About the IICPSD

An active engagement of the private sector is critical for the much needed acceleration in the progress for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and other internationally agreed development commitments. Through its core business activities, inclusive market practices and above all on-going corporate social responsibility activities, the private sector has proved its pivotal role in ensuring sustainable development and contributing to job creation, growth and expanded access to products and services. It is in this context, the Government of Turkey and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) agreed to establish the Istanbul International Center for Private Sector in Development.

What do we want to accomplish?

The UNDP Istanbul International Center for Private Sector in Development (IICPSD) builds on Turkey’s convening power and dynamic private sector as well as UNDP’s global mandate to engage the Private Sector constructively in supporting global and local efforts to address development challenges.

  • Support the development of inclusive and competitive markets and inclusive business models that engage poor people into value chains as producers, employees, consumers and entrepreneurs, with the end goal of economic development. Convene business and supporting actors to expand dialogue and create actionable partnerships between themselves, in support of a development agenda.
  • Foster private sector engagement and advocacy with for example, the UN system for achievement of MDG targets (especially on focus sectors like health, agriculture, education, housing and water and themes like youth, gender, environment) and other internationally agreed development goals (e.g. climate change).
  • Become a center of excellence in terms of capacity development activities that harness Trilateral Development Cooperation and South-South partnership, promotes skill-building, access to enterprise-related finance, entrepreneurship and assistance to enabling actors.

What are our results?

The center is currently engaged in the following research and development initiatives:

Knowledge Function

Knowledge Function is an important component of being a center of excellence for the IICPSD. The centre conducts demand-driven research on topics related to private sector in development and collects case studies and data on best practices of these. The IICPSD uses these knowledge products to facilitate partnerships between public and private players in order to establish a space for all stakeholders to meet and create joint agendas. The IICPSD also advocates development activities of the private sector, such as ‘inclusive business model’ and ‘corporate social responsibility’ practices. In addition to these, the IICPSD provides training and technical assistance to potential stakeholders in order to develop a capacity for them.