What did we win?

ruebenfont Rueben Taipari Porter


With my stunning result of 55 votes, beaten even by the Legalize
Cannab1s party, you would think that I would crawl under a rock and
But after studying the result figures I didn’t do too bad. Focus
Northland and the other candidates chose to vote strategically while
National and Labour candidates got thrashed! Actually as the first
Mana candidate to ever stand in any Northland General Election, I
never lost any majority so actually I came in 2nd to Honourable
Winston Peters (haha that’s hilarious, but reality is what you make of
it ps phone calls are still coming in so who knows what goodies I can
get for us aye?) and my trophy wall is filling up… but
congratulations to Winston, he ran an amazing campaign, it was a
privilege to participate in that historical election and watch him
work. I was watching very closely…
I personally have gained immense knowledge and made some powerful
connections throughout the entire Northland region into communities
that maori rarely tread, taking Tiriti o Waitangi on the road is no
easy task in any circumstance, least of all a General election. But I
have enjoyed the entire experience and thank the public debate
audiences for their respect of each candidates presentation, (except
for the Act party guy who deserved massive amounts of heckling), many
of the candidates I have formed a great respect for them, Joe Carr and
Bruce Rogan among them. If voting results were dependent on response
to public speaking, I might have had Winston a little bit worried.
My sincere thanks to the Mana Movement for allowing me to represent
them during this historic by-election that has sent shock waves
through the entire country that will continue to vibrate for a couple
more years yet, perhaps even becoming the catalyst to a new future in
which this Govt actually listens to and be accountable to the people.
The big question I have to ask is after this million dollar by
election, that apart from the historical 55 year loss by National of
this “safe” seat, what did Northland actually win?
RMA changes will still go through and Deep sea oil drilling by Statoil
seems inevitable under this present Governments “giveaway sale”
mentality of our pristine marine environment to their rich foreign oil
baron mates. TPPA will meet some resistance but will need the entire
country and indeed Pacific to rise up to stop it being passed (please
don’t ask Northland to save the world again, we told you all to stop
the Foreshore and Seabed act and no one listened then)…no, the
decision is up to ALL of the people of this country to hold this Govt
accountable. Judging by the massive presence of young people at the
International Oil convention protest in Auckland last Sunday, I am
feeling more positive.
So Northland has again, though we are less economically fortunate than
many other regions, made another sacrifice to protect freedom and
principles for everyone and I am very very proud to come from
Northland te Tai Tokerau and to have participated in making a stand
that will help return the power of parliament back to the people and
secure a better future for our children.

Toitu te whenua, whatungarongaro te tangata
Rueben “the small axe” Taipari Porter
Mana Movement Candidate 2015

  • Tania Barbarich

    Awesome korero. Gracious in defeat having learnt from the experience and taken massive positives from it. Zero arrogance there. We may hopefully see you in parliament yet matua.