Julia GillardConta verificada


Official Twitter account of the 27th Prime Minister of Australia.

Participa desde outubro de 2009


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  1. 1 hora atrás

    , my appreciation to your daughters and nieces and what they will show us too on , and for our initiatives . Thank you!

  2. 1 hora atrás

    Thank you for your warm support for the work ahead to advance .

  3. 1 hora atrás
  4. 1 hora atrás
  5. retweetou

    A level playing field for men and women is not an inevitability – but together we can hasten change | blogs for

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  7. 19 horas atrás

    I'm delighted to launch the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership at . It’s estimated it will take over 200 years until women have the same pay and job opportunities as men.That’s way too long to wait. will work to accelerate change.

  8. retweetou
    30 de mar

    Thank you for so powerfully making the case that if we want to change our world for the better we cannot continue to deny millions of children their right to learn.

  9. 26 de mar

    There are between 93 and 150 million children in the world with a disability, and an estimated 90% of them are not in school. My latest article in here:

  10. 21 de mar

    Wishing Bob Hawke and all the best today for the launch of Craig’s book ‘The Boy From Baradine’

  11. retweetou
    17 de mar

    About to sit down with & more to talk girls’ education, accountability, and how education is the key to ensuring youth are prepared for the job market. Tune in

  12. 17 de mar

    . and leave a proud legacy. A leader in school funding, NDIS rollout and renewables, Jay always fought for what’s right, and South Australia is better for it.

  13. 17 de mar

    What a win! The people of Batman have elected an exceptional representative in . She will bring a strong female voice to Canberra and make an enormous contribution in the Federal Parliament.

  14. 8 de mar

    . takes learning beyond the classroom, giving young women the skills & means to become and in rural communities: - JG

  15. 8 de mar

    Equality starts with educating girls. is determined to challenge the mindsets that hold girls back and equip them with an education and the tools that will allow them to secure their future. . My oped - JG.

  16. 7 de mar

    Globally women make up just 23% of national parliamentarians, 26% of news media leaders, 27% of judges, 15% of corporate board members and 24% of senior managers worldwide. Let’s and achieve equality. My speech this - JG

  17. 7 de mar

    Great to speak on as Chair of for . 1 in 5 Australian women experience depression and 1 in 3 have anxiety in their lifetimes. Let’s in improving mental health this International Women’s Day .

  18. retweetou
    1 de mar

    I am appalled by the attack on Ministry of Education, & Bangui Sans Frontières staff. Those who work to ensure a better future for children through education must be free to work without fear. My thoughts are with the families of the victims

  19. retweetou
    27 de fev

    The abduction of school girls from Dapchi, Nigeria is a deplorable attack on education & human rights. It is our obligation to keep schools safe. We must unite to end violence against children everywhere and protect their right to learn.

  20. 9 de fev

    Unprecedented support for global education in Senegal last ​week​ at the Financing Conference of . But you wouldn’t work that out by reading The Australian, which published a misleading and inaccurate report. Here’s the full facts - JG


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