You would think eight years of President Obama NOT locking up Christians would cure them of this delusion. Read more

This is what happens when a Fox News mentality takes over a once-credible organization. Read more

This conservative Christian writer obviously didn’t talk to trans people like me before writing his book, so here’s what I’d tell him. Read more

Apparently, Christians worship a blood-hungry deity who responds to same-sex couples getting married by shooting kids. Read more

The TV host also told the atheist not to talk about science because the “simple people” watching the show couldn’t handle “big words.” Read more

You know things are bad for the GOP when Tennessee’s Lt. Gov. chimes in to attack a State Senate candidate in a red district because she doesn’t believe in God. Read more

Mike Huckabee resigned from the CMA Foundation, the Country Music Association’s philanthropic organization, after an outcry from members. When you’re too conservative for country music, you know you’ve gone too far. Read more

Students are already able to pray on their own, but a school board member in South Carolina insists on having a pointless policy permitting it. Read more

This is another loss for the Christian Right and another victory for church/state separation. Read more

Ross Douthat, writing for the New York Times, says there’s value in religious experiences, but delusions shouldn’t be mistaken for evidence. Read more

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