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by Jean Barrot and Francois Martin

Publication Notes

From the Black & Red edition :
The essays included in the present work were written for the bulletin, Le mouvemente communiste (available from G. Dauvé, B.P. 95, 94600 Choisy-le-Roi, France). They were selected and translated by J.Barrot. The essay on "The Class Struggle and It's Most Characteristic Aspects in Recent Years" was written by F.Martin. the other two central essays, as well as the introductory materials and the appendices, were written by Barrot. Other works by the same author include: J.Barrot, Le mouvemente communiste (Paris: Champ Libre, 1972); J.Barrot, Communisme et question Russe (Paris: Société encyclopediqué française et Editions de la Tête de Feuilles, 1972); J.Barrot, A.Borczuk, P.Riviale, La légende de la gauche au pouvoir: Le front populaire (Paris: Editions de la Tête de Feuilles, 1973)


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We're not technical wizards - however feel free to get in touch if you have any serious problems with this zip file. We could use a good laugh.

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