At the frontlines of sea level rise and experiencing more intense tropical storms, the Cook Islands is focused on strengthening resilience to the impacts of climate change.
Each year, as part of the educational outreach programmes undertaken by the United Nations, the Information Service at Geneva organizes the Graduate Study Programme. This seminar provides an opportunity for outstanding graduate and postgraduate students from all over the world to deepen their understanding of the principles, purposes and activities of the United Nations and its related agencies through first-hand observation and study at the United Nations Office at Geneva.
The UN is calling interested individuals and groups to participate in a photo competition celebrating gender equality in the lead up to the International Women’s Day on 8 March 2018.
The Women’s Committee at Siumu are serious about conserving their environment and surrounding. It is for this reason that they have completed the first of its two-phase USD10,000 project funded by UNDP GEF-Small Grants Programme, which is in line with the United Nations SDG14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
On the week that the world celebrated International Volunteer Day (IVD), United Nations Volunteers (UNVs), volunteers from SPREP, US Peace Corps and United Nations (UN) staff “acted first” through a rubbish collecting activity sponsored by UNV. The activity at Sogi on Friday afternoon, 8 December 2017 was designed to showcase the true spirit of volunteerism in line with the IVD theme for 2017, #VolunteersActFirst. Here. Everywhere.
On the occasion of International Day for Disaster Reduction, tsunami evacuation drills in Samoa mobilised 1,400 students and teachers to test their school disaster preparedness and evacuation plans.
A Public Health Study Tour from Griffith University, Australia visited the United Nations (UN) at the One-UN House at Tuanaimato on Monday.

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