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Nothing but graphic political satire...

More than I know what to do with...pops out every now and then.
Click on image to enlarge/slide show.

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Nothing but graphic political satire...

More than I know what to do with...pops out every now and then.

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More comics...recently made.

What with one thing or another, I seem to be on a graphical roll. How good the montages are is not necessary the main game.In a world full of Facebook memes my efforts are players.
My output is registering sometimes...and with practice, I get to skill up.
I house all my graphical business on my punchratbag site...but nowadays the web is where you find it or share it.
So in the main I pump out the stuff from my facebook account. 
For those into arty mode, my technique is changing. Rather than be beholden to PhotoShop 'reality' I'm preferring the effect engendered by the old scissors  cut and paste techniques of the DADAists.
I'm preferring 'masks' to faces. Despite the photographic sources: 2 D to 3D. Parody to 'new'...
And I love the statements -- even if other folk don't  always embrace my POV.
I love 'Aussie Rules' for instance. Too bitter for some, maybe most...and folk objected to 'Baby Throwing: the new national sport' -- when I thought it was absolutely true, and darkly and shockingly funny.
Just click on an image for a slide show.


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