- published: 31 Jan 2014
- views: 1655
The S3M format is an advanced module format, and is the successor to the STM format used by the original Scream Tracker. Both formats are based on the original MOD format used on the Commodore Amiga computer.
The S3M format has many differences compared to its predecessors.
The period table used by S3M is smaller than the one used by the MOD format (only 12 entries, compared to between 36 and 60 for the MOD variations) and uses larger values in order to be able to compute the extra-fine pitch slides. The playback routines, however, use relatively straightfoward formulas to get the final period values used in playback. The key formula for this takes into account the instrument's stored sample rate at middle C.
Unreal ][ / PM | 2ND_PM.S3M
Tracker music compilation (S3M XM IT) 1/2
karsten - aryx (aryx.s3m)
Serra.C - S3M
Arduino Uno Playing 12Chl S3M @ 37KHz
Finally having time to fly the Xero S3M again. Crash @ 4.35 :)
XM/S3M/IT/MOD Player on Arduino Micro
"Inside Out" by Purple Motion / Future Crew (inside_out.s3m)
Unreal 1995 Tech Demo - UNREAL.S3M
S3M music: BeaT - Celestial Fantasia (Dolby Headphone)
Ludix Stunt S3M
Darkman007 - ASMO (.s3m tracker module 124kb) in ModPlug Tracker (2012)
A real classic from the old days I wanted to upload. Enjoy :)
A playlist of multichannel tracker music, just a small sample biased towards Finnish scene. Decided to try MilkDrop2 for visualization. Many effects don't really sync much or at all to music. Was too lazy to configure the plugin. Visuals don't compress so well and look quite blurry even though the compilation was split into two parts. It would be possible to improve mastering of audio levels, just did quick touches on the fly. S3M were recorded from Scream Tracker 3.21, XMs from FastTracker 2.09 and ITs grabbed with Schism Tracker 20120105 (a reimplementation of Impulse Tracker). 00:00 Necros - "ice frontier" (remix) original by Skaven 04:41 Dune - x14 haista poks 08:29 Chavez - bubblegum experience 12:18 4mat - eternity 15:13 4mat - rose 19:41 Basehead - ninja philosophy 24:28 Beathawk ...
A true classic in chiptune-terms. Title: aryx Artist: karsten Posted at: http://modarchive.org/module.php?34036 Original desription: k.koch 29.03.95 Time: 2:21 ___________________________ Tune composed using Space Tracker 1.0 BETA ___________________________ Video made in milkdrop, I do not own the music!
Vandaag op de Bday van ' Serra.C ' Lanceert hij zijn nieuwe videoclip van de track ''S3M'' Er is veel onderweg dus hou het in de gaten , ook is hij bezig met nieuwe projecten en komt er een EP aan. Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/7ucfLVAvKkHh6a3sHJncLd?si=CfvNlXyWR5Cyv3kqvGG2Nw Google play: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Serra_C_S3M?id=B57rnvaoktnfg223vxobd4gmnay Deezer: http://www.deezer.com/track/437176012 Abonneer op MannenOpTempo: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCklwbWv5qFKLfbCSKFIqJtg Serra.C - Benz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGmjE3FGkio Serra.C - China https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vndy3aKnxQg Serra.C Barz Zat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EqvUJPM85E edit Joaldo Queiroz Straight Fire.
The next iteration of my music player on Arduino Uno! The mixer and interrupt routines are now optimized by hand written assembly code and mixing is done one channel at the time to reduce register pressure, so I was able to increase the playback frequency and number of audio channels from the previous iteration. If I counted the cycles right, the mixer inner loop is now 28 cycles/sample/channel on ATmega328. Writing the routines in asm was a good crash course to AVR assembly language and GCC inline asm (: I also added support for S3M files to have music files with more audio channels because MOD files usually have only 4 channels. The music in the video is aryx.s3m (from '95 by Karsten Koch) that has 12 channels and was small enough to fit into 32KB of flash in Uno when compressed. The p...
And its still awesome! This is one of my favourite ever quads. It's a crazy little thing. Be warned Its pretty difficult to solder the 16awg battery wires. (Edit - following my trials on the bigger leggero s4l, 18 awg wire works fine). This is the weak point in these builds as the pads are so tiny. In a crash if you don't reinforce these your likely to rip the wires and pads off. I am trying hot glue and zip ties.
All audio generated on the Arduino. If you look closely, you will see that I added a yellow wire going from the TXLED to the empty hole that was drilled over by the reset button. I added a single pin though this hole and epoxied the plastic in place to give myself another bread-boardable pin that has access to the PD5 signal which was not broken out. Simple mod really. Original code by Jarkko Lempiäinen. See this video for code links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZfw7l-ZxqE Track: 'Last Chip Standing' by Chewrafa. See this video for higher quality audio: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPKri-r5l7k The audio probably suffers a bit from my DAC since the resistors were 5% tolerance and I did my best to hand-match them down to 0.1%. I'm looking to get a real 8bit DAC and put it on...
The track UNREAL from the Unreal 1995 Tech Demo. It was later improved as Undrwrld.umx (Underworld) in the Unreal 1998 beta, but was not used in the final game.
'Celestial Fantasia' (1997) by BeaT/Osmosys (Seth Peelle). This upload is intended for headphones only. I had completely forgotten this old 3D benchmarking software. Download link can be found from this page: http://www.benchmarkhq.ru/be_video.html This was made using RPGWiZaRD's Dolby Headphone setup: http://www.head-fi.org/t/555263/foobar2000-dolby-headphone-config-comment-discuss C64 version by Flex: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCJXdI7-k_c
DESCENT.S3M Audio-File known from Maxxarcade's Video "My Old School Computers Part 3, The Compaq Presario 850". Maxxarcade himself was kind enough to send me the file, be sure to check out and subscribe to his channel if you yet haven't: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc--CFzOjEViwUwrMCOGVhg I took the S3M file, opened it in OpenMPT and coded it into lossless audio. Source file can be found here (intact, unlike the video): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7xYWWmG1J8JSUxuWWNFdmJXcVE/view?usp=sharing Correctly encoded MP3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7xYWWmG1J8JQkdxUXZlc3BtV0U/view?usp=sharing I did not create this song, nor do I own any rights for it.
Darkman007 - ASMO (.s3m tracker module 124kb) in ModPlug Tracker. Written in 2012, released in Chaos Constructions 2013 democompo. http://darkman007.untergrund.net/
AND yet another retro dance song in the S3M modulated screamtracker created cover (info comes form within the file)
who doesnt know djd bobo, and the popular song "everybody"
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AIMP adalah audio player gratis (freeware) dibuat oleh Artem Izmaylov yang berkewarganegaraan Rusia. Maka sebenarnya nama dari audio player ini, AIMP, merupakan kepanjangan dari Artem Izmaylov Media Player. aimp bisa digunakan untuk memutar lebih dari 20 format audio. Dan format audio yang bisa diputar oleh aim diantaranya seperti: AAC, AC3, ADE, CDA, DTS, FLAC, IT, MIDI, MO3, MOD, M4A, M4B, MP1, MP2, MP3, MTM, MPC, OGG, OFR, OPUS, RMI, S3M, SPX, TAK, TTA, UMX, WAV, WMA, WV, XM dan masih banyak lagi. software ini memiliki tampilan yang mudah dinavigasi dan gak ribet. Sehingga saya berani mengatakan bahwa aimp pantas dijadikan pemutar musik papan atas seperti halnya winamp. LINK DOWNLOAD AIMP http://qpdownload.com/aimp/ FOLLOW ME Instagram ►https://www.instagram.com/rvandre999/ Twitter ...
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Sounds from the distant past, a ghost of my mind
Raging currents which I created in my head
Imprisoned me as I went too close
To its final aim - within this moment
In the gentle breeze I see it
Through boundless corners of the mind
On verity I ride
Until I reach the unattainable
Will I reach the unattainable
Anger of the imaginary gods
An enormous outburst is hidden
Inside me - there it is
Anger - I can see it
The world is a green flash - mixed with purple
Fading away, fading away