Trekking Patagonia: from glaciers to temperate forest, it's a world of its own

Treading gingerly across the Perito Moreno Glacier, a 5km-wide mass of moving snow.
Treading gingerly across the Perito Moreno Glacier, a 5km-wide mass of moving snow. Catherine Marshall
by Catherine Marshall

It's said that if you eat the berries of the calafate bush you will return to Patagonia, and so I pluck great handfuls of them off the shrubs carpeting the Andean foothills and crush them optimistically between my teeth. How I long to return here, for even as I explore this landscape it's a mystery to me, a place that's wild and windswept and so capacious it could constitute its very own country.

There are two Patagonias, says my guide Alejandro Capelli, the forest-cloaked Andes straddling Chile and Argentina, and the Argentinian steppe that flares eastwards for about 400 kilometres before petering out into the Atlantic Ocean. Capping this tableau like a rough-drawn border between two countries is the Southern Patagonian Icefield, a vast freshwater reserve that oozes into valleys and basins, carving out a geological history as it goes.

"If you come here [to the icefield] in November and December you can see orchids and hummingbirds – and glaciers!" says Capelli.

It's a marvel, for despite the frigid icecap and the chilled air arising from it, this is a temperate region filled with forests of beech and 10 species of orchid and that portentous, yellow-flowered calafate bush. Foliage curls between the boardwalk slats at Parque Nacional Los Glaciares, while Perito Moreno Glacier is caught mid-surge, a tsunami frozen in time. One of the world's few advancing glaciers, the five-kilometre-wide behemoth calves into Canal de los Tempanos, sending waves and splinters of ice heavenwards.

The glacier feels less intimidating when I'm upon it. Strapping on crampons, I scramble up into its folds with guide Diego Batllosera. This is a world streaked with the blues of airless ice and the blacks of enfolded moraine. It is a giant meringue swirling with unexpected colour and infinite shades of white.

Rumbling ice

We must walk gingerly, for we're atop a mass of compacted, moving snow. We negotiate peaks smudged with dirt and crevasses gurgling with snowmelt. A blast shatters the silence: a chunk of ice splitting from the glacier's snout and crashing into the canal. Perito Moreno rumbles and shudders beneath us, its foundations cracking like glass.

"Don't worry," Batllosera quips, alert to my alarm. "Most people survive."

I see the second Patagonia from my window at the Relais & Chateaux property Eolo: the steppe, extending from one horizon to the other and atremble with golden coiron grass. The hotel is a luxurious capsule set down in the valley of La Anita near El Calafate, and built around a central courtyard to guard against squalls. It commemorates the region's indigenous Mapuche people in the rugs and headboards woven in their traditional patterns, and the European settlers in the pioneer furniture they brought with them when they were sent out to populate this far end of the world.

Chunks of ice crash off the Perito Moreno's snout at regular intervals.
Chunks of ice crash off the Perito Moreno's snout at regular intervals. Catherine Marshall

But there are settlements even more remote than El Calafate. It takes another four hours by road – skirting vast turquoise lakes, crossing landscapes empty but for the occasional rhea (a distant relative of the emu) or llama-like guanaco – to reach El Chaltén. The village squats in the shadow of the legendary Monte Fitz Roy, whose peak marks the border with Chile, its sharpened daggers of granite stabbing the blue sky.

Most people come here to trek this foreboding range but I press on, tracing the Rio de las Vueltas until I reach Lago del Desierto, a narrow lake wedged between the mountains. Autumnal forests tumble down the slopes and tongues of ice slide glacially earthwards. Across the lake stands a log structure, smoke curling from its chimney. This is Aguas Arriba Lodge, a wilderness sanctuary imagined into existence by Patricia Garcia and her husband, Ivor Matovic.

"When I was 17 I saw a picture of the Fitz Roy and I said, 'one day I will go to visit that place'," Garcia says.

Decades later, when her children had left home, she finally came to Patagonia. She and Matovic built the lodge in a place so remote it can only be reached by boat or a three-hour hike through the forest. It is visited by foxes and Andean deer, woodpeckers and wild cows that escaped from farmers who'd once exiled themselves here in exchange for land.

On the road to El Chaltén in the shadow of Monte Fitz Roy, whose peak marks the border with Chile.
On the road to El Chaltén in the shadow of Monte Fitz Roy, whose peak marks the border with Chile. Catherine Marshall

But Garcia is no exile.

"We feel we are guests of this land," she says. "That we have been invited here."

At dawn I stand on the deck and look out across the water at Vespignani Glacier, hanging off the mountainside in voluptuous folds of ice. Monte Fitz Roy's peaks are set aglow by the rising sun. The encroaching forests are choked with calafate bushes. I have eaten their fruit, and so I will return.

The writer travelled to Argentina courtesy of The Classic Safari Company.

Patricia Garcia, co-owner of wilderness sanctuary Aguas Arriba Lodge.
Patricia Garcia, co-owner of wilderness sanctuary Aguas Arriba Lodge. Catherine Marshall


  • Getting there Qantas flies non-stop from Sydney to Santiago and onwards to Buenos Aires and El Calafate with codeshare partner LATAM. See
  • Staying there The Classic Safari Company offers a range of tailor-made itineraries such as a four-night package starting from about $US3550 ($4413) a person, including two nights at Eolo, two nights at Aguas Arriba, activities and private transfers. See
The lodge's location is so remote, it can be reached only by boat or a three-hour hike through the forest.
The lodge's location is so remote, it can be reached only by boat or a three-hour hike through the forest. Catherine Marshall

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