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Get started with Amazon Elasticsearch Service

Amazon Elasticsearch Service makes it easy to deploy, secure, operate, and scale Elasticsearch for log analytics, full text search, application monitoring, and more. Amazon Elasticsearch Service is a fully managed service that delivers Elasticsearch’s easy-to-use APIs and real-time analytics capabilities alongside the availability, scalability, and security that production workloads require. The service offers built-in integrations with Kibana, Logstash, and AWS services including Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)AWS Key Management Service (KMS), Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose, AWS Lambda, and Amazon CloudWatch so that you can go from raw data to actionable insights quickly and securely.

It’s easy to get started with Amazon Elasticsearch Service. You can set up and configure petabyte-scale Amazon Elasticsearch Service domains in minutes from the AWS Management Console. Amazon Elasticsearch Service provisions all the resources for your domain and launches it. You can securely access the domain from your VPC or from a public endpoint. The service automatically detects and replaces failed Elasticsearch nodes, reducing the overhead associated with self-managed infrastructure and the Elasticsearch software. Amazon Elasticsearch Service allows you to easily scale your cluster to over a petabyte of data via a single API call or a few clicks in the console. With Amazon Elasticsearch Service, you get direct access to the Elasticsearch open-source API so the code and applications you’re already using with your existing Elasticsearch environments work seamlessly.

For more information about Elasticsearch and its uses, see the Amazon Elasticsearch Service developer guide and our Getting Started page.

Fast, Consistent Performance

Easy to Use

You can deploy a production-ready Elasticsearch cluster in minutes using Amazon Elasticsearch Service without having to worry about provisioning infrastructure or installing and maintaining Elasticsearch software. Amazon Elasticsearch Service is a fully managed service that simplifies time-consuming management tasks such as software patching, failure recovery, backups, and monitoring.

Highly Scalable

Supports Open-Source APIs and Tools

Amazon Elasticsearch Service gives you direct access to the Elasticsearch open-source API so you don’t have to learn new programming skills. Amazon Elasticsearch Service supports Logstash, an open-source data ingestion, transformation, and loading tool; and Kibana, an open-source visualization tool.



Amazon Elasticsearch Service provides multiple levels of security for your domain. It provides network isolation using Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), encryption of data at rest using keys you create and control through AWS Key Management Service (KMS), and granular access control using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies. Amazon Elasticsearch Service routinely applies security patches and keeps your domain up-to-date.

Event Driven Programming

Highly Available

Amazon Elasticsearch Service is designed to be highly available using zone awareness, which replicates data between two Availability Zones in the same region. Amazon Elasticsearch Service monitors the health of your clusters and automatically replaces failed nodes.

Fine-grained Access Control

Tightly Integrated with Other AWS Services

Amazon Elasticsearch Service offers built-in integrations with other AWS services including Kinesis Data Firehose, AWS IoT, and Amazon CloudWatch Logs for seamless data ingestion; AWS CloudTrail for auditing; Amazon VPC, AWS KMS, and AWS IAM for security; and AWS CloudFormation for cloud orchestration.

Fully Managed

Easily Scalable

Amazon Elasticsearch Service allows you to launch petabyte-scale clusters. The service enables you to monitor your cluster through Amazon CloudWatch metrics and resize your cluster up or down via a single API call or a few clicks in the AWS Management Console. You can configure your cluster to meet your performance requirements by selecting from a range of instance types and storage options including SSD-powered EBS volumes.

Expedia at re:Invent 2015
Adobe at re:Invent
Financial Times

Analyze un-structured and semi-structured logs generated by websites, mobile devices, servers, sensors, and more for a wide variety of applications such as digital marketing, application monitoring, fraud detection, ad tech, gaming, and IoT. Capture, pre-process, and load log data into Amazon Elasticsearch Service using Amazon Kinesis Firehose, Logstash, or Amazon CloudWatch Logs. You can then search, explore, and visualize the data using Kibana and the Elasticsearch query DSL to gain valuable insights about your users and applications.


Provide your customers with a rich search and navigation experience. Amazon Elasticsearch Service supports faceting, which allows your customers to narrow their search results by value ranges for fields like price, product characteristics, and brands; ability to create advanced search criteria filters; search-as-you-type suggesters; and near real-time index updates. In addition, you can build elasticity into your search application because Amazon Elasticsearch Service provides easy scaling features to accommodate fluctuating query volumes.


Power your application with an easy to use JSON document-oriented storage platform. Amazon Elasticsearch Service provides a simple REST API, fast performance, powerful search capabilities and seamless scalability, so you can build highly performant applications that can store and retrieve billions of documents, with integrated replication across Availability Zones within a region.


Capture activity logs across your customer-facing applications and websites. Use Logstash to push these logs to your Amazon Elasticsearch Service domain. Elasticsearch indexes the data and makes it available for analysis in near real-time (less than one second). You can then use the built-in Kibana plugin to visualize the data and perform operational analyses like identifying outages and problems. With Elasticsearch’s geospatial analysis, you can identify the geographical region where the problem is occurring. Troubleshooting teams can then search the index and perform statistical aggregations to identify root cause and fix issues.


Deliver real-time metrics on digital content and enable authors and marketers to connect with their customers in the most effective way. Stream billions of small messages that are compressed, batched, and delivered to Amazon Elasticsearch Service using Amazon Kinesis Firehose. Once the data is loaded to Amazon Elasticsearch Service, you can aggregate, filter, and process the data, and refresh content performance dashboards in near real-time. For example, Hearst Corporation built a clickstream analytics platform using Amazon Elasticsearch Service, Amazon Kinesis Streams, and Amazon Kinesis Firehose to transmit and process 30 terabytes of data a day from 300+ Hearst websites worldwide. With this platform, Hearst is able to make the entire data stream—from website clicks to aggregated data—available to editors in minutes. Read the case study »


Starting today, you can connect to your Amazon Elasticsearch Service domains from within an Amazon VPC without the need for NAT instances or Internet gateways. VPC support for Amazon ES is easy to configure, reliable, and offers an extra layer of security ...

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Amazon Elasticsearch Service (Amazon ES) now supports publishing slow logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. This new feature enables you to publish Elasticsearch slow logs from your indexing and search operations and gain insights into the performance of those operations ...

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With the recent release of Amazon Elasticsearch Service (Amazon ES), you now can build applications without setting up and maintaining your own search cluster on Amazon EC2. One of the key benefits of using Amazon ES is that you can leverage AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to grant or deny access to your search domains …

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Welcome to the first in a series of blog posts about Elasticsearch and Amazon Elasticsearch Service, where we will provide the information you need to get started with Elasticsearch on AWS …

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Amazon Elasticsearch Service customers often ask how to implement alerting on information that is being indexed by their Amazon Elasticsearch domain. In this blog post, I will discuss the steps required to set up an alerting mechanism so that you can send near real-time alerts based on criteria you define …

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Get started with our free tier, which provides free usage of up to 750 hours per month of a single-AZ t2.micro.elasticsearch or t2.small.elasticsearch instance, and 10 GB per month of optional Amazon EBS storage.

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