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Nun’s recovery recognised as 70th Lourdes miracle

Sister Bernadette Moriau was miraculously cured in July 2008

Morning Catholic must-reads: 13/02/18

A daily guide to what’s happening in the Catholic Church

Campaigners make final appeal as government sex education consultation closes

A government consultation closes tonight on compulsory sex education in schools

Member of Vatican pro-life academy says Bible justifies abortion in exceptional cases

Rabbi Dr Fishel Szlajen cited traditional Jewish law

Pope Francis appoints Canon Paul Swarbrick as new Bishop of Lancaster

Canon Swarbrick has been a priest in the diocese for 35 years

Nun’s recovery recognised as 70th Lourdes miracle

Sister Bernadette Moriau was miraculously cured in July 2008

Morning Catholic must-reads: 12/02/18

A daily guide to what’s happening in the Catholic Church

Rising intolerance in India is causing anxiety, says cardinal

Cardinal Oswald Gracias expresses ‘anguish’ over increasing threats to pluralism

Cardinal Cupich defends Pope’s record on doctrine and abuse

Cardinal Cupich called for a ‘paradigm shift’ in pastoral practice and said that the Pope recognised the need to ‘listen’ to abuse survivors

Pope Francis: People need to recognise ways they tolerate human trafficking

The Holy Father met with delegates from more than 30 countries in a two-day summit to tackle human trafficking

Rome’s Colosseum to be lit up in red for persecuted Christians

The Colosseum will be illuminated at the same time as prominent churches in Syria and Iraq

Acts of love and courage reveal God’s grace, says Trump

The president hailed ‘American heroes’ at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, DC

Chinese priests ordered to put up signs banning children from churches

Chinese officials have said churches will not be allowed to function unless they post the signs


McMafia presents an unrealistic image of gangsterism

The drama left many unanswered questions

In praise of China’s outspoken cardinal

Cardinal Zen has history on his side, and he knows China better than any in the Vatican diplomatic corps

Walther’s Saints of the Week: 11-17 February

Including the Florentine nobleman who led a life of uninterrupted charity

The Bishop Barros crisis: how bad is it?

At this point, there are only four possible explanations for what happened to a crucial letter

China’s constitution upholds ‘religious freedom’. The reality is rather different

When it comes to religious freedom, the Chinese government say one thing and do another

Against all odds, pro-lifers could still win Ireland’s referendum

The Irish establishment wants to sweep away pro-life laws. But the battle will not be so easily won

Andy Warhol’s devotion was almost surreal

The Vatican Museums exhibition will be something of a homecoming for the artist

A penitential Valentine’s Day

The feast of St Valentine coincides with Ash Wednesday – this conflict is an opportunity

So is Cardinal Marx for or against the blessing of same-sex unions?

An attempt to clarify the cardinal’s comments has only created more confusion

There’s more to Edgardo Mortara’s story than one controversial event

Mortara’s memoirs can teach us about openness to grace – whether or not Pius IX was right to remove him from his parents

Don’t look to China for an example of Catholic social teaching

China’s regime denies freedom of conscience, oppresses religion and disregards the right to life

Where did Cardinal Marx get the idea that ‘There can be no rules’?

The cardinal’s apparent endorsement of blessing same-sex couples has troubling historical echoes