Hotel Ritz Paris: a night in heaven, and a day at the Chanel Spa

The Suite Impériale at the Hotel Ritz Paris is every bit as grand as its name.
The Suite Impériale at the Hotel Ritz Paris is every bit as grand as its name. Vincent Leroux

It looks like any old brandy bottle. "Can you pass us that one – yes that one," Christian Boyens, general manager of the Hôtel Ritz Paris, instructs the bartender, motioning to the top shelf.

We're seated among a semi-circle of elegant high-backed stools before the glass-mirrored Ritz Bar, the bottles arranged like exotic bowling pins. The barman obliges, presenting the heavy glass bottle, its amber-coloured liquid rocking gently from side to side.

"Careful," Boyens cautions as I reach for the slender neck. "How much do you think for a glass?" I notice it's 1898 Armagnac and can't begin to guess.

"One thousand euros!" Boyens exclaims. "A thousand euros for a glass – and a small glass at that."

The Ritz Bar is said to be the world’s very first hotel bar.
The Ritz Bar is said to be the world’s very first hotel bar.

Some "Welcome to Paris" tipple that would be.

The bottle is returned to its place and we resume sipping the house rosé cuvee, which is hardly a bad drop and, more importantly, costs a fraction of the price.

It's 5pm and I've just arrived at the Ritz Paris direct from Charles de Gaulle Airport after the marathon 24-hour flight from Australia via Dubai. Sadly, I'm not in the habit of arriving in exotic foreign cities on a Friday afternoon to drink with strangers. But I can make an exception for the Ritz Bar, Monsieur Boyens and a chance viewing of 1898 Armagnac.

Besides, he's not a complete stranger. I met Boyens and his charming Ritz Paris colleagues once before in late 2016, during the Sydney chapter of a global roadshow to mark the hotel's re-opening that June following its €400 million ($590 million), four-year renovation.

It was then that the team kindly extended the offer to spend a night at the Hôtel Ritz next time I was in town. And even in my blessed line of work, it's not every day you receive an invitation like that.

Hotel Ritz Paris general manager Christian Boyens at lunch in Sydney in 2016.
Hotel Ritz Paris general manager Christian Boyens at lunch in Sydney in 2016. Louie Douvis

Putting on the Ritz

Being granted a day pass to tread the Ritz's plush dark-blue-and-gold corridor carpet, room key in hand, is a pinch-yourself moment. But when I arrive on this uncharacteristically sunny late-autumn Friday, there's no time to be star struck. The end-of-the-week party is just getting started. Some long dead guest (was it Ernest Hemingway, Cole Porter, Marcel Proust or F. Scott Fitzgerald?) once proclaimed, "The night begins and ends at the Ritz." And before I can ask which way to the Coco Chanel Suite, Boyens and his team pull me into the Ritz Bar, located to the left of the hotel's grand entrance off Place Vendôme.

This is said to be the world's very first hotel bar, and the inspiration for the creation of the adjective "ritzy". Not only are the furnishings akin to stumbling on a gold vault, but the guests comprise a handy snapshot of the current global wealth index.

Four glamorous young things (Chinese) dressed in head-to-toe labels lounge in a corner booth, flicking through text messages with requisite expressions of indulged boredom. Adjacent to them sits a posse of elegant young Arabic women in pale hijabs, who appear to be three sisters. They sip on iced drinks with lime and mint, admiring the eldest's still drying French polish manicure.

 Treading the storied halls of the Ritz Paris is a pinch-yourself moment.
Treading the storied halls of the Ritz Paris is a pinch-yourself moment. V Leroux

Then a young Russian family sweep in and take a table for an early dinner. They require another table for the many oversized Galeries Lafayette bags swinging from their arms like showbags. No problem, this is the Ritz. You can have as many tables as your black Amex limit will allow.

The scent of amber

Around 7pm, after a third and final glass of rosé, I'm ushered downstairs to the Chanel beauty spa, the only one in the world. Rolling from the Ritz Bar to the Chanel spa is not what you'd class a bad day at work, even with jet lag.

I'm handed an apple cucumber wellness cocktail and left briefly to inhale the warm amber-perfumed candles (the distinctive scent is also pumped through the hotel's lobby). An hour or so later, facial complete, I float back upstairs with some small lotion samples to hopefully make me look as good as the staff.

The luxurious Chanel spa is a unique addition to the Ritz Paris.
The luxurious Chanel spa is a unique addition to the Ritz Paris. Thomas Deschamps

My airy deluxe room on the third floor is finished in the hotel's classic cream-and-sorbet colour palette, and overlooks the courtyard and the glass roof of the Bar Vendôme. After gazing at the signature gilded swan taps in the bathroom and the famous peach-hue towels (said by the original 1898 hotel's creator, César Ritz, to be the colour that most flatters a woman's skin tone), I drift into one of those deep post-long-haul-flight slumbers, noticing first that someone has embroidered my initials on the pillowcase.

Dining like the Sun King himself

As is the punishment for the Australian traveller to Europe, I'm wide awake and bolt upright by 4am. Hôtel Ritz Paris is still snoozing, so I catch up on the news online, then head down the original marble stairs for an early morning walk, before arriving back at the hotel for breakfast by 7am.

The glorious light-filled L'Espadon (The Swordfish) restaurant was opened in 1956, and so named by César Ritz because both he and his friend Ernest Hemingway loved fishing, and to honour Hemingway's novel The Old Man and the Sea.

Hotel founder César Ritz with his good friend author Ernest Hemingway.
Hotel founder César Ritz with his good friend author Ernest Hemingway.

There's only one other set of early birds – an American couple. We smile before I'm seated on a grand blush pink dining chair in the large Regency-era inspired room, resplendent with crystal chandelier. Given the hotel has 600 plus staff on duty for its 142 rooms, service is not a problem.

"May I open your yoghurt?" a waiter enquires. I politely decline. He serves the tea from a silver pot, accompanied by a silver milk jug with clawed feet and matching squat sugar pot with small silver tongs.

I order a plate of fresh berries and they arrive in the shape of a perfect dome, like a miniature Inuit igloo: perfectly cut strawberries form the base, then raspberries, blackberries and blueberries, all crowned with a sprig of cranberry. Each berry has quite possibly been hand polished.

Behind me, the Americans gasp when their breakfast arrives. "It's so pretty I can't eat it," Mrs America complains.

Over the course of the next hour, I feel like the Sun King as plate upon plate is set before me, including pots of fresh jam and honey, flaky mini croissants, and peeled orange and grapefruit segments arranged geometrically. Finally, Eggs Benedict arrive with the perfect balance of butter and lemon juice in the creamy hollandaise sauce.

The morning's Mozart soundtrack soothes as waiters drift past, enquiring subtly if I need ice with my water, is the milk the right temperature, and are the eggs just so?

Preparing to leave later that morning is agony. This is definitely my best hotel self. So dignified and perfect is the Ritz Paris, I can't even bring myself to pinch the biro.

The writer was a guest of Hôtel Ritz Paris.

The internal courtyard of Ritz Paris.
The internal courtyard of Ritz Paris.

Take me there

A Deluxe Room (45 sqm) at the Hôtel Ritz Paris, similar to the one the author stayed in, starts at €1200 ($A1890) a night, while a Superior Room (35 sqm) starts from €1000.

The hotel also has 13 multi-room suites, priced from €7000 to €18,000 a night. Sleep in the style of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor in Suite Windsor, or try Suite Impériale, with a replica of Marie Antoinette's bedroom at Versailles.

The Ritz Club, including indoor pool, opens daily 10am-9pm for guests. Chanel au Ritz Paris has a full treatment menu for men and women, starting with a 20-minute flash make-up service, from €70, while Australian hairdresser-to-the-stars David Mallett is on hand to trim your locks in his salon in the Ritz.


Tranquil Tuileries Garden

In 1667, Charles Perrault (the celebrity author of Sleeping Beauty among other fairytales) managed to convince those with the keys to the city to open the king's magnificent Tuileries Garden to the general public – and thus, it became the first French royal garden to admit the hoi polloi.

Walking along the Rue de Rivoli (a stone's throw from the Ritz Paris) at 5am with a bad case of the wide awakes, I'm longing for beauty sleep. But there's a major upside to a muddled internal time clock: I've visited Paris many times, but this is the first time I've ever seen the spectacular garden in the centre of Paris virtually empty.

Tulieries Garden can get crowded, but not if you visit at dawn.
Tulieries Garden can get crowded, but not if you visit at dawn. Alamy

While the Tuileries Garden officially opens around 7am at this time of year, I pass through an unlocked gate at around 6am to wander and marvel at the garden's many statues in the dawn light. With the garbage trucks and a few chic Parisian power walkers out and about, safety concerns are low.

In the late 1500s, Italian landscape architect Bernard de Carnesse was commissioned to design an Italian renaissance garden, which created the foundation for this masterpiece of lawn.

Over the centuries, numerous great garden minds have altered its look and feel and statues have been added and subtracted.

Located between the Louvre Museum and the Place de la Concorde in the 1st arrondissement of Paris, the garden covers about 23 hectares today. A number of Francophile friends refuse to visit this heavily tourist-populated park, preferring the quieter, out-of-the-way leafy havens that Paris has to offer.

But in the best Audrey Hepburn tradition, I'd argue that Tuileries Garden is always a good idea. And never more so than early on a crisp autumnal morning when you can sit wherever you like on the chairs strewn around the two large ponds (one circular, one hexagonal) and sip a takeaway espresso. So take a tip and arrive early. You'll catch far more than a worm.  

Fiona Carruthers

The statue of Mercury riding Pegasus at the garden entrance is a copy of the 1701-02 original by Antoine Coysevox, which ...
The statue of Mercury riding Pegasus at the garden entrance is a copy of the 1701-02 original by Antoine Coysevox, which was moved to the Louvre in 1986. Alamy