News and Events

by unweb December 21, 2011
Latest news and events on the site.
Featured Filmmaker: Cha Roque

Featured Filmmaker: Cha Roque

by EM News last modified February 12, 2018

Cha Roque is a literary writer, filmmaker, and LGBT advocate from the Philippines.

Featured Filmmaker: Cha Roque - Read More…

Video4Change Network: What The Members Say

by Rezwan last modified February 12, 2018

Members of the Video4Change (V4C) Network share what the Network is about, where they find common ground, and what are its future plans.

Video4Change Network: What The Members Say - Read More…

Featured Filmmaker: Netting Supolrai (Mekong Nomad)

Featured Filmmaker: Netting Supolrai (Mekong Nomad)

by Rezwan last modified February 11, 2018

Netting Jaruwan Supolrai, a filmmaker from Northeastern Thailand, set off on a journey to visit friends across the Mekong region and found out that humanity is borderless.

Featured Filmmaker: Netting Supolrai (Mekong Nomad) - Read More…

Video and Technology for Human Rights Documentation at COCONET

Video and Technology for Human Rights Documentation at COCONET

by EM News last modified January 08, 2018

How tools and apps help to complement traditional methods of advocacy.

Video and Technology for Human Rights Documentation at COCONET - Read More…

Apakah Profesi Wartawan Aman di Indonesia?

by EM News last modified November 29, 2017

Apakah penggunaan Whatsapp adalah langkah aman bagi wartawan untuk memberikan pertanyaan tambahan pada seorang narasumber? Adakah aplikasi alternatif lain yang lebih aman? Apakah bekerja dengan resiko membahayakan bisa dikatakan normal bagi para wartawan? Amankah jika para wartawan dibiarkan berbagi komputer di kantor redaksi mereka? Pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini muncul dalam dua periode wawancara dengan sejumlah wartawan di Indonesia sebagai bagian dari riset oleh EngageMedia mengenai keamanan digital wartawan.

Apakah Profesi Wartawan Aman di Indonesia? - Read More…

Are Journalists Safe in Indonesia?

by EM News last modified November 16, 2017

Do you think it’s safe for journalists to use Whatsapp to ask additional questions to a source? Are there safer alternatives to using such apps? Can working dangerously be considered normal for journalists? Should journalists be allowed to share computers in editorial offices? These are some of the questions which came up during two rounds of interviews with Indonesian journalists as part of EngageMedia’s research on the digital safety of journalists.

Are Journalists Safe in Indonesia? - Read More…

Featured Filmmaker: Jason Soo

Featured Filmmaker: Jason Soo

by EM News last modified November 23, 2017

We interview Jason Soo, a filmmaker from Singapore whose work highlights activists and activism over the course of its history.

Featured Filmmaker: Jason Soo - Read More…