The NHDR initiative involves the development of an independent report and analysis aims to provide a coherent analytical policy framework by focusing on achieving high economic growth and underpinned by the principles of inclusiveness.
This Joint Programme is aimed at assisting the Government of Malaysia to assess the success of the poverty eradication and welfare programmes for the Orang Asli undertaken under the 9th Malaysian Plan, with a view to informing strategies and programmes for incorporation in the 10th Malaysia Plan, covering 2011-2015 and towards developing a comprehensive development plan for the Orang Asli.
This is estimated to be a 21-month project (January 2014 – September 2015) focusing on housing for the bottom 50% of income group in major urban centres of Malaysia, with clear linkages to relevant initiatives and projects in the 10th Malaysia Plan (10MP) and the National Housing Policy (NHP) with the aim of providing inputs to the 11th Malaysia Plan (11MP) and a larger study on the Urban Vulnerable Group (UVG).
The project specifically supports the government’s agenda to restructure the public sector to ensure that it is more effective in its service delivery while at the same time ensuring that the transformation programmes contributes to better fiscal expenditure and management of the public sector.
Guided by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) framework, the project focuses on the development of the IMUO business plan, the review of Iskandar Malaysia’s data landscape, the development of the IMUO data management policy and the building of co-ownership through a robust process of stakeholder consultation and dialogue.
This project aims to strengthen the Malaysian Peacekeeping Center’s (MPC) in its capacity in providing multi-dimensional peacekeeping training to UN Peacekeepers from the world.
This projects aims to study the health-seeking behaviours among the Orang Asli and the viability of promoting a sustainable and effective method of improving the maternal health of Orang Asli.
The project objective is the improvement of the ene rgy utilization efficiency in Malaysian buildings, particularly those in the commercial and government sectors, by promoting the energy conserving design of new buildings and by improving the energy utilization efficiency in the operation of existing buildings.
Towards bringing the various land utilization activities in the area spanning the protected areas of the Maliau Basin Conservation Area, the Danum Valley Conservation Areas, and the Imbak Canyon Conservations Areas in Sabah under a common and integrated management umbrella strategy in order to mainstream biodiversity, ecosystem functions and resilience, while enabling ongoing sustainable uses.
this project will pursue is to maintain the integrity of aquatic ecosystems through mainstreaming biodiversity considerations into river basin management.