True Leaders Game Changers 2017: Podcast series

The BOSS True Leaders Game Changers podcast series, produced in partnership with Optus Business, showcases some of the country's most ingenious and daring thinkers.

The four episodes in the series look at how scientific advances are reshaping health, society, education and technology, and examines how they are changing what it means to be human.

Host Dr Fiona McKenzie, a human geographer and co-founder of the Australian Futures Project, talks to eight extraordinary Australians about their work and how they see technology changing our lives and the human race.

In episode one, Dr McKenzie talks about field robotics and drones with Salah Sukkarieh, professor of robotics and intelligent systems at the University of Sydney and Dr Catherine Ball, drone expert and co-founder of SheFlies, a program that encourages women and girls to enter careers in science, technology and engineering through flying drones.

Professor Sukkarieh researches and develops outdoor robotics systems and automation technologies that support local industry. He talks about some of the ways in which these advances will change how we grow our food.

Dr Ball describes how drones are already allowing us to spot sharks and monitor turtle populations, and reveals the myriad ways these remotely piloted craft can be used.

In episode two, we meet Melbourne-born neurosurgeon and entrepreneur Dr Tom Oxley and Sydney-based serious games entrepreneur Carolyn Mee.

They talk about how technology is being created to work inside the body, as well as outside of it, which will change health prognoses for everyone from paraplegics to deaf children.

In episode three, Macquarie University pro vice-chancellor Sherman Young, and entrepreneur and ANU lecturer in creativity and business Camilo Potocnjak Oxman discuss what learning looks like when all the information we ever need is accessible through a search engine.

They also talk about what the future will look like in an age of automation if many of the skills once considered important become redundant.

In the fourth and final episode, Australian-born anthropologist, Boyer lecturer and former vice-president of Intel, Professor Genevieve Bell shares her understanding of why algorithms and data are so important to the way we live.

The inaugural chairman of Urban Science at the University of New South Wales, Professor Chris Pettit, talks about his recent experience at the World Expo of Smart Cities and sets out his ideas on how data can make our urban lives easier.

These, and other technologies featured in the podcast series, are being used to make Australia more competitive.

The BOSS True Leaders Game Changers series provides examples of cutting edge progress, such as implanting machines in our brains to help control exo-skeletons, and asks experts to reflect on what the world will look like decades from now.

To listen to this podcast on your iPhone click on iTunes here or for the Android compatible version click here.