Wangaratta woman Ora Holt sacrificed her life to save children, sister says

A woman who was shot dead by her partner on Anzac Day sacrificed her life to save her children, her grieving sister says.

It's believed Gregory Floyd, 43, took his own life after shooting dead his partner of 14 years Ora Holt, 39, in the Anzac Day tragedy that has rocked the community of Wangaratta in Victoria's north-east.

Brenna Dunne told Channel Nine her sister was the "best mum" to her four young children.

"She did everything for her children," Ms Dunne said.

Ora Holt, who was killed by her partner Greg Floyd on Anzac Day.

Photo: Courtesy of Nine News

Ms Dunne said she last spoke to her older sister at Easter.

"She seemed happy and they seemed like they were OK, but maybe had a little tiff that all couples have," Ms Dunne said.

But on Anzac Day, things took a turn for the worse.

A witness told police they saw a man with a high-powered rifle and telescopic sight chasing a woman on Belle Avenue.

Ora Holt's grieving sister, Brenna Dunne.

Photo: Courtesy of Nine News

Ms Holt ran with her children to a neighbour's house.

Their neighbour, Luke, had been at home with his wife and two sons when Ms Holt and her children appeared. Luke, his wife and their two young children, as well as the late couple's two girls and two boys, managed to escape.

Police block the street in Wangaratta on Tuesday.

Photo: Shana Morgan/The Border Mail

They ran about a block to safety.

"The oldest [child] was helping her mum hold the backdoor to keep the dad from coming inside to hurt them and then just running for their lives and then their mum telling them just to run," Ms Dunne said.

A well-wisher leaves flowers outside the home where Ora Holt and Greg Floyd died.

Photo: Mark Jesser/The Border Mail

"The kids have also said once she was out, she kind of went back, and I think that was probably just to give them more time to run."

Ms Dunne said she wished she had been able to "take the bullet" for her sister instead.

"I will never be able to get over this experience," she said.

Efforts have now turned to helping the orphaned siblings.

"We will do anything to keep them safe and to make sure they have got the best opportunities in life," Ms Dunne said.

"Anything that anybody can do to maybe help enable us to let those children have the best in life - as best as they can without their parents - would be so much appreciated."

Several fundraising pages have been set up, including The 4 Wangaratta Children Fund, to support the siblings and pay for their parents' funerals.

Ms Holt's cousin, Amy Tsiantas, who started the page said Ms Holt was a "loving mother" and urged people to help the family in any way they could.

"Many of you may know the family or have heard this tragic news which will have a rippling effect throughout the community," Ms Tsiantas wrote.

"All money will make its way to the children."

Stephanie Purchase also started a gofundme campaign for the children, which has now closed after raising almost $13,000 from hundreds of donations.

"It's never going to fill the hole that will fill the children's lives, but maybe we can lift some of the stress from grieving family members," she said.

"As a close community, this is our way of banding together and helping those in need. I am so deeply saddened by this, this is the only way I felt I could help."

On the page, Ms Purchase, said the money would be used for funerals, food and school costs for the children.

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With Border Mail and AAP