About UNDP in Ghana


UNDP is the UN's global development network, an organization advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. We are on the ground in some 170 countries and territories, working with them on their own solutions to global and national development challenges. As they develop local capacity, they draw on the people of UNDP and our wide range of partners.

In Ghana, UNDP supports national efforts and capacity building for sustainable human development in line with Ghana’s own development strategies. The UNDP Country Programme for Ghana, which covers the period 2012-2016, is derived from the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF), and is in line with Ghana Shared Growth Development Agenda. The programme focuses on the following three thematic areas: Democratic Governance, Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development.

The UNDP Ghana Country Office is a valued, trusted and reliable adviser to, and development partner with, the Ghana Government and other stakeholders in national development. As Ghana builds its own development solutions, UNDP provides ideas for strategic development projects and capacity building in support of continued efforts to eradicate pockets of extreme poverty, improve gender equality, reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS, promote and protect human rights and enhance environmental management. UNDP also helps support Ghana's aspirations to achieve development gains in poorer countries through South-South initiatives.

Towards these objectives, the UNDP Country Office draws on its own knowledge, expertise and resources, as well as those available through UNDP's global development network . The Office also nurtures and builds strong alliances with civil society, the private sector and donors.

What do we want to accomplish?

We are committed to help Ghana achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as the national objectives articulated in consecutive Five-Year Plans. We aim to improve the lives of the poorest women and men, the marginalized and the disadvantaged in Ghana.

The United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) 2012 – 2017, signed between Government of Ghana and the United Nations system in April 2011, presents the coherent vision and collective programme results the UN system seeks to achieve in support of key priorities of the Government’s development agenda. Based on the Ghana UN Country Team’s localized approach to Delivering as One termed NKONSONKONSON 1, the UNDAF concentrates on four strategic areas :–

Food Security and Nutrition; Sustainable Environment, Energy and Human Settlements; Human Development and Productive Capacity for Improved Social Services; Transparent and Accountable Governance - which are directly derived from four of the seven thematic priorities of the national development agenda, the Ghana Shared Growth and Development Agenda (GSGDA) 2010-2013.

What are our results?

Click here for some information on our accomplishments.

Who are the decision makers?

  The Resident Coordinator (RC) in Ghana is the designated representative of the Secretary General for development operations and leader of the United Nations Country Team (UNCT). The Resident Coordinator, who also holds the appointment as the UNDP Resident Representative (RR), reports to the Secretary General through the UNDP Administrator. The Resident Coordinator assumes overall responsibility for the operational and development activities of the United Nations system carried out at country level in conformity with the objectives and priorities of the government, and mandates and objectives of the United Nations system organisations.

The UNDP Resident Representative in Ghana is supported by a Country Director and a Deputy Country Director. Together with the Head of Programmes and an Economics Advisor, these make up the senior management of UNDP in Ghana.

Our Senior Management
1.     Christine Evans-Klock         UN RC & UNDP Resident Representative      
2.     Dominic Sam                     Country Director
3.     Mulugeta Abebe                 Deputy Country Director (Operations)
4.     Radhika Lal                        Economics Advisor
5.     Louis Kuukpen                   Asst. Country Director (Programmes)

Mrs. Gladys Ghartey
Head of UN Systems
Ministry of Finance
P.O.Box M40,Accra

Tel : 0302 686147 /Ext207

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