Anarcha-Feminist movement, articles
Anarcha-Feminist webpages
Body Issues
Feminism and Anarchism, articles
Gender and Anarchy, articles
Gender and Prison
Health & Healing
Identity politics
Intersex Articles and Webpages
Mental Health
Other Languages
Patriarchy and Anarchism
Projects and Organizations
POC webpages & articles
Queer + Trans Inclusiveness
Radical Queer Articles + Essays
Radical queer pages
Recommended Reading Lists
Reproductive Freedom
Sexism in the Anarchist Movement
Sex & Sexuality
Sexual Assault, Abuse, & Initimate Violence
Trans Articles and Webpages
Women of color herstory

The site has been updated!!! (09/12/07)

There was a problem with our server, so I didn't have access to this site for over a year. Now, I am working on adding new links, fixing dead links, and trying to reorganize and re-design the site, as well as add some new content. The site is under construction, but hopefully everything is accessible.

The Library is an Anarcha-Feminist and Gender Anarchy resource page as part of the larger project and is intended to provide both activists and the curious a source of important contemporary (and older) anarcha-feminist documents.

I'm working on figuring out how to make the more relevent content easier to find. There are a number of links to text i disagree with, which is because i just wanted to collect everything possible and let others sort it out, but now there is just way too much to sort through. I also do not want to define anarcha-feminism for others, but the content here is definitely shaped by my perspectives- for example, there's not much on international issues here. This site is very U.S.-centric, while there are anarcha-feminists all over the world.

The history of this site: As an attempt to fill a void, the sallydarity anarcha-feminism and gender anarchy resource page was created in early 2003. It included all the links pertaining to anarcha-feminism that one could find in a matter of hours, and grew over the last few years to include hundreds of links to articles and webpages that relate to gender issues from a radical/anarchist perspective or are of interest to anarcha-feminists. It includes links to the text of popular pamphlets like "Witches, Midwives, and Nurses," and "Quiet Rumours" to gender-related articles from anarchist favorite "slingshot" newspaper, to over twenty articles addressing sexism within the anarchist movement, to five radical critiques of gay marriage, even two articles from a green anarchist perspective. An attempt was made at pulling together contemporary radical/anarchist text on highly talked about issues like inclusiveness, gender self-determination, consent, safety, sexual liberation, and radical parenting with issues that have been discussed at length through feminist history like violence against women.

If you have any suggestions, questions, or additions, please email sallydarity at yahoo dot com.

We are seeking participation from other anarcha-feminists for this whole site. There isn't a lot of new writing on the web that's easy to find. There are a couple ways you can contribute.

What's new: The messageboard is gone! We are seeking help in setting up a new one. In the meantime, you can check out the mujereslibres list.

Check out my work-in-progress page on what anarcha-feminism is.

You can check here for updates including the latest new links (so you don't have to search each page for them). Some cool recently created items include a list of questions on consent called "frozen inside" and Intersex and Transgender List of Demands, created by intersexed and transgendered folks in the southeast US. Also, check out the new page on gender issues if you're arrested. I'm in the process of working on a section for guys who are interested in fighting patriarchy. It includes some excerpts with links to the essays they're from. I could use help building it. Also, I could use help creating a page for essays of various languages. With my limited knowledge of spanish, i've added relevant spanish articles, but there is a lot out there in different languages that I can't read. It'd be especially great if someone could do some translating. Pick your favorite articles and translate them!