AWS Startup Day: We're in It Together

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AWS Startups Blog | Most Recent Posts

Braze Co-Founder Jon Hyman on How Tech Humanizes Communications Between Brands and Customers

February 08, 2018

Whether it’s via phones, cars, speakers, or even watches, brands have an ever-increasing number of places to reach consumers. The catch, however, is that consumers are getting savvier—and more demanding—about how brands are engaging with them.

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AWS’s Santanu Dutt and Anand Iyer on why Blockchain technology will upend industries

February 07, 2018

You’ve certainly heard about the volatile ride cryptocurrency investors have been on of late. Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies have been heading to the stratosphere… and back down… and back up. Cryptocurrency bulls are bellowing about the blindingly bright future, while the bears are prognosticating doom. And that is just this week.

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Pouch cofounder Vikram Simha on seizing (Dragon’s Den) gold and scaling customers

February 06, 2018

You know the story. Plucky band of adventurers make off with the dragon’s loot, only to suffer some tragic ending because they neglected to take seriously some key bit of information. Usually it falls along the lines of said-dragon treasure being cursed, or so heavy it sinks the boat, or originally belonged to a foul-tempered Orc king now out for blood. The point is, things end badly. There was no way Vikram Simha was letting any of that happen.

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    Enable agile research, collaboration, product development, and sales.

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    Build and scale high-performance mobile applications and securely connect devices to the cloud.

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    Deploy and manage software solutions in a matter of minutes.

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Mackenzie Kosut is the Principal Startup Evangelist at Amazon Web Services (AWS). Prior to AWS, he worked at Betterment, Oscar, Tumblr, and more. Mackenzie travels the globe seeking out groundbreaking startups on AWS, sharing the cool things they're doing through blog, live video, and social media. He's also a regular AWS keynote speaker for startups at global events.

@mkosut | AWS Startups Blog | Live Video Interviews

Each month, we feature a set of AWS Hot Startups on the main AWS Blog, showcasing the cool things they're doing on AWS, in hopes that they will inform and inspire you to create your own business, products, and services. For December, we present 'A Year in Review,' highlighting the AWS Hot Startups we featured during the year. Please, follow the link to read it, and check back here each month for the latest AWS Hot Startups!

AWS Hot Startups

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