AWS IoT Device Management

Onboard, organize, monitor, and remotely manage connected devices at scale

See a demo of AWS IoT Device Management during the Manage IoT Devices throughout Their Lifecycle webinar on February 22, 1pm PT / 4pm ET.

AWS IoT Device Management makes it easy to securely onboard, organize, monitor, and remotely manage IoT devices at scale. IoT Device Management lets you register your devices individually or in bulk, and manage permissions so that devices remain secure. Then, you use the IoT Device Management console to organize your devices into groups, monitor and troubleshoot device functionality, and send remote updates to your devices. AWS IoT Device Management allows you to scale your device fleets and reduce the cost and effort of managing large IoT device deployments.


Fast Device Onboarding

With AWS IoT Device Management, you can securely add device attributes like device name, type and manufacturing year, certificates and access policies to the AWS IoT Registry in bulk, assign them to devices, and put large fleets of devices into service quickly.

Simple Device Organization

AWS IoT Device Management lets you organize your devices into groups and manage access policies for these groups. This makes it easy to track, operate, and manage your devices according to business and security requirements, such as deploying a firmware update for all devices in a building or defining how devices communicate with each other. You can create a hierarchy for your groups such as grouping multiple sensors within a single vehicle and grouping multiple vehicles in a fleet. Then, your devices will inherit access policies based on the group hierarchy.

Locate Devices Quickly

AWS IoT Device Management lets you quickly search and find any device across your entire device fleet in near real-time. You can easily find devices based on a combination of attributes like device ID, device state and type, and quickly find specific devices so that you can take action or troubleshoot your devices.

Easy Remote Management

AWS IoT Device Management makes it easy for you to maintain the health of your device fleet. With IoT Device Management, you can remotely update the software running on your devices after they have been deployed in the field – allowing you to ensure that devices are always running on the latest software. You can also remotely execute actions on the devices such as reboots, factory resets, software updates, and security patches.

How It Works

How it Works - AWS IoT Device Management

Blog Posts & Articles

Jeff Barr  
29 NOV 2017

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