Community is an American comedy television series which premiered on September 17, 2009, on NBC. The series follows a group of students at a community college in the fictional locale of Greendale, Colorado. The series heavily uses meta-humor and pop culture references, often parodying film and television clichés and tropes. After five seasons on NBC, Community moved to Yahoo! Screen for its sixth season.
The 5 As of Greendale is a webisode series that appeared before Community's pilot was broadcast. The first six videos are set up as informational videos about enrolling at the fictitious Greendale Community College. The last two serve as in-character outtakes of Dean Isakson (portrayed by the series' creator, Dan Harmon).
The Community College Chronicles are two webisodes that act as Abed Nadir's student films. The webisodes parody events that happen on the main show Community. In the episode "Debate 109", the webisodes were seen by the characters making them believe Abed can see the future. The webisodes also appear on the Greendale Community College's website part of the A/V department's page.
Joel Edward McHale (born November 20, 1971) is an American comedian, actor, writer, television producer, and television host. He is known for hosting The Soup and portraying Jeff Winger on the NBC/Yahoo! comedy series Community. He voiced Elliot in the computer-animated comedy film Open Season 2, and has appeared in such films as Spider-Man 2, Spy Kids: All the Time in the World, Ted, What's Your Number?, and Blended.
McHale was born in Rome, Italy, where his father, Jack McHale, worked as Dean of Students at Loyola University Rome Center. His mother, Laurie, is from Vancouver, British Columbia, and his father is from Chicago, Illinois. Of Irish and Norwegian descent, he was raised Catholic in New Jersey and Seattle, Washington. He attended Mercer Island High School.
McHale received a bachelor's degree in History from the University of Washington in 1995. While at the University of Washington, McHale very briefly belonged to the Theta Chi Fraternity.
He was recruited to be on the rowing team, but later joined the football team, playing tight end for two years. According to the football team site, he did not letter in football. He received a Master of Fine Arts degree from the Professional Actors Training Program at the University of Washington. He is a fan of the Seattle Seahawks.
Gillian MacLaren Jacobs (/ˈɡɪlɪən/; born October 19, 1982) is an American actress and director. She portrayed Britta Perry on the NBC/Yahoo! Screen comedy series Community and more recently she portrays Mickey on the Netflix series Love. Jacobs has also appeared in television shows such as Fringe, Law & Order: Criminal Intent, The Good Wife, and Girls, and in films such as Gardens of the Night (2008), The Box (2009), Seeking a Friend for the End of the World (2012), and Bad Milo! (2013).
Jacobs was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Her mother, Martina Magenau Jacobs, is the director of alumni relations at Carnegie Mellon University's Heinz College. Her father, William F. Jacobs Jr., was an investment banker. She was raised in Mt. Lebanon, Pennsylvania. She is of French, German, Irish, and Scottish descent. Her family owned the Jackson Koehler Eagle Brewery, established in 1847 in Erie, Pennsylvania, where her grandfather, John Martin Magenau Jr., served as President and CEO until its closure in 1978.
Daniel Mark "Danny" Pudi (born March 10, 1979) is an American actor and comedian, best known for his role as Abed Nadir on the NBC/Yahoo! comedy series Community.
Pudi was born in Chicago, Illinois, the son of Teresa (née Komendant), a programmer and analyst, and Abraham Pudi. His father is Indian, and his mother is Polish (born in Pokośno, Poland, to Marianna (Organek) and Boleslaw Komendant). Pudi grew up speaking Polish with his mother and grandmother. He grew up on Chicago's south side, but he attended Notre Dame College Prep in Niles, Illinois, a northern Chicago suburb. In 2013, he gave the commencement address at Notre Dame College Prep.
He studied dance in Chicago and attended Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, graduating with a degree in Communication and Theatre in 2001.
At Marquette University, Pudi was the first winner of the Chris Farley Scholarship. Beyond paying for a year of school, the scholarship led to him performing at an improv comedy event featuring Jim Breuer and Dave Chappelle, increasing his interest in studying improv. Pudi performed in summer stock theatre in Wisconsin after Marquette, then studied at The Second City in Chicago.
Community is an American television sitcom created by Dan Harmon that premiered on NBC on September 17, 2009. The single-camera series follows an ensemble cast of characters played by Joel McHale, Gillian Jacobs, Danny Pudi, Yvette Nicole Brown, Alison Brie, Donald Glover, Ken Jeong, Chevy Chase, and Jim Rash, at a community college in the fictional town of Greendale, Colorado. It makes heavy use of meta-humor and pop culture references, often parodying film and television clichés and tropes.
Harmon based the program on his own experiences attending a community college. Each episode of Community was written in accordance with Harmon's template of "story circles"—designed to create effective, structured storytelling. Harmon served as the series' showrunner for its first three seasons but was fired prior to the fourth, being replaced by writers David Guarascio and Moses Port. After a lukewarm response from fans and critics, Harmon was re-hired for the show's fifth broadcast season, after which it had been cancelled by NBC. Yahoo! Screen commissioned a sixth season, which premiered on March 17, 2015, and ended on June 2.
Erase all borders, cultural esperanto
Let the people be paupers and the customer king
A stable market exclusive for cosmopolitical elites
May the plebs all be ethnic, they will fight we will sing
How many poor do we need to prosper
How much starvation to make GNP rise?
Why are we sliding into hell when they are pointing at Heaven?
Let Europe recollect what must be done with bourgeois Lies
Crisis, war, reconstruction
Crisis, war, reconstruction
To keep on climbing You have to fall to the ground
Growth not wealth brings the world to go round
Community is an American comedy television series which premiered on September 17, 2009, on NBC. The series follows a group of students at a community college in the fictional locale of Greendale, Colorado. The series heavily uses meta-humor and pop culture references, often parodying film and television clichés and tropes. After five seasons on NBC, Community moved to Yahoo! Screen for its sixth season.
The 5 As of Greendale is a webisode series that appeared before Community's pilot was broadcast. The first six videos are set up as informational videos about enrolling at the fictitious Greendale Community College. The last two serve as in-character outtakes of Dean Isakson (portrayed by the series' creator, Dan Harmon).
The Community College Chronicles are two webisodes that act as Abed Nadir's student films. The webisodes parody events that happen on the main show Community. In the episode "Debate 109", the webisodes were seen by the characters making them believe Abed can see the future. The webisodes also appear on the Greendale Community College's website part of the A/V department's page.