
Police union rejects claim shot Ipswich teenager was unarmed

A family friend says a teenager shot by Queensland police was unarmed, a claim rejected by police, who allege he was threatening them with a knife.

Police shot 16-year-old Jai Hunt in the upper body after being called to a disturbance at his home in suburban Springfield, south-west of Brisbane, on Wednesday afternoon.

Jai Hunt was recovering in hospital.

Jai Hunt was recovering in hospital.

Photo: Facebook.

Family friend Michelle Wykes said Jai had wielded the knife in a row with his father Nikolas but his dad took the weapon before he was shot.

"Jai was unarmed when the police officer actually shot him," said Ms Wykes, who told News Corp she was at the doctors when the shooting occurred.

"He never threatened the police officer at all."


Queensland Police Union president Ian Leavers said claims that Jai was unarmed when he was shot by police were “patently untrue”.

“It is really not uncommon in these sort of police incidents when families come out and make (a) claim that the offender was unarmed,” he said.

“Without pre-empting the ethical standards investigation I need to clear up this ridiculous claim ...

“I do know there is body-worn video which will support the version of police.”

Detective Superintendent Brian Swan on Wednesday told reporters the teen confronted two officers and threatened them with a knife when they arrived at the scene.

He believed both officers fired on the boy but Mr Leavers maintained the question whether only one or both officers fired was “still in question”.

Mr Leavers said the two officers involved in the incident did not have time to negotiate and had to make an “instant decision” when they were confronted.

“This happened so quickly, it is not the case where police were having a discussion or trying to mediate things, this happened as they arrived,” he said.

“Police were approaching the residence and this happened instantaneously.

“A lot of people suggest they could have done this, they could have shot through his toe or his finger, unless you have been there, it doesn't happen like that. This is reality. It is not TV or the movies.”

On Thursday morning, Jai was in a stable condition in Princess Alexandra Hospital with non-life-threatening injuries, while the Queensland Police Service's Ethical Standards Command was investigating the incident.

Police shot a 16-year-old boy at Springfield, stating he lunged at them with a knife.

Police shot a 16-year-old boy at Springfield, stating he lunged at them with a knife.

Photo: Nine News

The boy's grandfather, Jim Hunt, said the drama unfolded after the teen got into an argument with his father.

"My son (Nikolas) is all right; he has a scratch on him from the knife," Mr Hunt told News Corp.

"They were having a bit of a blue with each other. His dad was trying to control him."

The father of 16-year-old boy Jai Hunt, who police shot on Wednesday, is comforted at the scene.

The father of 16-year-old boy Jai Hunt, who police shot on Wednesday, is comforted at the scene.

Photo: 7 News Brisbane.

Ms Wykes said Jai had Asperger's syndrome and would not take his medication.

"They just don't know what to do with him," she said

Mr Hunt said his grandson was quiet and hadn't been to school in years but had never been in trouble with police.

"He doesn't walk down the street with his mates, he doesn't go out in the yard causing trouble. He's never robbed a pub, he's never done graffiti. He lives at home with his mum and dad," he said.

Both officers involved in the shooting were wearing body cameras, and the police union said the footage would form part of an internal police investigation.

The officers were being supported and were cooperating with investigators but were "doing it pretty tough at the moment”, Mr Leavers said.

Neighbours reported hearing two shots ring out.

"I heard a big row going on and the next thing there was two gunshots so obviously very scary," one neighbour told the Nine Network.

- With AAP

Amy Mitchell-Whittington

Amy Mitchell-Whittington is a reporter at the Brisbane Times, with a special interest in science and education

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