- published: 22 Jun 2017
- views: 26525
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Tried this product to remove clear coat scratches. The result is quite good. I left the left side of the hood untreated as comparison in the end of the video I'll do another video cleaning other parts of my car using this product such as headlamps, windshield etc later Braver 148
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Einsatzfahrten und so auf Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/EinsatzfahrtenUndSo In diesem Video sind die Einsatzleitwagen ELW vom D-Dienst und vom Organisatorischen Leiter Rettungsdienst OrgL der Hauptfeuer- und Rettungswache FW 1 in der Innenstadt, der Berufsfeuerwehr BF, der Kommandowagen KdoW vom Landratsamt und ein Zivilpersonenkraftwagen ZPKW der Polizei München am 18.04.2018 auf Einsatzfahrt im Rahmen einer Antiterrorübung zu sehen. In this video we see two command cars from the fire station 1, fire department, a command car from the goverment and a unmarked car from the police Munich. Alle Videos dürfen gerne verlinkt und geteilt werden. Für sinnvolle und noch nicht beantwortete Fragen stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung. Falls Sie Videomaterial oder Bilder verwenden möchten, schreiben...
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Einsatzfahrten und so auf Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/EinsatzfahrtenUndSo In diesem Video ist der Löschzug, bestehend aus dem Einsatzleitwagen, zwei Hilfeleistungslöschfahrzeugen 20/16, der Drehleiter mit Korb 23/12 und dem Rettungswagen der Berufsfeuerwehr BF München, der Hauptfeuer- und Rettungswache FW 1 in der Innenstadt am 18.04.2018 auf Einsatzfahrt mit Dauerhorn im Rahmen einer Antiterrorübung zu sehen. In this video we see the command car, two rescue engine, the ladder and the ambulance from the fire department Munich, from the fire station 1. Alle Videos dürfen gerne verlinkt und geteilt werden. Für sinnvolle und noch nicht beantwortete Fragen stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung. Falls Sie Videomaterial oder Bilder verwenden möchten, schreiben Sie mich am besten in Facebook an....
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Unwissend, dass ich in unmittelbarer Nähe zur Einsatzstelle war, habe ich angefangen zu filmen, als ich das Presslufthorn in der Ferne gehört habe, als ich zu Fuß im Süden der Stadt unterwegs war. Zu erst trefffen das Hilfeleistungslöschfahrzeug HLF 20 und der Kommandowagen KdoW von der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr Freising, stationiert an der Feuerwehrwache 2, sowie ein Rettungswagen vom BRK ein. Kurz darauf folgt die Drehleiter DLK 23/12 der Feuerwache 2 sowie das HLF 20 der Feuerwache 1. Danach kommt noch das Löschgruppenfahrzeug LF 16/12 der Feuerwache 2 sowie ein ziviler PKW welcher vermutlich vom Kreisbrandmeister o.ä. ist. Allgemeine Information zu den Veröffentlichungen Ich berufe mich auf die §§ 23 und 57 des Kunsturheberrechtsgesetzes (nicht amtl. KunstUrhG oder KUG). Der Fokus meine...
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inspector gadget
go mr gadget go thats the name
spell it out till it don't sound the same
its the g-a-d to the g-e-t
gadget on the mic wanna rock with me
yo stop that guy with a claw for a hand
go mr gadget with the master plan
inspect the scene of the crime
don't make me
but i'll hit ya with a go gadget rhyme
when theres a problem in your town go gadget now
if your in trouble there's no doubt he'll work it out
inspector gadget oh
if ya do the crime you're gonna do the time
inspector gadget oh
when he's on the case ya better hide your face
inspector gadget oh
the city's only saviour
inspector gadget oh
he's number one
now who's that man with a master plan
to bring peace to the land ya gotta understand
inspector g's the name and law's the game
he's gotta track down claw cos the guys insane
and so he works downtown as a...
looks kinda funny acts like the clown
but he be gettin criminals lock them in bars
go gadget copter jet propeller cars
he jumps up and out of the seat
and bounces higher with the springs in his feet
you know he'll always be around land or the sky
and you know inspector gadget is a hell of a guy c'mon
when theres a problem in your town go gadget now
if your in trouble there's no doubt he'll work it out
inspector gadget oh
he's gotta badge on his chest and you know he's the best
inspector gadget oh
anywhere that ya hide, gadget will find ya
inspector gadget oh
if a city's only saviour
inspector gadget oh
he's nummber one
when there's a problem in your town go gadget now
if your in trouble there's no doubt he'll work it out
inspector gadget oh
if ya do the crime you're gonna do the time
inspector gadget oh
when he's on the case ya better hide your face
inspector gadget oh
if a city's gonna be safe
inspector gadget oh
he's nummber one
inspector gadget oh
he's gotta badge on his chest and you know hes the best
inspector gadget oh
anywhere that ya hide gadget will find ya
inspector gadget oh
if a city's gonna be safe
inspector gadget oh
he's number one
At the time, his junior attorney was Anton Lubowski who would later be murdered by the security police. During the case, another one of his junior attorneys was detained by the security branch police, so while Lubowski continued in Dordrecht, Chetty went to look for his colleague in Burgersdorp. However, the head of the prison at the time refused Chetty access to his junior. Chetty immediately sought to bring an application for the attorney's release but was met with an unsympathetic judge who was not interested in the legalities around the detention. The attorney spent the next six months in solitary confinement at Burgersdorp prison.
He rose to the bench in 1995 after he was offered an opportunity by a peer to serve as an acting judge in Cape Town, a moment he said that took him aback. The following year his appointment became permanent and it was then his judicial education began in earnest, learning from the leading legal minds in the country.
Chetty told reporters that while serving on the bench in Cape Town he wrote most of his judgments in Afrikaans, as a show of his versatility with languages.
Then, in 1998, Chetty had former President FW De Klerk as a litigant in his court. "I came face to face with the last architect of apartheid ... how was I to react? Well to a judiciary, he was a litigant coming to get divorced."
"Well, Mr De Klerk got into the witness box, took the oath in front of me and I said to myself: 'How times have changed.' "
The last major case Chetty presided over was the Christopher Panayiotou murder trial in which he sentenced the businessman to life imprisonment for the murder of his schoolteacher wife Jayde.
Chetty's career has spanned 47 years and his contribution is considered as instrumental in the nurturing and development of both civil and criminal law in South Africa.
And nearly half a century later, Chetty still writes his judgments using a pencil and a rubber and told reporters that he does not use technology, preferring to remain old school.
"Law is the business to which I have devoted my entire life," he said. "I've spent the last 47 years trying to learn it, still haven't accomplished it fully, but I think it's time I want to stop studying because I also need to relax and spend time with my family."
Chetty will officially leave the bench as a Port Elizabeth High Court Judge in September.
African News Agency/ANA
]]>https://www.iol.co.za/news/south-africa/eastern-cape/look-respected-eastern-cape-jurist-judge-dayalin-chetty-to-retire-14561215" class="resultsource">Independent online (SA) 20 Apr 2018