Chestnut Ave. there are over 20 cops standing outside a house. So gather time on Tuesday morning is 6am. Deployed fro...
Held in Ft. Pickett, VA ATF Special Agents attend the Special Response Team(SRT) Basic school. The school is for agents that apply and are accepted to be part of this elite team. The students learn imperative skills such as breaching, covert patrolling, tracking with K-9s, fast roping and much more. The SRT is called in when law enforcement is dealing with violent career criminals that pose an grave threat to public safety.
...are they lipsyncing...? they dont even dance in synchronize...
Ali G Visits The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
Bill To Report Multiple Rifle Purchases To ATF HR 4025, submitted by Rep. Norma Torres (D-CA) looks make purchasing 2 or more rifles &/or shotguns a reportable offense. This law already applies to handguns. READ the Bill here: https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/4025/text?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22hr+4025%22%5D%7D&r;=1 SUBSCRIBE: -- https://www.youtube.com/jyanis VISIT My Store: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/GunsGadgets SUPPORT Guns & Gadgets: https://www.patreon.com/GUNSandGADGETS paypal.me/JaredYanis LET’S CONNECT! — Business Inquiries: jyanis1975@gmail.com -- https://www.facebook.com/GunsGadgets -- https://www.instagram.com/guns_and_gadgets -- https://vid.me/Guns_and_Gadgets -- https://twitter.com/jyanis
Wow! For educational purposes. martial law, new world order, obama, bush, left right paradigm, cbs, nbc, abc, cnn, fnc, hln, msnbc, iran vnc, al jazeerah, bbc, popular mechanics, 911, wtc 7, truth, ufo, cnbc,alex jones, fema,operation garden plot, nle, dod,pentagon,bilderberg,cfr,rothschild,r ockefeller,healthcare,planned parenthood,taxes,irs,foreclosure,bankrup tcy,oathkeepers,fbi,cia,al ciada,taliban,iraq,afganastan,pakistan,r t,h1n1,h2n1,plague,swine flu,police state,nwo, earthquake,iran
ATF Agent Accuses Jason Chaffetz Of Wanting Youtube Fame, Instantly Regrets It trey gowdy was in the other room and jason chaffetz literally goes so hard on this guy they get into it more than i have ever seen in congress, this is a great example of congress getting very pissed at the fact that agents like atf wont give information or show up to congress to testify, chaffetz new clip 4/4/ 2017
FPC's new program alerting you to key firearms related legislation, "Battle of The Day" , which airs most weekday afternoons on the Firearms Policy Coalition Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/gunpolicy/ and archived here. _____ October 17, 2017 : SUPPORT HR 2097 - Limits ATF's Ability to Reclassify Ammo Read More at http://bit.ly/2goI2ti
10/17/2017 Tonight's private MFA Underground show with MFA - March For America Founder/CEO "Scott J Binsack"... "NEW VEGAS UPDATES - "Key Witness Brian Hodge Debunked / Paddock Running Guns For ATF/FBI" "Scott Binsack" re-visits key video evidence of muzzle flash and proves it's not coming from the 4th floor of the Mandalay Bay but from across the concert venue from either the Church or the Tropicana. He further proves that alleged key witness and next room over guest from Paddock's 32nd-floor suit Australian Brian Hodge is a possible fraud. Scott also exposes new info he received from a top source that "Stephen Paddock" was running guns from Arizona to Las Vegas for the ATF and FBI - Another Fast and Furious exposed!! A show not to miss!! Join MFA Underground Today: http://shopmfa.or...
Trey Gowdy can not believe the steam pile of S*** that is being unloaded on him as he tries to expose the real motivation behind the Obama administration's illegal Fast and Furious operation that led to the death of hundreds of Mexican citizens and American Boarder Patrol Agents by mexican drug cartels.
G+:https://goo.gl/5PCrcv Twitter:https://goo.gl/J3fFtY DONATE ME IF YOU WANT :https://www.paypal.me/TranMinhHungNguyen Please click subscribe channel:https://goo.gl/mSDPc7 Music None of these images, music & video clips were created/owned by us. * This video is purely fan-made, if you (owners) want to remove this video, please CONTACT US DIRECTLY before doing anything. We will respectfully remove it. Mail : Tomcan87@yahoo.com
ホンダのバモスはリヤにエンジンが搭載されています なので オイル交換の時も荷台に載せている荷物を 一旦 下ろさないとダメなんです... まあ サンバーみたいにバンパーを開ければOK!みたいな 作りをしてくれればよかったんですが... (ザンバーはサンバーで別の問題がありますんが...) 今回はオイルはオイルでも ミッションオイル(オートマチックオイル)の交換を やってみたいと思います!
The daily life of the secret ghost division, a crack squadron of hecking awesome USCPF guys who live in CDF territory, they wear spooky ghost masks and attempt to scare the populace into putting down their slavery flags, but they're socialist, but they love the south, I just realized how stupid the PRT is, and why are the Brazilians even helping them? The Brazilians like can't even feed themselves now, they cant really help americans. I also noticed, that ATF thing in the title needs to go bacK behind the rest of the righting, aww heck.
Bill To Report Multiple Rifle Purchases To ATF HR 4025, submitted by Rep. Norma Torres (D-CA) looks make purchasing 2 or more rifles &/or shotguns a reportable offense. This law already applies to handguns. READ the Bill here: https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/4025/text?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22hr+4025%22%5D%7D&r;=1 SUBSCRIBE: -- https://www.youtube.com/jyanis VISIT My Store: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/GunsGadgets SUPPORT Guns & Gadgets: https://www.patreon.com/GUNSandGADGETS paypal.me/JaredYanis LET’S CONNECT! — Business Inquiries: jyanis1975@gmail.com -- https://www.facebook.com/GunsGadgets -- https://www.instagram.com/guns_and_gadgets -- https://vid.me/Guns_and_Gadgets -- https://twitter.com/jyanis
I'm pretty sure you can find the game, right?
10/17/2017 Tonight's private MFA Underground show with MFA - March For America Founder/CEO "Scott J Binsack"... "NEW VEGAS UPDATES - "Key Witness Brian Hodge Debunked / Paddock Running Guns For ATF/FBI" "Scott Binsack" re-visits key video evidence of muzzle flash and proves it's not coming from the 4th floor of the Mandalay Bay but from across the concert venue from either the Church or the Tropicana. He further proves that alleged key witness and next room over guest from Paddock's 32nd-floor suit Australian Brian Hodge is a possible fraud. Scott also exposes new info he received from a top source that "Stephen Paddock" was running guns from Arizona to Las Vegas for the ATF and FBI - Another Fast and Furious exposed!! A show not to miss!! Join MFA Underground Today: http://shopmfa.or...
This video shows the procedure for changing the automatic transmission fluid (ATF) and the differential fluid on a 4th generation Honda CR-V. Shown in the video is a 2013 CR-V AWD, but the procedure will be the same for all 2012-14 models. Only the AWD version will need the differential fluid. I believe the 2015+ uses a CVT so the procedure is different. To skip the intro and tools and go straight to the ATF change, skip to 2:40: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oItpcOJLuA#t=2m40s To go straight to the differential fluid change, skip to 13:25: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oItpcOJLuA#t=13m25s. I bought pretty much everything online because I'm lazy, I'm sure you can probably buy most of this at your local Honda dealership for around the same price. Materials needed: 1) 4 qts Honda...
Valvoline MaxLife Full Synthetic Multi-Vehicle Automatic Transmission Fluid - 1 Quart, (Case of 6) At Amazon: http://amzn.to/2qsXiVw Valvoline MaxLife Full Synthetic Multi-Vehicle Automatic Transmission Fluid - 1 Quart, (Case of 6) At Ebay: https://goo.gl/DbRSD9 Valvoline MaxLife Full Synthetic Multi-Vehicle Automatic Transmission Fluid - 1 Gallon, (Pack of 3) at Amazon: http://amzn.to/1EAOXBB At Ebay:https://goo.gl/iQyVtT Non-contact Infrared Thermometer W/Laser Sight at Amazon: http://amzn.to/2qm0X8a Non-contact Infrared Thermometer W/Laser Sight at Ebay: https://goo.gl/3t5bOF Magnum 1002-01 Automotive Ramp System At Amazon: http://amzn.to/1eGntQe Magnum 1002-01 Automotive Ramp System At Ebay: https://goo.gl/nf59ZH Mobarel -- 1/2" Drive 6 Point Impact Socket 22mm At Amazon: http://amzn.t...
This is a detailed video of my procedure for changing the automatic transmission fluid and factory ATF filter on a 2002 Honda Odyssey. This generation of Odyssey is famous for fragile transmissions, though, I've been lucky. When I made this video, mine was still on its original transmission after 160,000 miles on the odometer. Even though the replacement of the ATF filter is not part of Honda's recommended maintenance schedule, I wanted to do this service to hopefully extend the life of my transmission for as long as possible. With the right basic tools and some patience, it is not a very difficult job. Parts: 25450-P7W-003 Honda FILTER (ATF) 91301-P7W-003 Honda O-RING (12X2.4) (KEIHIN) 08200-9008 Honda Transmission Fluid ATF DW1 There is a lot of good discussion on this topic on th...
This video describes fire behavior in ventilation limited structures using live fire demonstrations, computer fire modeling (Fire Dynamics Simulator) and ATF field testing. The vast majority of fires encountered by fire investigators and firefighters are ventilation limited, meaning that the size and location of flames are regulated by sources of ventilation.
THIS VIDEO WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO CHANGE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ATF FLUID & FILTER ON A 2004 MERCEDES E-CLASS STEP BY STEP. https://www.amazon.com/Original-Launch-ICARSCAN-Bluetooth-Diagnostic/dp/B01CCHX23A/ref=as_sl_pc_tf_til?tag=melniksmotors-20&linkCode;=w00&linkId;=ec26070919f592ea14e4e9a283dc876f&creativeASIN;=B01CCHX23A
LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? CONSIDER PURCHASING A MAN CAN: https://goo.gl/TCXIU7 SIGN UP FOR OUR EMAIL LIST: http://goo.gl/6FAKIe SUPPORT IV8888 ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/iv8888 FULL RULING HERE: https://www.atf.gov/file/100896/download In this video Chad and I dive into 41P (now known as 41F) and discuss what the changes mean for individuals and NFA Trusts especially. CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE! http://www.iraqveteran8888.com Shirts & other Apparel: http://www.1776united.com Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/iraqveteran8888official Follow us on Instagram: http://instagram.com/mrsiraqveteran8888/ http://instagram.com/chad_iv8888/ Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Iraqveteran8888 Disclaimer: Our videos are for entertainment purposes only, imitation or the use of...
Here is the MaxLife 773775 Dex/Merc Automatic Transmission Fluid at Amazon: http://amzn.to/1EAOXBB Here is the Non-contact Infrared Thermometer W/Laser Sight at Amazon: http://amzn.to/1ruZMuL Magnum 1002-01 Automotive Ramp System: http://amzn.to/1eGntQe Pittsburgh Professional 1/2" Drive Click Stop Torque Wrench AT Amazon: http://amzn.to/1WRWRi9 Pittsburgh Pro Reversible Click Type Torque Wrench Sizes 1/4-Inch, 3/8-Inch, 1/2-Inch, Set of 3 At Amazon: http://amzn.to/1WRYCMn Hyundai Repair Procedure http://www.hsguide.net/repair_procedures-231.html Hyundai Sonata 2.0T 2011 Automatic Transmission Fluid Change
un-limited 謙一さんに交換してもらいました。 un-limited ホームページ unlimitedracingjapan.coocan.jp
In this video I lay out my opinions on some of the changes to the BATFE 4473 form that was released 11-28-16 Here are a couple of URLs to sites that have more information. https://www.atf.gov/firearms/atf-form-4473-firearms-transaction-record-revisions. Thanks for watching, Please comment below and hit the like button. Thanks!! http://orchidadvisors.com/atf-form-4473-firearms-transaction-record-form-4473-revised/?utm_campaign=Industry+Alerts&utm;_source=hs_email&utm;_medium=email&utm;_content=37660754&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-9aI2FjityVgUS4XcDEvoxR6G8UguI-zGPOduOMd7ITBVqLzwt85dSwevRKX6z74MrJXvXBlrRnhgt2hfG9x7q7efGFoA&_hsmi=37660754 #gunflinger #2A #NRA #ATF #batfe #guns #firearms
In this video you will learn how to change WS ATF in Toyota. Also, you see the tools you need and parts. O-ring was mentioned for overflow tube. However, not needed. Best motor oil money can buy. Also, ATF. I am independent AMSOIL dealer. If you register as a preferred customer through me using this number 5257753 at http://bestautofluids.com/ I will email you additional information about Amsoil..You need to let me know when you registered. automatic transmission flush https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=or9u8DQ4fVU DON'T FORGET THIS video for more details on WS ATF changing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maK7HsGEEls https://twitter.com/repairvehicle Toyota WS ATF can be purchased here.https://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_id=114&ipn;=icep&toolid;=20004&campid;=5337992468...
Not a Mechanic...Not a Professional. Just an average contributor to YouTube. My attempt at MDX Transmission Fluid Drain & Fill . Please share your thoughts.... Keep the comments comin' and...... Enjoy!! 1.Tranny Drain Plug Crush Washer- Honda Part# 90471-PX4-000 2.Honda ATF DW-1 (4 Quarts)
MARCH 12, 2017 Murder of Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agenct Justice Department and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives officials testified at a hearing on Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agent Jaime Zapata’s murder by members of a drug cartel. FULL VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g19VzhXClrg
INTRODUCTION: This video summarizes the ATF Fire Research Laboratory's Engineering Analysis of the fire that occurred at 30 Dowling Circle on January 19th, 2011 using actual scene audio, photographs and computer fire modeling video. ATF Fire Protection Engineers were asked to utilize engineering analysis methods, including computer fire modeling, to assist with determining the route of fire spread and the events that led to the firefighter MAYDAY and subsequent Line of Duty Death of Firefighter Mark Falkenhan. The complete analysis can be found in the printed engineering analysis report auhtored by Fire Protection Engineer Adam St. John, PE at the link below: http://www.baltimorecountymd.gov/bin/a/m/b_atffireanalysis120319.pdf BACKGROUND: Working closely with the Post Incident Analysi...
Valvoline MaxLife Full Synthetic Multi-Vehicle Automatic Transmission Fluid - 1 Quart, (Case of 6) At Amazon: http://amzn.to/2qsXiVw Valvoline MaxLife Full Synthetic Multi-Vehicle Automatic Transmission Fluid - 1 Quart, (Case of 6) At Ebay: https://goo.gl/DbRSD9 Valvoline MaxLife Full Synthetic Multi-Vehicle Automatic Transmission Fluid - 1 Gallon, (Pack of 3) at Amazon: http://amzn.to/1EAOXBB Non-contact Infrared Thermometer W/Laser Sight at Amazon: http://amzn.to/2qm0X8a Non-contact Infrared Thermometer W/Laser Sight at Ebay: https://goo.gl/3t5bOF Magnum 1002-01 Automotive Ramp System At Amazon: http://amzn.to/1eGntQe Magnum 1002-01 Automotive Ramp System At Ebay: https://goo.gl/nf59ZH Mobarel -- 1/2" Drive 6 Point Impact Socket 22mm At Amazon: http://amzn.to/2pLWxKR mobarel -- 1/2" Driv...
I wanted to do one more drain and fill, based on what the ATF looked like yesterday. I intend this to be the last time I do this for 30K miles! IMPORTANT UPDATE!!! Listen, I wanted to come back and add some information for others that might read this looking for the capacity to do this... If you watch the video, you will see that I drained it, measured it, and put back in 300ml less of 4 quarts. So, it was something like 3.67 quarts I put back into the transmission. I said that put the level about 1/16th to 1/8th from the top of the dip stick hash marks. I said in the video that the transmission shifted okay. I had decided to drain out another 100ml of fluid. The transmission shifts BETTER. When it shifts the shifting process is quicker, more positive and smoother. There was neve...
Here is the kit I have purchased: https://www.fcpeuro.com/products/bmw-ga8hp45z-ga8hp70z-auto-trans-service-kit-zf-24118612901kt1 These guys also offer the kit for sale, but two reasons I did not choose them were: price was higher and shipping only to USA. http://www.thectsc.com/products/oil-change-kit-for-bmw-8hp45/70-ga8hp45z-ga8hp70z--227-109.html
► All mods found on: http://a-t-f-moddingdesign.freeforums.net/ ► Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/FeenixFeatherYT ► Like me on Facebook: facebook.com/FeenixFeather ► Follow me on Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/feenixfeatheryt ► My Website: http://feenixfeather.wix.com/feenix ► Intro by: www.maclobuzz.com The Outcast Posse: ►Tuff: https://www.youtube.com/user/tuff977 ►Glass: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAfJg4wKhCRdKT-jYtNvPSg Computer Specs: ► CPU: Intel i7-4790k ► CPU Cooler: Corsair H60 ► Motherboard: MSI Z97-Gaming5 ► Memory: 2x 8G HyperX Fury ► Storage: Sandisk 240GB SSD + Seagate 2TB ► Video Card: R9 390 8GB ► Case: Corsair 750D ► Power Supply: Corsair CX 750w Are you interested in winning some cool giveaways? Check out my wife's blog! She has some neat giveaways goin...
Got me on the run
Uh, uh
BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, open the door, ATF
To late to send my girl downstairs to say he left
To the basement, go through the replacement door
Come up in my neighbor's yard, wit' a taste for war
You know I laced the four, wit' the hallows
Crack the safe, got the bottles
Whatchu want me to do?
Beep Callows
Two houses over, by the tall black fence
I keep the hooptie parked for situations like this
There go Priest, yo, deal in, you drive
What the fuck you doin' nigga?
Tryin' to stay alive
Cops on every corner, I lay back and try to cruise by
Who the fuck could'a snitched? Must'a been a new guy
(Siren)Damn, in back on our ass
Put your foot back on the gas, step on it fast
Tryin' to pull up on the side, but I'm packin' to blast
Tryin' to take the niggaz heads off, fuck crackin' the glass
(Gunshots)Hey, look out, (bark), damn
Came so close, you almost hit that bitch
Like you said nigga, almost
Shit, the cops hit her, and I know they ain't gon' leave her
Go up here, make this left, pull it over, take a breather
(breathing sounds)
Drop it on the floor, BOOM
Got it through the door, peddle to the floor, an office line
Death is in the air, and I don't know if it's mine
But I know if it's time, it'll be what it is
And all I can think of is what about my kids
Shit, they on the corner, hit the sidewalk, quick!
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 more clips
Hit the fire hydrant, get low for the shootout
Run through the fire, pull a gun from my boot out
Caught me in the shoulder, the neck, the ear
I'm goin' out fast and the last thing I hear is