Indian Diaspora Firmly United behind Prime Minister Modi’s Historical Step to Demonetize High Currency Notes in India

Overseas Friends of BJP-USA heartily congratulate Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi and his government for taking a long awaited historical step of demonetization of the higher currency notes (Rs/- 500 and 1000) in India with the main goals of eliminating black money and uprooting the cancer of corruption that has been plaguing India for a long period of time. Besides, this single step will also help in a long way to cripple terrorism and Naxalism, fight the drug mafia and the menace of fake currency racket across the border, hawala transactions, and many other social and political evils.

Hence, this one step of Prime Minister Modi had killed many evils in one stroke that have been plaguing Indian economy for long.

Yes, it will cause some temporary short term pains for the citizens and tourists in terms of cash crunch and liquidity but it is a small price to pay in order to get long term and lasting gains for the all-round progress and economic upliftment of the country to benefit all.

Economic experts forecasting that this step will bring down drastically the real estate prices to make housing affordable for all, reduce the taxes, lower the interest rates and also bring down the inflation. Reduction of cash-transactions and using cashless payments will make economy transparent and eliminate the possibility of corrupt practices.

People of India understand this and they in one voice are in support of Modiji’s bold initiative as is evident from all surveys conducted by various groups. Because of the overwhelming support from the public and its long term impact and gains, most opposition parties and leaders are flummoxed and are in a great shock. They are indulging in calumny, disinformation campaign and disrupting the functioning of the Parliament. OFBJP condemns the antics of opposition parties in the strongest terms and urge them to cooperate with the government in executing this step and if they have any complaints or suggestions, present those on the floor of the Parliament. They should be aware that people are seeing through their selfish interests and their dirty hands mired in corruption.
Prepared by: External Communications Committee, OFBJP-USA

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