Corporate Criminals Unleashed: Federal Penalties Imposed on Largest Corps Plunged During Trump’s First Year

Federal penalties imposed on the largest U.S. companies for all kinds of misconduct fell sharply during the first 12 months of the Trump administration.

Stronger Judicial Recusal Rules Vital for an Impartial State Judiciary

Wisconsin was found to have the fourth weakest judicial recusal rules in the nation.

Arizona “Ground Zero” for Koch Attack on Public Education

Universal Vouchers for Families of All Incomes on the Arizona Ballot in November 2018.

Coal Lobbyist Hosted Fundraisers for Senators Evaluating His Nomination for Top EPA Post

Andrew Wheeler, a coal lobbyist, is the nominee for deputy administrator at the EPA. His confirmation vote is expected on Wednesday.

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There is a "sucker punch" aspect of this entire episode, that has been used in the past, that makes it doubly despicable. The now dead open records issue was so completely outrageous and unexpected that it served its intended purpose – to draw attention away from the many other very contentious and controversial aspects of this budget. And that was exactly what Walker and the majority Republicans wanted to happen.

--Jay Heck, Common Cause in Wisconsin

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