
Congress Confused By $500 Million In Trump’s Budget Allocated For ‘Laser Stuff’

WASHINGTON—As they examined the recently released White House budget, U.S. senators and representatives expressed confusion Tuesday about the $500 million that President Trump has proposed the government spend on “laser stuff” in fiscal year 2019. “While I agree with many of the president’s recommendations, like his…


Study Finds Cats Only Meow When They Want To Alert Owner Of Neighbor’s Murder They Witnessed Through Window

LONDON—A new study published this week in the journal Animal Behaviour revealed that house cats only meow when they want to alert their owners that they just witnessed a neighbor’s murder while looking out a window. “Through direct observation and analysis of feline vocal patterns, we were able to confirm that the…

Detective Refuses To Pry Into Circumstances Of Murder Out Of Respect For Deceased

NAMPA, ID—In an effort to provide space for the family during their time of mourning, detective James Horton reportedly refused Monday to pry into the circumstances surrounding 28-year-old Allan Lieberman’s murder out of respect for the deceased. “Due to the extremely sensitive nature of this violent incident, I have…