Are you ready to sit down and speak to your daughter about puberty?

As a Muslima, it's your duty to educate your daughter about puberty. Otherwise, she'll learn the hard way, leaving you to blame when she gets it wrong.

But if you learned the hard way, you won't know how to approach it.

So how should you approach it?

Where should you start?
When should you start?
What should you say?
What shouldn’t you say?
How much detail should you go into?

And how do you earn the confidence of your daughter so that she turns to you when she needs help?

If you don't have the answers, you'll turn puberty into a taboo until she grows up and repeats the cycle of ignorance.

But what if you had answers?

Even better, what if you had something to help you? Something that could help teach her about puberty and her changing body? That helped her realise she isn’t alone? That gave practical advice based on other women’s experiences? Something that could help her learn how to worship Allah as a woman? Something that you could both reference?


Coming of Age

Coming of Age: A Muslim Girl's Guide is a beautiful guide written to help you teach your daughter about puberty from religious, biological and practical points of view.

Coming of Age helps you teach her about the 4 key areas:

  1. Her new body and the changes she’ll go through
  2. Her new religious obligations and how to fulfil them
  3. Good hygiene and how to maintain it
  4. Practical advice on menstrual issues

And because the guide has been written and designed for young girls, it's both easy and fun to learn from.

Get a free 37 page sample

Coming of Age is a unique 375 page guide written to help you guide your daughter through puberty and it's best if you look inside. Submit your email address and we'll email you a free 37 page sample for you to look through.


Coming of Age will help you teach her about...

Her body and the changes she'll go through

  • The 10 physical signs that she has reached puberty
  • The 5 stages of breast development
  • The different organs of her private parts (and what they serve)
  • The minimum and maximum menstruation period length
  • The 3 phases of her period (and the 4 hormones that regulate it)
  • How to know if she's missed a period (and what to do if it happens)
  • Why PMS will make her moody (and how to prevent it)
  • Why clots and thick menstrual blood appear (and how to cure them)
  • Why abnormal vaginal bleeding occurs (and what to do if it happens)

It will help you teach her about...

Her new religious obligations and how to fulfil them

  • That her religiousness with Allah is now her responsibility
  • What is Fard al-Ayn and why she must learn hers
  • The 3 categories of menstruating women (and where she falls)
  • The 3 types of vaginal bleeding (and how to deal with each one)
  • How to differentiate between pure and impure discharge
  • The 6 colors of blood and the rulings related to them
  • What to do when Shariah disagrees with medicine
  • How to know when a period completely ends
  • The 4 types of tuhr (and how to tell between them)
  • How to identify Istihada (and what to do if she gets it)
  • How to establish her habit (and why she must never forget it)
  • How to calculate her cycle using the 28-day method
  • How to make ghusl (and it's 5 obligatory integrals)
  • What she can and cannot do in Minor and Major Ritual Impurity
  • The 6 acts of worship that are prohibited during menstruation
  • What to do during the adhan while menstruating
  • How to get the reward of her best prayer — without praying at all
  • How to respond to a verse of prostration during menstruation
  • What to do if her menses comes in while praying
  • How to know whether to repeat her prayers or not
  • What to do during Ramadan when she gets her period
  • Why she must eat something in Ramadan when she gets her period
  • Why she can't organize meals with menstruating friends in Ramadan
  • How to read Qur'an without sin during menstruation
  • How to teach Qur'an while menstruating
  • How to wear jewellery with Qur'anic verses during menstruation
  • Why she can't read Qur'an on her tablet while menstruating
  • How to (and not to) carry a Qur'an during menstruation
  • Where she can and cannot go while menstruating
  • The 3 scenarios that let her enter a mosque while menstruating
  • The 4 types of kaffarah for making tawaaf while menstruating

It will help you teach her about...

Good hygiene and how to maintain it

  • How to deal with facial hair — like how much can be removed
  • How to deal with pubic hair — like when to remove it, and how
  • The 2 methods of removing pubic hair; their pros and cons
  • 4 ways to prevent ingrown hair (and what to do when it happens)
  • The 4 types of deodorant to use (and how to apply them)
  • The 4 ways to prevent vaginal odor
  • How to do istinja' (and the etiquette involved)
  • How to wash her private parts (to avoid bacteria and smegma growth)

It will help you teach her about...

Practical advice on menstrual issues

  • When her first period will come (and what it will be like)
  • Why not to bath during her period (and what to do instead)
  • Which feminine hygiene products to use (and how to use them)
  • Why tampons are absolutely forbidden (and the harm they can do)
  • Why not to be alarmed if she gets her period later than her friends
  • How to handle others teasing her if puberty comes early or late
  • How to avoid leaks during the day (and during sleep)
  • What to do if she leaks on her clothes (and how to clean the stain)
  • What to do if her period starts when she's out and about
  • How to exercise during her period
  • How often to change her pad — without making a mess
  • The 11 ways to relieve period pain
  • The 7 ways to relieve her menstrual cramps
  • How to make a kursuf out of tissue
  • How to place the kursuf to avoid discomfort

And because it's been written for girls...

It's easy to learn from

  • Its tone is direct and caring
  • It is dotted with pretty drawings and patterns
  • It is presented in a feminine way
  • It has 35 pages of puzzles and exercises
  • It shares other girls' experiences throughout

Get a free 37 page sample

Coming of Age is a unique 375 page guide written to help you guide your daughter through puberty and it's best if you look inside. Submit your email address and we'll email you a free 37 page sample for you to look through.


What readers say

What the author says

As a parent or guardian, it is your religious duty to educate your children about religion, which includes teaching them about puberty.

You need to understand that in the absence of correct and complete information about puberty, your daughter may feel frightened and confused due to the changes in her body.

You cannot sit back and assume everything will turn out to be just fine.

The cultural taboo which surrounds puberty has no basis in the Sacred Law and it is her right over you that you teach her the legal rulings of puberty before she reaches it. It's also important to have a relationship with your children such that they feel safe to discuss anything with you.

Coming of Age is here to help you.

Young girls aged 8-13 should be able to understand it with your help, whilst those 14+ should be able to read it on their own.

If your daughter has reached puberty and you never gave her the guidance she deserves, gifting her this guide is an opportunity to fix things and ensure she has a clear understanding of the subject.

It's also meant to be a reference book that you and her can return to over and over again.

May Allah Most Generous bless all who read this book with success in following His beloved Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace) in all acts of worship and practice.

And may Allah Most Merciful bless us with an increase of baraka, understanding, and the love of Allah and His Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace) in this world and the next. Ameen.

And all tawfeeq comes from Allah Almighty alone.

Hedaya Hartford

Get a free 37 page sample

Coming of Age is a unique 375 page guide written to help you guide your daughter through puberty and it's best if you look inside. Submit your email address and we'll email you a free 37 page sample for you to look through.


About the Author

Also known as Umm al-Khayr, Ustadha Hedaya Hartford is a teacher, translator and Shariah expert in the fiqh of menstruation, lochia, marriage and divorce.

She was born and raised in California and holds a Bachelors of Arts in Arabic and Islamic History & Culture from the University of California, Berkeley. She converted to Islam in 1981.

She studied for many years with Azhari scholars in Egypt, completing the second year of Shari'ah at al-Azhar University.

She studied Hanafi fiqh with Dr. Abdul Aziz Izzat and Shaykh Fahmi Abdullah; and studied Aqida with Shaykh Abdul Aziz Batishti.

In Damascus, Syria, she studied several books in Usul & Hanafi fiqh including the Risala al-Birgivi (Imam Birgivi's Manual on Menstruation) with Shaykh Hassan al-Hindi; Hanafi fiqh, hadith and hadith sciences with Shaykh Adnan Darwish; Hanafi fiqh including Risala al-Birgivi with Shaykh Abdul Rahman Arjan; and menstruation and related issues according to the Shafi'i madhab with Shaykh Hussein Darwish, Anisa Hanan Da'doosh and Dr. Mustafa Khin and Tariqa al Muhammadiya by Imam Birgivi with Shaykh Mustafa al-Turkmani.

In Amman, Jordan, she studied menstruation and related issues according to the Maliki madhab with Ustadh Abdus Shakur Brooks; and she continues to study Hanafi fiqh with Shaykh Ahmad al-Jammal and tafsir with Shaykh Ali Hani.

Hedaya Hartford is known for her Shari’a expertise on women’s issues regarding the fiqh of menstruation, lochia, and modern social issues. As her major areas of interest in fiqh concern women’s issues and personal counseling, she is ideally placed to write this reference manual. A firm grasp of the body’s functions and medical issues means Hartford has presented a unique, comprehensive, and much-needed work on the most important and turbulent stage in a girl’s life. Personally, I treasure it as a detailed reference book that is not only full of advice and instruction relevant to adolescence, but a book that any woman can come back to repeatedly throughout the years of her life. Dr Aisha Malick
Family Medicine Consultant

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Coming of Age is a unique 375 page guide written to help you guide your daughter through puberty and it's best if you look inside. Submit your email address and we'll email you a free 37 page sample for you to look through.


How to Buy

  • Canada: Firdous Books
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  • USA & Worldwide: Mecca Books

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Coming of Age is a unique 375 page guide written to help you guide your daughter through puberty and it's best if you look inside. Submit your email address and we'll email you a free 37 page sample for you to look through.


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Remember, "Whoever guides someone to virtue will be rewarded equivalent to the one who practices it."