Subscribe to Solidarity magazine

Each month Solidarity magazine carries reports from activists at the frontline of fighting for change, features on the history and politics of resistance, as well as a distinctively socialist analysis of Australian and global politics. Subscribe and get Solidarity magazine posted to you each month.

Introductory subscription: 5 issues for $15

One year subscription: 12 issues for $36

Two year subscription: 24 issues for $65

Two year supporters subscription: 24 issues for $100

Overseas subscription (outside Australia): 12 issues for $80

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Recent highlights include:

Interviews with key activists
Kirra Voller: ‘Dylan needed help not prison’
Retail and fast union leader Josh Cullinan

Reports from the struggle
Construction workers defy the law to protest Turnbull’s war on workers
Refugee politics at work: How did teachers say ‘Let them stay’?
SCA occupiers out after 65 days of disruption
After the Nauru shame files: Open the borders, Bring them here

Reviews and features
Clementine Ford’s Fight like a Girl reviewed
Racism and Aboriginal rights: Fifty years since the Freedom Ride
Nothing to celebrate in Anzac
Mental illness and the sickness of capitalism
Fighting racism and Islamophobia: How can we stop Pauline Hanson?