Weekend Edition
Trump with former White House Staff Secretary Rob Porter

Would this White House ever believe women?

The image of a woman battered by an aide not only had no effect on Trump--he doubled down on his smears against women who confront abusers.

Using people of color as props

The State of the Union speech was only the most glaring example of Trump using people of color and our pain as a means to justify racism and violence.

Wrapped in red white and blue

Trump's fantasy of a military parade is an exercise in flag-waving--but Republicans aren't the only ones who peddle nationalism.

MS-13 was made in the USA

The policies that Trump claims will stop MS-13 and other Central American gangs are the same ones that gave rise to them.

The uncounted victims

Civilians walk through the streets of Mosul after months of U.S. air strikes (Tasnim News | Wikimedia Commons)

An antiwar journalist says that the Pentagon has drastically understated the number of civilians killed by air strikes in U.S. wars.

Fascism is the danger in Italy

The shooting of six Africans by a fascist was the result of a troubling rise of xenophobia and sexism ahead of elections next month.

Don't let them hide Ahed's trial

Israel's detention and prosecution of Palestinian teenager Ahed Tamimi for standing up for her family must be protested.

New this weekend

Donald Trump and the crisis that caused him

A must-read book of essays, featuring many SW contributors, makes the case that Trump can only be explained by the conditions that preceded him.

We learned to be united

An Egyptian socialist, recently released from prison, talks about the situation today under the el-Sisi regime and what lies ahead.

The terrorism Trump ignores

Fascists on the march in Charlottesville, Virginia

The far right is on a killing spree--but the Trump administration is too busy trying to score political points about supposed "Islamic terrorism" to care.

Taking on Google-bro's sexism

Portland State activists are preparing to protest James Damore and his sexist ideas about women in the tech industry.

A neo-Nazi flop in Burlington

Hundreds of people came out on short notice in Burlington to protest the Patriot Front, forcing the fascists to abandon their plans.

More top articles of the week

A fight for dignity in Memphis

Fifty years ago, African American sanitation workers in Memphis began a strike that is now remembered as Martin Luther King Jr.'s last struggle.

Facing a "trauma doctrine"

From Wall Street to the federal government, neoliberal vultures are circling over Puerto Rico, which remains in desperate need.

The whole barrel has to go

Alex Vitale's The End of Policing provides the arguments and facts to back up radical alternatives to the criminal justice system.

A socialist vision of democracy

The work of a long-time Chicago socialist reflected a commitment to illuminating our history and the fight for workers' democracy.

The politics of the ISO

Where We Stand: The Politics of the ISO

In this extended series of articles on the politics of international socialism, Paul D'Amato, author of The Meaning of Marxism, looks in detail at the ISO's "Where We Stand" statement.

The Russian Revolution of 1917
Find out about the activities of the International Socialist Organization
International Socialist Review |

The current issue of the ISR features an article by Sharon Smith on "States of inequality: Political polarization and the US working class." For that and more articles on socialist theory and practice, go to the International Socialist Review website.

Losing out in the Trump casino

Donald Trump gives his State of the Union address

Trump's State-of-the-Union boasts about the economy were followed by a stock market plunge--but workers have even less to bet on from the GOP agenda.

Medicaid rules work for bosses

The Trump plan to allow work requirements in the Medicaid health system threatens grave consequences for the most vulnerable.

Schumer's art of the sellout

Why do the Democrats cave so often? The problem isn't just bad tactics, but the fact that they're committed to the same basic agenda as Republicans.

How to fight for Black lives

Students at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School in Milwaukee (Joe Brusky | Milwaukee Teachers' Education Association)

The success of the Black Lives Matter at School week of action shows the potential for organizing an open and proud stand against racism.

Black students will matter

Black Lives Matter at School is a week of action involving educators who are bringing resistance to racism into the classroom.

Why was a protester targeted?

A UC Berkeley student and Undergraduate Workers Union member tells what happened at a labor rally that led to an unjust arrest.

Seattle drivers take on a bully

The people who drive Seattle's children to school are facing a multinational corporation that won't provide health care or pensions.

Demanding transit justice

Rosa Parks was the inspiration for a national coalition of labor, environmental and civil rights groups to organize Transit Equity Day.

Protesters rally to free Davia

Davia Spain was released from jail after hundreds came out to defend the wrongfully accused Bay Area activist and trans woman.

This church harasses women

New York City pro-choice activists rallied outside a church whose members badger women entering a nearby abortion clinic.

Rebuilding our fight for choice

A small but spirited protest of an anti-choice march showed the potential for rebuilding the fight for abortion rights in the Bay Area.

Village of Hope will be rebuilt

Despite an officially declared housing crisis in Portland, Oregon, dozens of police demolished a self-managed encampment.

We can't wait for Congress

Hundreds of people rallied in the Bronx to tell Congress to pass a "clean" DREAM Act and stop the deportations.

Trump's campaign of terror

The racist in the White House is demanding every anti-immigrant measure he can think of--while ICE is stepping up raids and arrests across the U.S.

Ravi Ragbir is out of detention

New York City activist Ravi Ragbir was released from ICE detention, giving him the chance to continue his struggle for justice.

Will Trump shoot first?

The Trump administration is undercutting an Olympic "peace interlude" in Korea with an escalation of hostility toward the North.

Return of great power rivalry

Two government documents spell it out: The U.S. government is on the warpath against emerging big power rivals China and Russia.

Behind Turkey's invasion

Turkish military forces participate in the invasion of Afrin

Turkish forces are invading a Kurdish region in Syria, escalating tensions across the region--and threatening more misery for the victims on all sides.

Chronicle of a crook foretold

The collapse of the UK construction giant Carillion was a long time coming--and has focused attention on its harsh labor practices.

What we mean by materialism

Historical materialism is the cornerstone of Karl Marx's theories and views--but how does this concept help us explain the world?

Turning 200 years young

August Diehl (right) as Karl Marx and Stefan Konarske as Friedrich Engels in the movie The Young Karl Marx

The new feature film The Young Karl Marx is a nuanced and surprisingly accurate portrait of the revolutionary as a young man.

Forced out for standing up

How can we defend workers who face retaliation from employers for standing up for their rights on the job?

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