The Poet’s Guide to Mathematics
Anupama Pilbrow
Doing maths means doing writing, using language. But, maths is also an embodied practice. It is entirely bodied, because it involves the entire body. When it goes badly, the whole body suffers.
Jenny Macklin
Dan Dixon
Eleanor Hogan
Maxine Beneba Clarke
Lauren Rosewarne
Anupama Pilbrow
Doing maths means doing writing, using language. But, maths is also an embodied practice. It is entirely bodied, because it involves the entire body. When it goes badly, the whole body suffers.
Over the last two years, the capacity to manage mood has been monetised through the sharing of fake news and political feeds atuned to reader preference: you can also make people happy by confirming their biases.
As he put more and more distance between himself and the mangroves, his fear lessened. Finally he forced himself to attempt to sleep the night through, after fortifying himself in a high, shallow cave with only one entrance.
Magic was important to me for a while. I was strangely tethered to an idol. But it wasn’t a sophisticated connection, nor constant. In contemplating my imagined virus, I was variously confused, frightened, forgetful, fine.
In this separation ceremony
we are not separating
the Sabbath from the rest
of the week.
We are separating my self
from myself.