- published: 20 Dec 2016
- views: 3406
Block chain may refer to:
Big data is a broad term for data sets so large or complex that traditional data processing applications are inadequate. Challenges include analysis, capture, data curation, search, sharing, storage, transfer, visualization, querying and information privacy. The term often refers simply to the use of predictive analytics or certain other advanced methods to extract value from data, and seldom to a particular size of data set. Accuracy in big data may lead to more confident decision making, and better decisions can result in greater operational efficiency, cost reduction and reduced risk.
Analysis of data sets can find new correlations to "spot business trends, prevent diseases, combat crime and so on." Scientists, business executives, practitioners of medicine, advertising and governments alike regularly meet difficulties with large data sets in areas including Internet search, finance and business informatics. Scientists encounter limitations in e-Science work, including meteorology, genomics,connectomics, complex physics simulations, biology and environmental research.
Data (/ˈdeɪtə/ DAY-tə, /ˈdætə/ DA-tə, or /ˈdɑːtə/ DAH-tə) is a set of values of qualitative or quantitative variables; restated, pieces of data are individual pieces of information. Data is measured, collected and reported, and analyzed, whereupon it can be visualized using graphs or images. Data as a general concept refers to the fact that some existing information or knowledge is represented or coded in some form suitable for better usage or processing.
Raw data, i.e. unprocessed data, is a collection of numbers, characters; data processing commonly occurs by stages, and the "processed data" from one stage may be considered the "raw data" of the next. Field data is raw data that is collected in an uncontrolled in situ environment. Experimental data is data that is generated within the context of a scientific investigation by observation and recording.
The Latin word "data" is the plural of "datum", and still may be used as a plural noun in this sense. Nowadays, though, "data" is most commonly used in the singular, as a mass noun (like "information", "sand" or "rain").
Data Driven #5: Blockchain and Big Data
Opening supply chain data on the blockchain: Jessi Baker - ODI Summit 2015
Blockchain Technology Explained: What is a Blockchain?
"Blockchain & Big Data", Trent MConaghy, Founder & CTO at ascribe GmbH
Trent McConaghy - BigchainDB : a Scalable Blockchain Database, in Python
The Blockchain & Bitcoin - Computerphile
Blockchain in health care data management
19 Industries The Blockchain Will Disrupt
Blockchain Basics Explained - Hashes with Mining and Merkle trees
How To Move Default Ethereum BlockChain Folder To Another Drive Location
PATIENTORY | Healthcare data on the blockchain
Apertus 0.3 Storing encrypted data on a blockchain
Droplet: Blockchain-based Data Management
CryptoLocker Demo - File storage and sharing on blockchain
Blockchain security
Hive Blockchain And Genesis Mining To Build The "Sweden Data Mining Center"
Blockchain: Transactions, Blocks and Adding Data
DASH | Digital cash on the blockchain
Blockchain Might Remake Accounting - Tom Hood Discusses Big Data and Blockchain Technology | BLI
Airbitz - Securing Blockchain Data
Quick Look: Changing Data Protection: Heading towards a Blockchain-Operated Future
Blockchain & Privacy
How Blockchain will Revolutionize the World’s Data
What is Block chain technology? blockchain big data in the future
Block Chain Tagging of medical data.
TMCx Demo Day - HealthCoin
Hacking Health Utrecht 2017
2017 Big Data Coruña. Block chain application and vision in the banking industry
Bitcoin in 5 minutes
What is a blockchain, and how does it relate to big data? Find out in episode 5 of the Data Driven series. Check out this playlist for more Data Driven videos about big data topics: http://bit.ly/sfdatadriven More information about the Syncfusion Big Data Platform: http://bit.ly/bigdataplatform16 --------------------------------- Subscribe to Syncfusion on YouTube: http://bit.ly/syncfusionyoutube Sign up to receive email updates: http://bit.ly/syncfusionemail Join the Syncfusion community: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Syncfusion/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Syncfusion LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/syncfusion/ Instagram: http://instagram.com/syncfusion
Jessi Baker (Provenance) argues that blockchain technology could be key in the opening up of supply chain data. ____________________ Get involved For more information on how you can learn more about open data and how it can benefit you, your business and the world, visit http://theodi.org. ____________________ ODI Summit This video was taken at the ODI Summit, where over 700 people from around the world joined the Open Data Institute (ODI) at the BFI to celebrate Generation Open. As part of the ODI Summit we heard from inspirational and diverse keynote speakers, including Sir Tim Berners-Lee, Martha Lane Fox, Sir Nigel Shadbolt and many more. ____________________ Find us online: ODI videos: bit.ly/odi_vimeo ODI photos: bit.ly/odi_flickr ODI audio: bit.ly/odi_soundcloud ODI slides: b...
This video https://youtu.be/eXJHPDs4M3Y provides an easy to understand introduction to Blockchain Technology. Please leave comments and questions below the video. Here is the full transcript for your convenience: What is a Blockchain? A Blockchain is a distributed database that multiple parties share and everyone can trust. A Blockchain network provides a mutually trusted, transparent way of sharing and transacting. Each party participating in a Blockchain network maintains their own copy of the database. What makes Blockchain secure? Transactions on the database are atomic (this means that they're processed one at a time). The next transaction will be a different write or a read, but only after the preceding transaction has completed (or failed). Each write to the database is consider...
"Blockchain & Big Data", Trent MConaghy, Founder & CTO at ascribe GmbH Watch more from Data Natives 2015 here: http://bit.ly/1OVkK2J Visit the conference website to learn more: www.datanatives.io Follow Data Natives: https://www.facebook.com/DataNatives https://twitter.com/DataNativesConf Stay Connected to Data Natives by Email: Subscribe to our newsletter to get the news first about Data Natives 2016: http://bit.ly/1WMJAqS Presentation Slides: https://www.slideshare.net/secret/8gK4MtBHS8AJyU About the author: Trent McConaghy is co-founder & CTO of ascribe, which uses blockchain technology and internet-scale machine learning to secure digital creations. Before that, he co-founded Solido Design Automation, which uses large-scale machine learning to help drive Moore's Law. Solido is no...
PyData Berlin 2016 This talk describes BigchainDB. BigchainDB fills a gap in the decentralization ecosystem: a decentralized database, at scale. It has big-data performance levels, a querying system, and a permissioning system that supports public and private versions. It's complementary to decentralized processing platforms like Ethereum, and decentralized file systems like IPFS. BigchainDB is written in Python. This talk describes BigchainDB. BigchainDB fills a gap in the decentralization ecosystem: a decentralized database, at scale. It points to performance of 1 million writes per second throughput, storing petabytes of data, and sub-second latency. The BigchainDB design starts with a distributed database (DB), and through a set of innovations adds blockchain characteristics: decent...
Blockchain is the underlying technology behind cryptocurrencies bringing together Merkle trees, Hashing & Distributed Architecture. Christopher Ellis explains. Note1 - At 6:46 when Chris is drawing the Merkle Tree, C would actually be duplicated and hashed with itself not with B. So you would get H(C - C) instead of H(B - C). Note2 - At minute 17, Christopher mentioned the mining reward halving at 21,000 bitcoins but meant 210,000 blocks. Public Key Encryption: https://youtu.be/GSIDS_lvRv4 The Perfect Code: https://youtu.be/WPoQfKQlOjg http://www.facebook.com/computerphile https://twitter.com/computer_phile This video was filmed and edited by Sean Riley. Computer Science at the University of Nottingham: http://bit.ly/nottscomputer Computerphile is a sister project to Brady Haran'...
Health care data management is critical to the claims process, which has struggled to maintain accurate and consistent information. Listen to Andrew Beal, Senior Manager, Ernst & Young LLP, explain how companies can leverage blockchain technology to better manage data and identity management tasks.
The blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that underlies cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. It provides a way to record and transfer data that is transparent, safe, auditable, and resistant to outages. The blockchain has the ability to make the organizations that use it transparent, democratic, decentralized, efficient, and secure. It's a technology that holds a lot of promise for the future, and it is already disrupting many industries. Original post: http://futurethinkers.org/industries-blockchain-disrupt More podcasts & videos about the blockchain: http://futurethinkers.org/blockchain Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/futurethinkers Check out our merch store: https://www.redbubble.com/people/futurethinkers Blockchain startups and projects featured in this video: ...
My SSD was running out of space partly due to the ever increasing size of the blockchain data stored on it. I decided to move my Ethereum folder and its 40GB blockchain to a new location and in this video I show the whole process. My Links Website http://www.imineblocks.com Facebook https://www.facebook.com/imineblocks Twitter https://twitter.com/IMineBlocks_com Instagram https://www.instagram.com/imineblocks Steemit https://steemit.com/@imineblocks Buy anything on Amazon US http://amzn.to/1Ttb8P9 UK http://amzn.to/27P0s71 Please use the link below to make your donation in one of the 65 supported Altcoins. http://imineblocks.com/donations/ Tips are appreciated. Here's my Addresses Bitcoin:1FFVvaF7A3sjhzX26mNWfuqYKz1CwmEsYh Litecoin:LUUEfTYzsQU1e86kjiDtkwAYmqReZYAPfs Ethereum:0x5B90...
Do you think Decent can truly become the platform for healthcare data storage and distribution? Do you think they can scale their approach on the blockchain for mass adoption? Are you bullish or bearish? Feel free to leave a comment below! Thank you all so much for watching the video. If you enjoyed the video, please consider dropping a like and subscribing. Running into some trouble or questions? Feel free to leave them down in the comments below! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patreon: http://patreon.com/data_dash Donate BTC: 1Lv1i6f8GWPBCL2BiHWxhqLzW12YA1tXNE ETH: 0xa34d3461ae04953489e9aa464689c022836751d0 Want to start trading cryptocurrencies? Sign up through this link to get $10 of free bitcoin with your ...
Browse through the latest blockchain etchings at http://bitfossil.com Download the latest Apertus client at http://Apertus.io In this demonstration we are using Apertus and the Vault feature to store an encrypted message on the bitcoin testnet and then later retrieving it.
CryptoLocker is built by PsiPhi Global. We are based in Bangalore, India. Check us out at http://psiphi.co.in/
SUPPORT INDEPENDENT MEDIA ➜ https://goo.gl/ctZVpw Patreon Alternative ➜ https://pressfortruth.ca/donate Move over Iceland, it's Sweden's turn to mine bitcoin! HIVE Blockchain along with Genesis Mining (the world's largest bitcoin mining operation) are about to take their bitcoin farms to a whole new level. With facilities currently in Iceland the plan now is to expand into Sweden with a brand new data mining facility. The Sweden Data Center will be a newly constructed GPU mining facility with an anticipated completion date of December 2017. The Company's cryptocurrency mining capacity or hashpower is expected to increase by approximately 175% with the addition of the Sweden Data Center. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth interviews the CEO and President of HIVE Blockchain Harry Po...
What do you think about Dash? Do you think it can see mass adoption? Are you bullish or bearish? Feel free to leave a comment below! Thank you all so much for watching the video. If you enjoyed the video, please consider dropping a like and subscribing. Running into some trouble or questions? Feel free to leave them down in the comments below! Intro Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpN4LLh2GhU PrivateSend Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgCId3wJc5Y ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patreon: http://patreon.com/data_dash Donate BTC: 1Lv1i6f8GWPBCL2BiHWxhqLzW12YA1tXNE ETH: 0xa34d3461ae04953489e9aa464689c022836751d0 Want to start trading cryptocurrencies? Sign up through this link to get $10 of free bit...
Tom Hood discusses big data and blockchain technology, two disruptive topics that every finance and accounting professional needs to understand. Using the latest research from the Business Learning Institute we review the state of big data: what it is and how it can be used for business intelligence and data analytics. In this video, Tom also helps us understand basics of blockchain including potential uses in supply chains, smart contracts, and audit automation. Read more: https://blionline.org/2017/08/blockchain-might…unities-are-huge/
https://bnktothefuture.com/pitches/airbitz Airbitz - Securing Blockchain Data
Eugene Aseev, VP of Engineering, Head of Singapore R&D; Centre, Acronis Blockchain is more than just a cryptocurrency protocol, it can be used in the widest range of scenarios, including data protection. This talk will explore the virtues of blockchain ledger properties: decentralized infrastructure, immutability and public audit. You’ll learn about pioneer cases of its adoption in data protection solutions and will see the exciting model of a blockchain-operated world. https://www.rsaconference.com/events/ap17/
What is "blockchain" and how does it impact you and your company in terms of privacy? Legal expert David Taylor gives a detailed explanation in this full-length presentation.
🎥 Ludell Jones, Eazl's Marketing Director, has been publishing some awesome vlogs about the day in the life of a modern marketer. Check out her latest installation at https://youtu.be/bIRNh6KSwWU 🎥 • Big Blockchain Data: We live in a world where owning data is the way that companies compete but as more industries--from finance to insurance to ecommerce--transition to more secure and scalable blockchain-based systems, things in the world of data will change. Some people are calling this "the industrialization of data." Read more at http://bit.ly/2rqfX69 • Facebook’s Data Factory: Facebook's collection of data makes it one of the most influential organizations in the world and Serbian CS professor Vladan Joler has been leading a massive project to map the massive Facebook data collect...
Source video: GO-Science Is blockchain technology the new internet? The blockchain is an undeniably ingenious invention – the brainchild of a person or group of people known by the pseudonym, Satoshi Nakamoto. But since then, it has evolved into something greater, and the main question every single person is asking is: What is Blockchain? By allowing digital information to be distributed but not copied, blockchain technology created the backbone of a new type of internet. Originally devised for the digital currency, Bitcoin, the tech community is now finding other potential uses for the technology. Bitcoin has been called “digital gold,” and for a good reason. To date, the total value of the currency is close to $9 billion US. And blockchains can make other types of digital value. Like ...
HealthCoin has created a block chain-based incentives and data platform for diabetes prevention.
Algoritmes, apps, block chain, data analyse, 3D-printen: van 19 t/m 21 mei kwamen zorgprofessionals, patiënten, programmeurs, ondernemers en anderen samen om een weekend lang slimme en creatieve oplossingen te ontwerpen voor de zorg, tijdens Hacking Health Utrecht (HHU).
Bitcoin is one of the most significant innovations of our time because of trust. The client-server model is a trusted relationship: remote server to access data. In finance, we call it counterparty risk. In economics, we call it the central planning problem. In computer science, we call it the Byzantine General's Problem. Bitcoin is an immutable, distributed database; everyone keeps a copy of the database; can verify proofs against that database. The value reflects our trust: "The currency price of the markets reflects how trustworthy that asset is." The reason this works: +block chain data structure +economic incentive for security +non-forgeable proof of work Delivered by Eric Martindale: Bitcoin maximalist, relentless maker @Blockstream, & visioneer for @MadeWithMaki. Previously,...
This presentation was recorded at GOTO Amsterdam 2017 http://gotoams.nl Stefan Tilkov - Co-founder & Principal Consultant at innoQ ABSTRACT As the foundation of Bitcoin's virtual currency, the blockchain technique is now the starting point for numerous new business ideas. The usual suspects surpass each other with superlatives how "disruptive" the Blockchain based [...] Download slides and read the full abstract here: https://gotoams.nl/2017/sessions/123 https://twitter.com/gotoamst https://www.facebook.com/GOTOConference http://gotocon.com
"Blockchain & Big Data", Trent MConaghy, Founder & CTO at ascribe GmbH Watch more from Data Natives 2015 here: http://bit.ly/1OVkK2J Visit the conference website to learn more: www.datanatives.io Follow Data Natives: https://www.facebook.com/DataNatives https://twitter.com/DataNativesConf Stay Connected to Data Natives by Email: Subscribe to our newsletter to get the news first about Data Natives 2016: http://bit.ly/1WMJAqS Presentation Slides: https://www.slideshare.net/secret/8gK4MtBHS8AJyU About the author: Trent McConaghy is co-founder & CTO of ascribe, which uses blockchain technology and internet-scale machine learning to secure digital creations. Before that, he co-founded Solido Design Automation, which uses large-scale machine learning to help drive Moore's Law. Solido is no...
Do you think Decent can truly become the platform for healthcare data storage and distribution? Do you think they can scale their approach on the blockchain for mass adoption? Are you bullish or bearish? Feel free to leave a comment below! Thank you all so much for watching the video. If you enjoyed the video, please consider dropping a like and subscribing. Running into some trouble or questions? Feel free to leave them down in the comments below! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patreon: http://patreon.com/data_dash Donate BTC: 1Lv1i6f8GWPBCL2BiHWxhqLzW12YA1tXNE ETH: 0xa34d3461ae04953489e9aa464689c022836751d0 Want to start trading cryptocurrencies? Sign up through this link to get $10 of free bitcoin with your ...
Hashgraph is said to be a more robust system. Its consensus algorithm provides a new platform for distributed consensus. Some of the attributes commonly used to refer or describe Blockchain are distributed, transparent, consensus-based, transactional and flexible. Hashgraph bears all these features. However, it is a data structure and consensus algorithm that is much faster, fairer, and more secure than blockchain. It is described as future of distributed ledger technology. It uses two special techniques to achieve fast, fair and secure consensus. a. Gossip about Gossip b. Virtual Voting Gossip about Gossip basically means attaching a small additional amount of information to this Gossip, which are two hashes containing the last two people talked to. Using this information, a Hashgraph c...
PyData Berlin 2016 This talk describes BigchainDB. BigchainDB fills a gap in the decentralization ecosystem: a decentralized database, at scale. It has big-data performance levels, a querying system, and a permissioning system that supports public and private versions. It's complementary to decentralized processing platforms like Ethereum, and decentralized file systems like IPFS. BigchainDB is written in Python. This talk describes BigchainDB. BigchainDB fills a gap in the decentralization ecosystem: a decentralized database, at scale. It points to performance of 1 million writes per second throughput, storing petabytes of data, and sub-second latency. The BigchainDB design starts with a distributed database (DB), and through a set of innovations adds blockchain characteristics: decent...
Tom Hood discusses big data and blockchain technology, two disruptive topics that every finance and accounting professional needs to understand. Using the latest research from the Business Learning Institute we review the state of big data: what it is and how it can be used for business intelligence and data analytics. In this video, Tom also helps us understand basics of blockchain including potential uses in supply chains, smart contracts, and audit automation. Read more: https://blionline.org/2017/08/blockchain-might…unities-are-huge/
CityChain17 brought together Blockchain and Distributed Ledger thought leaders and entrepreneurs from across the globe. The aim was to provide the best and latest informed thinking and hype-free exploration of ideas, use cases, challenges, and concerns. The event was targeted at businesses, technologists, students, and academics with a need or desire to know more and to hear of the very best thinking in this important sector.
2015 Texas Bitcoin Conference in Austin, Texas. http://TexasBitcoinConference.com
What do you think about Dash? Do you think it can see mass adoption? Are you bullish or bearish? Feel free to leave a comment below! Thank you all so much for watching the video. If you enjoyed the video, please consider dropping a like and subscribing. Running into some trouble or questions? Feel free to leave them down in the comments below! Intro Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpN4LLh2GhU PrivateSend Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgCId3wJc5Y ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patreon: http://patreon.com/data_dash Donate BTC: 1Lv1i6f8GWPBCL2BiHWxhqLzW12YA1tXNE ETH: 0xa34d3461ae04953489e9aa464689c022836751d0 Want to start trading cryptocurrencies? Sign up through this link to get $10 of free bit...
Presentation by Ugur Ozdemir of how "The Future of Insurance" will see out from the perspective of three disruptive innovations Blockchain, IoT and Big Data.
Gary Schwartz gives the keynote on Blockchain and Dataism in the Dutch Caribbean. There are evolutions and revolutions in technology. We always think that we are in a revolution however 99% of innovation is derivative. There are three key revolutions and the all hinge on these DATA principles: open architecture, decentralization, interoperability, a foundation for products/services and importantly, commerce. 1. WRITTEN LANGUAGE: Written language made us a smart, scalable society. 2. TCP IP: The language of the Internet. This revolution disrupted media and communication and lead to an explosion of big data - allowing for machine learning and AI algos. 3. BLOCKCHAIN: The language that moves the world from time-old trusted relationships to machine-based TRUST-LESS relationships which disr...
A somewhat technical explanation of how Bitcoin works. Want more? Check out my new in-depth course on the latest in Bitcoin, Blockchain, and a survey of the most exciting projects coming out (Ethereum, etc): https://app.pluralsight.com/library/courses/bitcoin-decentralized-technology Lots of demos on how to buy, send, store (hardware, paper wallet). how to use javascript to send bitcoin. How to create Ethereum Smart Contract, much more. Shorter 5 min introduction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5JGQXCTe3c Written version: http://www.imponderablethings.com/2013/07/how-bitcoin-works-under-hood.html My Bitcoin address: 13v8NB9ScRa21JDi86GmnZ5d8Z4CjhZMEd Arabic translation by Ahmad Alloush Spanish caption translation by Borja Rodrigo, zordycorak@gmail.com, DFJWgXdBCoQqo4noF4fyVhVp8R6V6...
Enterprises are finally taking security seriously and beginning to adopt the next generation of technology: distributed ledgers ("blockchain"), secure identity mechanisms, and end-to-end encryption. These changes have the potential to revolutionize applications ranging from smart contracts to supply chain management, automation, and artificial intelligence. We’ll discuss how these new technologies will transform your business model and change the way you do business. Prof. Alex ‘Sandy’ Pentland, PhD ‘82, Professor(@alex_pentland), MIT Media Lab will moderate the panel, including: Hu Liang (#HuLiang @StateStreet ), Senior Managing Director Head of Emerging Technologies Center, State Street Irving Wladawsky-Berger (#IrvingWB), Fellow, MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy Thomas Hardjono ...
Full title: Open data and distributed ledger (aka Blockchain). Technologies to solve real-world issues Coordinator: Luis Meijueiro More information about the session: http://sched.co/7PWC
Everybody talks about cloud, containers, big data and machine learning. Another disrupting technology is blockchain. You might have heard about blockchain as the underlying infrastructure of Bitcoin. But Bitcoin is just the tip of the iceberg. This video explains the use cases and technical concepts behind blockchain, gives an overview about available services, and points out why middleware is a key success factor in this space.
Bhairav Mehta, Senior Data Scientist at Apple • What is Blockchain? • Blockchain Mechanics – Making Sense of blockchain data structures. • Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies History to today and future. • Blockchain Investigations: how blockchain technology works under the hood? • Bitcoin with Ruby, PyCoin: Python open source libraries for Blockchain, Segregated witness, CLTV, CSV, and advanced OPCODES, Mechanics of Lightning Network channels. • Ethereum: How to create smart contract apps using Ethereum. • CryptoCurrency Security Standard CSSS Bhairav Mehta is Senior Data Scientist with extensive professional experience and academic background. Bhairav works for Apple Inc. as Sr. Data Scientist. Bhairav Mehta is experienced engineer, business professional and seasoned Statistician / ...
What is "blockchain" and how does it impact you and your company in terms of privacy? Legal expert David Taylor gives a detailed explanation in this full-length presentation.
In the past years cryptocurrency blockchains (like Bitcoin and Namecoin) have seen significant adoption with the promise of using such blockchains as general-purpose databases and/or key-value stores. Cryptocurrency blockchains provide a zero-trust infrastructure, where users can securely store and retrieve information while providing security guarantees that only the owner of a particular private-key can write/modify the data. In theory, many decentralized services/application can be built using cryptocurrency blockchains as key-value stores. However, the area is relatively new and rapidly evolving with little production experience/data available to guide design tradeoffs. In this talk, we describe our experience of operating a large real-world deployment of a decentralized naming service...
How are transactions stored (and recorded) in the Blockchain blocks? Using a concept called a Merkle tree - in this video I break it down in depth with a simple example and show how a SPV node (Simple Payment Verification) node that does not keep a full copy of the blockchain transaction history - just the headers of the blocks - can verify from an adjacent (but not necessarily trusted) full node, which block a transaction is part of just from knowing the MERKLE PATH from the full node. http://chimera.labs.oreilly.com/books/1234000001802/ch07.html
In this webinar we will take a look at the new, revolutionary, distributed ledger technology, known as Blockchain. This technology is the backbone of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, and thousands more. However, the potential impacts of this technology are much broader reaching than simply currency. We will look at how the technology works, and assess its potential for a wide variety of applications and how they will touch every aspect of your financial life.