Friday, January 26, 2018

Crossing Arizona: the perils of colonial forces on Indigenous land...

Re-posting this map of reported bodies crossing into Arizona from Mexico, 1999-2009. Total over this decade: 1,755. [sparked by recent blog posting on The Standard

Mike Wilson narrates a powerful film, 'Crossing Arizona', on the undermining of Tohono O'odham sovereignty and the destruction of water stations which he and others tried to maintain. Mike's beef was with the Tohono O'odham Nation who he argues were complicit in these murderous acts.

See also

Saturday, January 06, 2018

Rain check

So as you may have noticed, this blog is no longer a focus for me or my work. Instead I've started building a website in Indigenous Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), here

May drop some thoughts on this in the future.


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Maori Ministerial portfolios...

Kelvin Davis – Minister for Crown/Māori Relations
Minister of Corrections
Minister of Tourism
Associate Minister of Education (Māori Education)
Nanaia Mahuta - Minister for Māori Development
Minister of Local Government
Associate Minister for the Environment
Willie Jackson - Minister of Employment
Associate Minister for Māori Development
Peeni Henare - Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector
Minister for Whānau Ora
Minister for Youth
Associate Minister for Social Development
Meka Whaitiri - Minister of Customs
Associate Minister of Agriculture
Associate Minister for Crown/Māori Relations
Associate Minister of Local Government
Winston Peters – Deputy Prime Minister
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Minister for State Owned Enterprises
Minister for Racing
Ron Mark – Minister of Defence
Minister for Veterans
Shane Jones – Minister of Forestry
Minister for Infrastructure
Minister for Regional Economic Development
Associate Minister of Finance
Associate Minister of Transport

Saturday, August 05, 2017

Dreaming Canada...


Now that I've said I can't be arsed keeping this blog updated, awesome things keep happening.

So, last night we promenade along Broadway, at the Fringe Festival, is one is wont to do, and we pass by the sound check for Dreamwatchers so make a point of catching their show. Awesome, as we say.

Then the next day. on campus, I call in to the Gordon Oakes Aboriginal Student Centre and here's Dreamcatchers getting a tour. And one of the young women talks to Willa and tells her to live her dreams, and how the Creator has put in place the people and things she needs to achieve those dreams.

She gives the news that a group she is involved with, Indigenous Climate Action, have been won a prize - the Lush Award - for their work.

All of which is quite inspiring.

Simon Lambert

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