Myra MacDonald


South Asia specialist. Author of "Heights of Madness" and "Defeat is an Orphan; How Pakistan Lost the Great South Asian War."

Inscrit en mai 2008


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  1. a retweeté
    il y a 4 heures

    If the EU does give UK a 9 month extension (not certain, cd be less, cd be more) then what for Brexit & chances of a people's vote? thread 9 months wd give time to hold another EU referendum - but not that much time as it wd probably need 4-7 months. 1/11

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  2. a retweeté
    il y a 4 heures

    Probably the entire Pakistani right wing (including those who can't be named), want Mr. Modi PM of India. His brand of nationalism coupled with Hindutva ideology goes perfectly well with two nations theory and our anti-India rhetoric. A match made in heavens!

  3. a retweeté
    il y a 17 heures

    EU to agree Brexit delay but France pushes for conditions

  4. a retweeté

    Don’t Underestimate Corbyn’s Pet Stalinist – Foreign Policy

  5. a retweeté
    il y a 18 heures

    An excellent letter. True leadership. Let's hope EU27 embrace these ideas with positivity & agree a longer extension. Then UK can indeed "rethink its Brexit strategy" - time for a public debate, and a to

  6. 8 avr.

    I agree with this. Seems obvious to me. But also wondering how we work out how to change the incentives that are encouraging people to go tribal.

  7. 8 avr.

    Overall, while I acknowledge the importance of working out the truth of this F-16 encounter, I’m more worried about the trends. We should be paying far more attention to preventing war between India and Pakistan than to the minutiae of asssertions about the F-16. End of thread.

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  8. 8 avr.

    The previous post-1998 equilibrium was determined by Indian “strategic restraint”. We are now watching India and Pakistan trying to establish a new equilibrium, neither of whom are clear of the rules being followed by the other side.

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  9. 8 avr.

    Among these trends is 1) Pakistan’s support for/tolerance of anti-India militants continues to destabilise the region and indeed Pakistan itself 2) India, particularly post-Pulwama, has begun to rewrite the rules about how it will retaliate.

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  10. 8 avr.

    I’ve not done this for the F-16 row – personally I’m happy to wait until the dust settles. But I also think the F-16 row is blinding us to the bigger picture. Yes of course, it’s important to establish the details but please focus on trends.

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  11. 8 avr.

    But I did want to go over events from 1998 onwards, many of which I had reported myself, and do so with the luxury of time, free of news pressures, to determine what was most likely. It also allows you to establish trends.

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  12. 8 avr.

    When I embarked on my last book (India-Pakistan post 1998 to the present), I started with that awareness than you can’t possibly know anything for sure, particularly in the India-Pakistan confrontation where so much ideology and politics is involved.

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  13. 8 avr.

    Among the most frustrating elements of writing up the Siachen war was that I found contradictions between men who had fought on the same side, sometimes even on the same day.

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  14. 8 avr.

    I learned from my first book on the Siachen war that nobody is a reliable witness. A lot of this is fog of war - tricks of memory, but also hierarchy – people will say what their bosses want to hear, aggrandise their own role, cover up for incompetence or simply get it wrong.

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  15. 8 avr.

    I am trying not to get into the war of words between and over whether or not the Indian Air Force shot down a Pakistani F-16 in their recent confrontation. But since it keeps coming up on my timeline, some general observations (thread).

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  16. a retweeté
    7 avr.

    Fascinating piece by ⁦⁩ I was a strong Brexiteer. Now we must swallow our pride and think again | openDemocracy

  17. a retweeté
    7 avr.

    Brexit and The Politics of Extending Article 50: it's unclear where the EU's leaders may go on extending A50 again on Wednesday - but they hold all the cards - my latest blog

  18. a retweeté
    6 avr.

    Excellent piece from : It’s Modi vs 20 strong state leaders and there is no wave in the air | ThePrint via

  19. a retweeté
    5 avr.

    Tragic, farcical stuff from the latest . Parties failing the nation.

  20. a retweeté
    5 avr.

    In case you’re wondering about last night’s by election result, what it does, doesn’t and might mean I stupidly but predictably stayed up and wrote about it here 👇😴😴


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